
New Member
Aug 21, 2017
Great job so far. I look forward to playing more of this as public releases are posted.

I have a corded 360 controller, do you need something more recent? It doesn't seem to be working. In the meantime, anyone know how to do the mini-game without a controller?
I don't know if this will help you, but it should help anyone who uses x360ce. To get my controller to work, I had to put the x360ce_x64 files in the binaries folder. Filepath: mahou_arms_v00206\MagicalGirlDF\Binaries\Win64

I feel like I'm playing Guitar Hero with those h-scenes. I suck at Guitar Hero. :D


Dec 11, 2017
Can't see sh*t over here, boss! Like, seriously, everything in-game besides the UI and some objects that are clearly meant to be the lights looks so dark I can barely see what's going on, let alone trying to fight against anything.
Is it because I'm playing in a potato pc?


Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
Can't see sh*t over here, boss! Like, seriously, everything in-game besides the UI and some objects that are clearly meant to be the lights looks so dark I can barely see what's going on, let alone trying to fight against anything.
Is it because I'm playing in a potato pc?
That shouldn't be happening. Can you send me a screenshot, your PC specs, and your settings in a PM?


New Member
Aug 27, 2017
The sex QTEs (except for the orgasm QTE) are going away in the next build, it's a high priority item on our trello board now.
Please don't remove them entirely, it really adds a bit of fun to the scenes to have them actually require a bit of effort. Please remember that you are making a porn game and that there should be some game to go with the porn (and I don't mean the entirely separate action sequences). The QTE's are too involved and to properly beat the scenes you need to use BOTH HANDS which is the real problem. Either have the QTE's or just the heart bar part, not both but please don't just turn the sex scenes into "next, next, next, cum".

I have pledged to your patreon and I hope you are successful, this is the first project in a long time that has felt like it actually has some effort and skill behind it. I really like the character designs for some of the other girls and I hope to see them added in the future, I also hope they aren't all quite as easy as Amelia.


Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
Please don't remove them entirely, it really adds a bit of fun to the scenes to have them actually require a bit of effort. Please remember that you are making a porn game and that there should be some game to go with the porn (and I don't mean the entirely separate action sequences). The QTE's are too involved and to properly beat the scenes you need to use BOTH HANDS which is the real problem. Either have the QTE's or just the heart bar part, not both but please don't just turn the sex scenes into "next, next, next, cum".

I have pledged to your patreon and I hope you are successful, this is the first project in a long time that has felt like it actually has some effort and skill behind it. I really like the character designs for some of the other girls and I hope to see them added in the future, I also hope they aren't all quite as easy as Amelia.
Thank you!

I plan on keeping the heart bar, but removing the the QTEs that come up in intervals. But it's easy enough to revert back if it becomes too easy- I'm sure we can find the right balance together. Personally I like having the current amount of QTEs but most people seem to not enjoy it so, there's definitely some some balance in the middle I think we'll all like. The orgasm QTE's are staying in. These changes will roll into the next bleeding edge update soon.

For what it's worth, this demo is supposed to take place in the middle somewhere when they're already in a relationship - the actual campaign won't start from the beginning of the demo. Amelia is someone who immediately looked for a gun when she saw the aliens on the streets, so I don't see her as the kind of girl to just sleep with someone that easily even if she likes him.


Professional Bystander
Staff member
Community Liaison
Aug 14, 2016
.... I don't know how to feel about this...


But nah, seriously, this is really cool. The combat is already pretty good, just needs polish and to be expanded (For instance better soft locking, less slide-y and maybe even a combo list), the art is fucking fantastic, the ui is great and feels very persona like, and you actually have to do things in the sex scenes rather than them just being effectively a video, which is nice (Even if a little hard a times XD)


Game Developer
May 17, 2017
If you're having problems, spam heavy attacks and try to catch all of them in a crowd with it.

I beat the combat part with a minute at 12 seconds to spare. Heavy attacks OP.
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Jul 4, 2017
@paperbag On the topic of QTEs, even though they are more involved than some people would like aka require TWO hands, it seems like you tried to make some sort of rhythm, timing it with your character movements (unless im just crazy) making the qte a lot easier if you follow it and i actually liked it, it felt more involved and more like a game.

Some tweaking will probably be necessary (maybe less buttons to use or slightly more time to press them) but i would leave them in and possibly, since you mentioned there will be a gallery mode, have a QTE free unlocked scene after you do the regular one through gameplay.

Also a question since im curious, are you programming in both C++ and blueprints or just/mainly blueprints?


Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
@paperbag On the topic of QTEs, even though they are more involved than some people would like aka require TWO hands, it seems like you tried to make some sort of rhythm, timing it with your character movements (unless im just crazy) making the qte a lot easier if you follow it and i actually liked it, it felt more involved and more like a game.

Some tweaking will probably be necessary (maybe less buttons to use or slightly more time to press them) but i would leave them in and possibly, since you mentioned there will be a gallery mode, have a QTE free unlocked scene after you do the regular one through gameplay.

Also a question since im curious, are you programming in both C++ and blueprints or just/mainly blueprints?
I actually just did a pass over this - I tried removing them outright but it felt too boring, so here's some of the changes that just got submitted to a development build:

-the time windows are increased from 1 to 2 seconds.
-all the QTE inputs are now one button so your hand never has to leave the same position. (Y or DPad up for gamepad, Space or Enter for keyboard.)
-The pink heart's radius has been increased by 50%

The changes above will be released on Saturday's bleeding build.

In regards to timing- it is roughly timed with your character movements, but as the time when the player hits the button varies, it never really feels that way - in the future I might try a version where the 'thrusts' only happen when you press the correct input, but doing that for this hscene would require a bunch of animation work to be redone so I won't be trying it out for this particular scene. The code does support different behavior for different scenes though, so that might be interesting to try out in another scene in the future.

The project is 99.9% blueprints - all the gameplay logic is BP, but there are some plugins that had to be modified a little to get the game to package properly. On the tools side, the dialogue editor (articy:draft) for the custom visual novel engine component required a ruby script to convert its exports into unreal data table friendly JSON files.


Jul 4, 2017
Animation blending might work here for the timings, slowing down slightly until you press the button and in my case it works rather well for speed params but you might have an extra "layer" so to speak for the animation that would cause issues.

I can imagine BPs are a godsend for artists and AIO game designers to not want to hang themselves working on everything by themselves. Regardless, respect for the work you do! Also, i havent heard of articy:draft before and it seems like something useful for our project as well.

Anyway, like i said previously, for some reason the demo tells me, aside from the features in it, that you have direction and experience and will most likely create a great game so keep up the good work and im looking forward to future builds! :)


Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
Animation blending might work here for the timings, slowing down slightly until you press the button and in my case it works rather well for speed params but you might have an extra "layer" so to speak for the animation that would cause issues.

I can imagine BPs are a godsend for artists and AIO game designers to not want to hang themselves working on everything by themselves. Regardless, respect for the work you do! Also, i havent heard of articy:draft before and it seems like something useful for our project as well.

Anyway, like i said previously, for some reason the demo tells me, aside from the features in it, that you have direction and experience and will most likely create a great game so keep up the good work and im looking forward to future builds! :)
We use a 1D Blendspace with 2-3 synchronized animation loops for each actor in the each hscene section currently, driving the blend with the x axis of the bar and the speed (0.5-1.5) with the y axis of the bar. For 3D like this, it looks really weird when you slow it down to 0 completely, and slowing it down to something like 0.01 or something will still give you synchronization issues - I think ideally the best way to handle this is to put the idle on a loop and the 'thrusts' on non-looping anim montages (with blending in and out) for the kind of behavior you're thinking about. That way the sense of weight won't be lost from the thrusts since the timing won't be stretched to something like 0.1 playback speed.

I can see slowing anims down working if it's something like bullet time, but who wants bullet time every time an hscene QTE comes up... maybe in very limited use cases this can be used.

Some playback speed control or maybe multiple montages blending together would add to the player agency for this model, so it's not always the same exact thrust animation whenever someone hits a successful QTE.

I do think this model looks good for some things, and is probably what I will do for some hscenes in the future. For "first time" H-events, I think input-driven thrusts make sense, for example.

And yeah, BP is wonderful for anyone that isn't a dedicated programmer. Sometimes I play around and make random things in it like quadcopter simulators because it's fun and I want to try it out.

Thanks! I do have an industry background. If you're more interested in the direction of the game, you can check out the game's .

Is this the poor perverted man's Nier?
Song of the Ancient Perverts starts playing
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Engaged Member
Respected User
Feb 12, 2017
So finally got around to trying this. It was able to run well enough after putting all settings on ''Potato''. Better than nothing I suppose.

This was tough. I really suck at this game. And I'm not a fan of time trials. But the gameplay's still fun. Real simple. I think. I only figured out two attack buttons. So maybe there's more shit I didn't find out and it's a lot more complex. But my Right Click was all I needed and that's good enough for me.
But on to the important bit. The H.
Animation's great. I'll say that first of all. Love the models and love how it all moves. Well, the bits I could see anyway. If the Japanese ever learn to censor all their porn this way I might never be able to fap again. XD
Not that I could fap in the first place. :(
Judging by most of the comments, this is an unpopular opinion, but I REALLY don't like the QTE in the H-scene. Personally, I play H-games to fap, and the H is the reward for completing whatever challenge the game throws at me. If the H itself is also a challenge then why am I here? I can't fap while trying to pay attention to all that shit. I mean, maybe I could. But it would be really hard. And there's a lot to pay attention to. Not only did I have to keep an eye on the bar below, but the QTE prompts aren't all in the same spot. It was very hard keeping track of them. At least to me. But maybe that's just me. In which case, damn, I need to see a doctor. I'm getting slow in my young age. Didn't help that I also had to figure out the buttons on the keyboard. That took a while. But that's my fault for not having a controller.
Now, I already saw a post about this being more simplified in the next version, so that's good. I'd rather it be removed completely. But like I said, unpopular opinion. Clearly I'm in the minority. And that's fine. Your game, your rules. I ain't gonna complain. As long as I have at least one free hand during these scenes, or some kind of gallery mode where I don't have to touch any buttons at all and can just watch, then I'm satisfied.

Oh and one last thing. I think I read somewhere that this was the case, but I just wanna double check. This game won't have any hardcore fetishes, will it? Such as rape, mind break and so on. It will mostly be a vanilla dating sim when it comes to the H, right?
As I'm sure almost everyone here knows, 'cause I don't shut up about it, I'm a sucker for rape. So I just gotta know.
It's fine if there's none of that. I think it's a bummer if that's the case. Especially considering the setting. Lots of potential for it. But hey, not every game has to have it, right? Vanilla fans deserve something too. I'm just curious so I know not to get hype about content that won't ever come. :biggrin:

Overall: Fun game. I like it. Just give me a way to actually fap to its H-content and it's a 10/10. :)
3.40 star(s) 14 Votes