RPGM - Completed - Lust Epidemic [v1.0] [NLT Media]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is not "bad" but after reading the review I was like "omg this look so promising" and…

    First, the scenario is here, it’s kinda cliché but that work I guess.

    Second, the sex scene are awful, I skipped them after 3/4h of gameplay, why ? No dialogue, no build up, is just sex for sex. And scenes last 2 minutes at BEST. The use of "drug" to have sex is the biggest turn off for me, don’t get me wrong I love degenerate shit, but this kind of writing is bad and anticlimactic.

    The girls are cool tho, I mean, the design. And for the boys.. It’s generic

    And for the gameplay it’s fine, nothing much to say, if you play a lot of RPGM game you know what to expect.

    In conclusion, it’s a not horrible game, but a horrible porn game, not getting wet/10
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique RPGM game ( NLT styled)

    Story 9/10

    The story is interesting and interconnected to other projects, one might say you play the bad guy as you go around pumping milfs with a lust serum so they let you smash.

    Gameplay 7/10

    You do puzzles that are pretty simple for the most part until you have to find a tiny hidden item in a corner somewhere. Inventory is terrible. Couldn't find a questlog. When I skip the dialogue sometimes I don't know what I'm suppose to do but that's on me.

    Art and Renders 7/10

    Everything looks kind of dated but still holds up, the milfs are pretty hot imo and the story makes them hotter.

    Amount of Content 10/10

    This game is huge, I haven't actually finished it yet (I will) but I'm a few hours in. The porn is plenty.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game much more than Treasure of Nadia. It’s a great game with a nice incest theme, good art, and an interesting story. Very enjoyable from start to finish. The characters and progression keep it engaging.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    NLT Media really knows how to make a gamey adult game! Adult content and hardcore sex intermingled with puzzles is pretty entertaining. The only problem with the game is, it is relatively dated, meaning the animations can be hit or miss. The setting is pretty unique for a porn game as well, it sort of functions as a murder mystery with a creepy atmosphere. Multiple characters meet grusome deaths in this game, it's wild. However, the story and characters are pretty stupid, it's still a porn game after all and works within porn logic, but the game does try to make sense of this. No spoilers though! NLT also improves on his writing in later games in my opinion. Lust Epidemic sort of feels like a steppingstone from NLT's incestuous comics and short games to his more ambitiuous projects. The game's style is more reminiscent of his earlier projects, but it is the first one to really feed into the weird lore of NLT's video game universe and bring a story that can be expanded on. There are a lot of things in this game that don't feel as complete or as good as in later games, but one thing that NLT does surprisingly well is music. The soundtrack fits almos too well even if it is just stock music. Character design could be better though, and the animations are a bit too janky and robotic for modern standards. The game is still worth it to play though despite its age.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is well made and will satisfy you by having you figure out the mysteries of the game and through the very well animated sex scenes. Gotta love squirting milfs! I definitely think this game should not be skipped and deserves a playthrough even if the sequels tend to get more attention
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I was a bit surprised about how good game of a game this was. I mean, it's a sex game - make no mistake. The majority of the game is you going out and having sex, it's hard making a good story out of that. It's a bit murder mystery, a bit goofy and funny at times. The only downside is this game comes over as very... rape-y.. at times, and creepy, and incredibly perverted. But I'm still going to go back and say; You try making a story line out of a game based off having as much sex as you possibly can.

    The Controls, well.. they are legit one handed, easy to navigate around a with speed controls and fairly linear progression. You'll need to figure out some clues here and there and go back and forth a lot, but the puzzles aren't ones you'll get annoyed with and have to turn to a guide online to figure out what to do, and I'm not entirely sure on this but you should be able to get 100% on the game achievements by just playing the game. You may want notepad open for a few notes here and there but not bad. I finished it in about 2 days watching football on the side and was entertained enough by that.

    For the girls, their bodies are roughly all the same, the voice acting is minimal, not bad but not great either. The scenes are quick and the dialogue is cheesy. There is a sequel coming out (or already is, just isn't available on Steam - which I hope it will be in the near future) that I'm hoping is a bit more improved.

    All things said, I'd probably enjoy this game even if it didn't include the obvious elements that are highlighted. Solid maybe 7.2/10 game, but for a porn game, yeah it's a 9/10 as it's way ahead of the competition.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, let's start this review with a "If you like it, I have nothing against you," but I need to be honest about how I felt playing this game. The game is incredibly annoying. There are so many puzzles that it becomes irritating. Normally, this wouldn't bother me, but in this case, the game crosses the line. There are moments when the game asks you to do something, like delivering an item to a character, just to pad out the playtime. I felt like the narrative dragged on unnecessarily, and when something important finally happens, you already know what's going to happen because the game doesn't do a good job of hiding the obvious.

    The characters are another major issue. Some are so annoying that their humor seems to rely entirely on being "idiots," and it gets tiresome. The protagonist's friend is a prime example of this: unfunny and completely irritating. Plus, there are characters so irrelevant to the story that you couldn’t care less about them. I picked up this game because it was highly recommended, but honestly, I don’t understand what people see in it that makes it so great. I ended up playing more out of obligation than enjoyment, forcing myself to finish it.

    As for the rest of the series, I don’t know if the other games improve, as I need to play more to find out. However, if I were to recommend this one, I wouldn't, unless you have a ton of patience for endless puzzles and a dragging narrative. One thing I can say positively is the +18 scenes, which, though simple, are well done, but the soundtrack is incredibly generic, which takes away from the immersion. But of course, this is just my opinion. Play the game and draw your own conclusions.​
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the PEAK of NLT works!!!!!

    Things that I like:
    - Great characters, they are beautiful and actual contribute to the story instead of being a walking sex doll.
    - Great sex scenes.
    - The horror atmosphere, demonic stuffs are scary as hell, especially when you play the game at night.
    - The story of the game is complete.
    - It opens the future lead to other NLT games.

    Things that I dislike:
    - The scandal happened before the game which lead to main event is from NLT's comics, which may cause some confusion.

    Beside that, I think the game has a disadvantage compare to other games is the outdated graphic because of being the very first game in the franchise. Otherwise this is just perfect.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Yeah, what a game...
    I played it with the walkthrough and I think, that I wouldn't have finished it if not. It's really large and more like a game with sex than a sexgame. I know, that this sound bad but with the walkthrough it was really nice.
    The story is 4/5. It is really well thought but has some lack of reason in my opinion. But all in all a good story. I can only recommend everyone to use the i-mod because that made the story even better and hotter.
    The gameplay is mostly puzzles and discovery and I like that. But I have to say that it was sometimes really hard to see things or to get the conclusion on where to look. Again, without walkthrough I never would've get it to 100%. But if you really like hard puzzles and a demanding research and exploration experience the game is something for you.
    It's also sad that you never see the other ladies but one with a baby belly but that's just something I would've enjoyed to see and nothing that is really bad in my opinion.
    But all in all it is a good game, though a hard one.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The beginning of something huge...
    The game have simple moves and contains variety of gameplay (and s*x scenes). The story gives something new and keep us heated and the characters are all enigmatic and fascinating ! A classic one to play !
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Great pacing
    Great setting
    Great atmosphere
    Great "surprises"
    Great scenarios

    A few of the models are definitely to "mom" tier for me but overall its a good story and good experience so i can overlook it.

    It is the game that put NLT on the map and one of the main girls is definitely returning in the next game. (Symphony of the Serpent)

    Easy recommend.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    maybe it was good for its time, or I'm just the odd one out but this game is way overrated. the actual content does not make up for the amount of menial tasks you have to do. the amount of dialogue and random tasks is worse than big brother or any other popular grindfests I've playeed.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game that started it all. I think this one is honestly one of the best ones in the series, the sex scenes are not anything like the new ones. They aren't bad but older for sure but still have some charm to them.

    What made this game good was the atmosphere. Unlike practically all the new games, this one was entirely done in one location, the atmosphere was amazing. Dripping in mystery and puzzles. I think while the expansion in sequels to other areas makes the games feel bigger, this one did such a good job to make one location work really well.

    I would relate it to the first resident evil. There is some excitement to figure out the whole location, see where the story goes, you have no idea about anything so everything is new. Where as in the newer games you have some idea.

    The characters are pretty well done, the clashes between parties feels more realistic, regular people with real goals and fears. Instead of dodging cults and situations that should definitely get you killed you are arguing and blackmailing and exposing lies. Comes across as a competent murder mystery game.

    The sequels are all good but this one did story and atmosphere the best.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    It is okay, I will spoil some things so if you want to see the story first I would recommend trying it out, the game is average but the story can be fun.

    The music is generic but is fitting expect for the music in sex scenes I didn´t like them at all they were annoying.

    The gameplay is a simple point and click but still fun I liked collecting the collectible even if the rewards for them weren´t worth it, the kamasutra pages give sex scenes without dialogue which are just boring, and the coins give you outfits which girls can wear during those kamasutra sex scenes they looked boring. There were also some etra sex scenes with random girls in the elevator if you fullfill certain conditions but I didn´t care about them. The rest of the gameplay especially the puzzles could be a lot better because the hint system is bad for them.

    The sex scenes which aren´t from the kamasutra aren´t good either, the animations look robotic, the dirty talk isn´t that good, and the situations are all very similar there are way too many threesomes which all feel the same and end the same the end is always one girl gets cum inside her pussy, ass or mouth and then the other girl eats it from her pussy or ass, that was way too overused. There are also way too little women 6 aren´t enough for that many sex scenes that feel the same.

    The models look okay I didn´t find any girl attrative but they weren´t horrible, except some faces they look weird, and the MC just looks awful, he looks very average not interesting at all, his clothes are also boring, and his voice is very annoying, I couldn´t stand him.

    The charaters, themselves are okay but not good.
    The MC as I said didn´t like him his personality was also annoying.
    Valerie I didn´t care about.
    Amanda I disliked I didn´t care about her dominate girls in a threesome and make them feel like sluts fetish she was way too tryhard and her dominant personality felt just cringe.
    Amber annyoing nothing else.
    Katherine was kinda cute but only a little.
    Elizabeth and Violet boring.
    Simon okay at first but was too much of a joke character in the end.
    Andy was pretty good, he even had a bit of a arc.
    Buddie I liked him.
    Mendel I wish his "crazy" transformation was better he was just kinda boring, his model didn´t help very average.
    The private investigator was wasted potential, I don´t even remember his name, he didn´t do anything, looked too similar too mendel and his death had no impact.
    Father parker, wasn´t threatning just silly he also was way too underused.
    Tillman was good I liked him as a villain and his death was funny.

    The story wasn´t that special but I still had fun and wanted to see it to the end. But the game could have been a lot better.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed playing this wonderful, unique and fun game years ago. Now, with the completion of the third game, I wanted to replay the entire series and write a review for all of them. Of course, with %100 completetion

    This was the first game I started playing adult games. I enjoyed it the same way I did when I first played it. Setting, atmosphere, story... Everything is amazing. It has a story with plenty of plot twists that makes you wonder what will happen next. Sometimes scary and sometimes quite goofy. The music, sounds and cutscenes are all on point and fit the atmosphere very well.

    Gameplay.. Definitely my favorite gameplay style. Okay.. When I play RPGM games, I sometimes enjoy combat or different gameplay styles, but this is definitely my favorite. Exploring the map, collecting things, solving puzzles, pondering... I enjoyed every minute of it. Definitely for me~

    Scenes and art. There's no need to talk about it. Absolutely every single one of them is hot and wonderfully made. Fuck.. in fact, to be honest, it was much better than watching porn or hentai stuff! There is no need to even mention the characters. Milfs, teens.. They're all hotter than each other. There are lot of scenes~ In-game scenes aside, and the scenes you access by collecting kamasutra pages specific to each character, there is even a sex chamber you can access towards the end of the game!

    Perfect, perfect, perfect! I enjoyed every minute of it. There's even quite a lot things I haven't mentioned yet. I can't wait to play the next game. Everyone should try this masterpiece!
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    Queen Rat

    ToN was one of the first games that caught my eye when I found this world of adult games, but when I realized it was actually the follow-up to an earlier game, I decided to play Lust Epidemic first. I was not overly entertained.

    It’s not to say that Lust Endemic is a bad game - it is not. It has a massive amount of content, is polished to the level of actual commercial games and it attempts to be more than a standard adult visual novel. The game is built with the RPGM engine, and it reminds me of a pixelated 80’s point-and-click adventure in a retro-nostalgic way, and it works reasonably well.

    The game consists of picking up stuff, using said stuff and talking to people to progress the story and unlocking new areas. My first issue was that there is not much logic behind what you have to do, talking to someone might open conversation options with a different character, with only the barest clue (or none) as to why these occurrences are linked. Items are randomly distributed across the map, the use of which often only becomes apparent much later. Maybe I did not spend enough effort trying to figure things out and there is an underlying logic to it all, but for a casual playthrough you basically need a walkthrough, which is not great for a porn game trying to be more than a wank enabler.

    However, that could be overlooked, I play most of these games with a walkthrough in any case, but what did spoil my enjoyment was the girls. There are four main LI’s - three of them are MILFs - and the ILF part was seriously doubtful to me, as I did not find any of them particularly attractive. All four fall under the “massive tits and ass category”, and while I don’t find the look distasteful in moderation, I don’t find it appealing enough to carry an entire porn game. Two young, slender girls are introduced later in the game, but they are very much side characters with not much content, and by that time I was thoroughly tired of the four main LI’s. That being said, the renders and animations are of a high quality, so there is that.

    To summarize, Lust Epidemic is a highly polished game with a massive amount of content and a reasonably entertaining story. The game part needs a walkthrough for casual (most?) gamers, while the porn sections suffer from lack of variety. If you have a fetish for older MILFs with big boobs and asses, this might very well be the game for you. As for me, there were too many things I did not like to award anything more than an average rating.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I had started playing it long back but didn't finish it then and then I started playing TON and before finishing it I should play this one so that I could get the story points as well. The game is nice but I didn't like RPGM games but TON was nice so I played this, TON is a perfect one so coming back to this older title with lower-quality animation seems a little downer so taking away one star but enjoyed this one.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is literally just Where's Waldo with sex scenes mixed in. The hint system is absolutely required, but even that is too vague to be helpful sometimes.

    If you are playing this for the incest, be patient because it takes like 10-12 hrs just to have sex with mom character. Sex scenes are pretty simple, nothing special. Art is uninspired. I didn't read all of the dialogue because there is simply way too much of it. This game is essentially a virtual novel, given that you don't get to make any real decisions. After 14 hrs on this save, I am only 84% completed, but unsure if it is worth continuing at this point due to being very bored.

    If you want a game with many different and unique sex scenes, this is NOT the game for you. If you like to read A LOT or enjoy where's waldo, you will love this game.
  19. 1.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    This review is for v1.0

    TLDR: too much walking, not enough wanking.

    I really don't know why so many people have rated this game so highly, since 95% of the game is walking around, 4% is doing fetch quests, and then the last 1% is short, mid tier sexy content.

    Like, the models are good, even though I literally spent most of the early game trying to figure out who each woman was since they all look the fucking same, and the animations are good, but literally every sex scene is over in a matter of a few clicks and you have no control over anything.

    Really, this game is a Visual Novel with extra steps...a lot of extra steps...way too many extra steps to the point that you will spend literal hours just walking from one place to the next.

    The MC is...eh, forgettable really.
    He isn't the one who made the magic fuck juice that gets everyone horny, that's a half pint dweeb that for some reason keeps cooperating with us in our pursuit to fuck everyone in the building, even though he is also trying to fuck everything that moves.
    All of the male characters are really just bland and forgettable.

    The most used thing in the entire game is honestly the crystal ball, because there are no indicators as to where to go next, no map icons telling where characters are, and no personal choice on what to do next to the point that if this game has the sandbox tag, it should get flagged for false advertisement.

    The only redeeming quality of this game is the character models, but they can't pick up the amount of slack the rest of this game leaves.

    I recommend picking up a full save and just checking out the gallery, because everything is bland, predictable, and forgettable with way too much time being consumed to progress things.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't usually play this type of game format, but I think this game made me quite enjoyable. The level progression is reasonable, and linear game play made it less of a concern to lose out on content while also worrying about the overall game progression. The main character seems a bit too naive but ultimately did not impact my enjoyment of it