So finally got around to trying this. It was able to run well enough after putting all settings on ''Potato''. Better than nothing I suppose.
This was tough. I really suck at this game. And I'm not a fan of time trials. But the gameplay's still fun. Real simple. I think. I only figured out two attack buttons. So maybe there's more shit I didn't find out and it's a lot more complex. But my Right Click was all I needed and that's good enough for me.
But on to the important bit. The H.
Animation's great. I'll say that first of all. Love the models and love how it all moves. Well, the bits I could see anyway. If the Japanese ever learn to censor all their porn this way I might never be able to fap again. XD
Not that I could fap in the first place.

Judging by most of the comments, this is an unpopular opinion, but I REALLY don't like the QTE in the H-scene. Personally, I play H-games to fap, and the H is the reward for completing whatever challenge the game throws at me. If the H itself is also a challenge then why am I here? I can't fap while trying to pay attention to all that shit. I mean, maybe I could. But it would be really hard. And there's a lot to pay attention to. Not only did I have to keep an eye on the bar below, but the QTE prompts aren't all in the same spot. It was very hard keeping track of them. At least to me. But maybe that's just me. In which case, damn, I need to see a doctor. I'm getting slow in my young age. Didn't help that I also had to figure out the buttons on the keyboard. That took a while. But that's my fault for not having a controller.
Now, I already saw a post about this being more simplified in the next version, so that's good. I'd rather it be removed completely. But like I said, unpopular opinion. Clearly I'm in the minority. And that's fine. Your game, your rules. I ain't gonna complain. As long as I have at least one free hand during these scenes, or some kind of gallery mode where I don't have to touch any buttons at all and can just watch, then I'm satisfied.
Oh and one last thing. I think I read somewhere that this was the case, but I just wanna double check. This game won't have any hardcore fetishes, will it? Such as rape, mind break and so on. It will mostly be a vanilla dating sim when it comes to the H, right?
As I'm sure almost everyone here knows, 'cause I don't shut up about it, I'm a sucker for rape. So I just gotta know.
It's fine if there's none of that. I think it's a bummer if that's the case. Especially considering the setting. Lots of potential for it. But hey, not every game has to have it, right? Vanilla fans deserve something too. I'm just curious so I know not to get hype about content that won't ever come. :biggrin:
Overall: Fun game. I like it. Just give me a way to actually fap to its H-content and it's a 10/10.