The entire game is ridiculous. Its just a "complex structured" scene player, or datin sim. You go from one place to another getting keys and uinlocking doors to complete subquests and level up the heart level of each girl which allows more lewd scenes.
But msot of the time you use the magic serum that you need to have available in your inventory. And that's it for character development don't expect developping any kind of relationship, maybe the nun, but she also needs the "fuck serum". A plot device is always better than writing 500 lines of character development.
And at some point I found that there are 2 girls behind doors that you need to unlock, to fuck them, I guess, but I don't expect to develop any relationship with them before spraying them with the plot serum.
I find this type of game, very entertaining as a game, but very poor as porn game.
Lets try to summarize and not lose much time with this:
-Visually looks good enough, I dont like this young looking girls with aged face thing that happens to have 95% of similar features, but it looks good.
- The gameplay is entertaining, even if you may find it polintless cause its a porn game.
- Ambient music and sounds and all that, nice.
For the bad:
- As for the Lewd, Way too gameplay heavy, and barely anything story driven. Everything is behind a 90% gameplay element.
- Most of the puzzles only have the objective of unlocking scenes in the scene player "play" menu. Personally I fond it ridiculous, but very convenient for a developer.
- Sexual scenes are the opposite of dynamic, camera seems pretty static and poses also, most of the scenes I watched happened in a single take with one camera angle.
Considering the range of emotions I experienced and the luck of sexual arousal during the 30% I completed, the experience was very poor. I dont consider it terrible cause the gameplay is entertaining, but what I got is not rewarding at all, it didnt do anything for my penis.