RPGM - Completed - Meritocracy of the Oni & Blade + Append [Complete Edition] [ONEONE1]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this game a long time ago. It was one of my all time favorites. But im surprised seeing the "in my opinion" low rating on the game. After reading some of the reviews im fully baffled about what the fk are these people saying.

    This is one rare games that made me NOT quit on RPGM games. And kept me not checking off this engine/style game. By this point i only remember the core store points, cant really discuss too much detail on it. but 5/5 everyone should try atleast once.
    It is a bit dated and older now so that might be a only turn off.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect game from ONEONE1. So if you like their other games, you would love that one. Cute heroine, a lot of events and fetishes, hot arts. What else do you need? Huge bonus of every game from that dev - different routs for character and her development. She can be pure, slut with strong will or obedient slave-girl
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Xander Moro

    Even today, ONEONE1 continues its pipeline with demons and dark elves, but man, it's still freaking hot.
    It's a very intense project, tons of animated and tasty fight H-scenes (which already simply overrides ANY minuses), the combat system itself is not tricky and from the outside is more to please the lustful gaze, the drawing here though has a more classical style but is more pleasant if compared to the last projects, the plot is in the style of average shonen, there are also dark sides with more pronounced problems of the suffering world: psychopaths, maniacs, horny, lust for power and authority.
    In general, almost everything you can see from ONEONE1 will always be similar to each other, but will not cease to be atmospheric, twisted in every sense and most importantly for WHY everyone is here, damn hot !
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    1/5 awful rpgm game, waste of time

    - long tedious grindy gameplay with endless missions, boring story

    - bad art, something is wrong with dimensions

    - Outdated ancient engine, with a 480 pixels screen

    - the worst part yet the story goes directly against the flow of an hrpg, the more you play the less scenes you see, neither does it go the other way, there is no corruption.

    She is either virgin or a brainless give it to everyone whore.

    - A bunch of npcs thrown around the place with no context, and mini H-scenes is just making it all worse.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know why this isn't rated higher, its my favorite oneone1 game.

    The art is great, the translation is good, the corruption is satisfying. the beginning is a little slow, like most of Oneone1's games, but once things get rolling its a steady pase of great scenes.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I didn't finish this one. It isn't really a corruption, she becomes a complete whore who will do absolutely anything right after the first time she gets raped. The tiers of lewdess just kinda change how excessively into it she is. The battlefuck is garbage, the enemy will just rape you instead of attacking randomly, its the same quick animation and no other effects really.
    Just download a complete save and check out the gallery, then move on.
    Also she has a weirdly long belly, like from her tits to her hips, its super long, it looks really weird.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The game gives great importance to the story and I don't know if I missed something but there wasn't much else besides it.
    There are some events in the open world that are unlocked the more corrupt the protagonist is but they are not very interesting, so are the events of the story but they are post-defeat scenes.
    The story is boring, not much but you're going to want it to be faster, especially in the second half of the game.
    The endings are pretty uninteresting, all the art in the game is good yes, but the accompanying stuff is pretty weak.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    This is easily one of my favorite H games not just because the quality of the sexual scenes is enjoyable, but because the plot is actually really enjoyable to the point that I played through the game multiple times to see some of the different endings.

    It's very rare that a porn game has a story that by itself is so enjoyable that it warrants multiple playthroughs, but this game did it and managed a multiple pathway plot that is honestly superior to the majority of anime plots nowadays.

    Really I would love a sequel to this game.

    The only problem I have with the game is it is a lose-to-win type game with the H content and the combat is exceptionally easy so you have to WANT to lose in order to see anything sexy (at least until you get the reverse rape moves, but that requires going down a complete loss path to unlock).
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Nsfw part is a little lacking (art and cutscenes are mediocre) but I did enjoy the gameplay, and the game even has replayability, because it's one of the few games where you actually do have different routes that aren't just slight variants of each other. Unique game, enjoyable game, game that's worth a download.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Meritocracy of the Oni Blade is surely one of my favourite hentai pregnancy games made by OneOne1.
    The art here is well made and very hot, also the protagonist is so freaking hot and cute :sneaky:
    The voice acting here is very good, it fits perfectly on the characters.
    About the gameplay, well the gameplay here is very similar to others oneone1 games like ideology on friction.
    The characters here are charismatic too.
    Now about the best part of the game, there is actually pregnancy here !!!
    However like the description says:

    "8) To activate the pregnancy feature you first have to fail 3 missions which will get you kicked out of school and transferred to a new school. Then, you need to fail 3 more missions and the pregnancy feature will become unlocked. NOTE: The MC can only get pregnant with monster characters. Outside of some bad endings, getting pregnant with human NPCs is impossible. "
    So yeah, the protagonist can only get pregnant by monsters on the gameplay, there are 3 phases: "safe day, normal day and dangerous day".
    There are three different types of birth scene, she can give birth to orcs,tentacles and eggs.
    So enjoy some preggo/birth content :sneaky::coffee:
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Music was dope at times, good voice, decent art, boring combat (regular felt easy), shit lore (cliches and just an extra level of creep factor), meh characters (overused and just badly done), and the game crashed when I went to sell myself in a brothel
    Likes: Lelix
  12. 3.00 star(s)



    Is my general evaluation of this game.
    But it's old as heck so not a big surprise.
    There's censor, there's rather shit old rpg-maker engine (probably the oldest of them all), there's low-res art, and the evil route kinda turned out boring.

    Heck, all this "route" system is boring.
    Oh well, there was at least one boss fight i rather enjoyed so.. not all bad.
    :giggle: :coffee:
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Typical OneOneOne JRPG game, delivers on the tags

    - Pro:
    - Sexy corruption path with prostitution, humiliation, rape, submission and slave elements
    - Easy combat
    - Sexy main character
    - You can choose to fail key fights so you can steer your path in that direction

    - Con:
    - Same pictures are used over and over
    - Censored and imo ugly hentai art
    - Gets repetative due to same art

    I liked it for the submission events that you can throw the MC into, not so much for the art.

    If you like it you also should try The Heiress, which is very similar (just make sure you loose all money before chapter 2 in that game to get the slave/submission route).
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    A typical OneOne1 game in which the MC goes from nun like virgin to slut who will suck some dick for 5$ bucks(usually after getting raped or fucking themselves with dildo). what it lacks in originality (among games like Ideology in friction, kill time, Dark elf and the others) it makes up for being a solid JRPG H-game. The game includes your typical fare with the RPG maker combat, the combat sex scenes and the "no game over losses" during which the MC will get raped by the victorious monster/bandit/animal.

    If this is your first OneOne1 outing than I recommend playing Ideology in friction first or one of the other OneOne1 games that Kagura games have gotten around to de-censoring and translating. Although amongst the ones Kagura games haven't translated and de-censored, this one is by far the best as it has a readable English translation unlike dark elf and the other which have some very bad machine translated "Engrish."

    Anyways it's a good game to play when you're bored and can't find anything more innovative and have already played through Ideology in friction.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Time for a review of Meritocracy of The Oni & Blade

    Meritocracy of the Oni blade is a pretty decent game, mostly. The game allows for various ways of playing the game as there are two primary roads through it.

    The game consists of being on the academy and taking on various missions where you kill monsters. The game is pretty easy and the monsters are often beaten without much difficulty - at least in my experience.

    One of the real strengths of this game is probably how well the information is conveyed. It is done via a well made menu which also allows you an overview of various stats etc.

    The downside of the game is that to actually get any H-scenes in combat and such, you will have to go the second route in the game. The second route is much more forced in its nature - and that can be a bit rail roading like.

    For info, going the second route is also the only way to get pregnant, and you can only become pregnant by monsters. Lastly, while pregnancy can happen - and I'm always a fan of that as it can punish you that much harder, it isn't all that much developed.

    So, let's cut it down for fast(er) reading:

    The Good
    • Good menu and easy to view stats.
    • Great H scenes
    • The combat is not too grindy

    The In-between
    • The story is very manga like.

    The Bad
    • Parts of the game, like pregnancy, is locked in certain routes.
    Likes: mc247
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, well, a precursor(not a prequel, just a similar game)to their Ideology in Friction game, which shares not just plot structure, art style and points, but also the dreaded gameplay, which consists of mindlessly fighting weak enemies and maybe a moderate boss, and assuming you didn't lost even once, offering your virginity to a male ally.

    Anyway, let's explore deep down what it is: story wise, its just a place where you were trained to fight monsters(just like the elf sisters one)for an academy, and your sidekicks are, well, also trained just like you, and later, while you are doing your job, you and your allies realize that your leader is actually pretty evil and wants to rule the world, so you and your allies rebel against her...and that's a partial summary for "good" path, which is the one where you didn't lose once, and of course, there is "neutral" where you have to use sex for some reason, and then "evil" where again, you are trying to make it all yours. The entire plot is just so obsessed with violence and somewhat sex, nor trying to make it believable, to point I feel nothing for it, neither for characters.

    And if story isn't bad enough, let's look onto gameplay: its basically visual novel RPG Maker style game, where you have 1v1 fights with things that normally wont try to rape you unless you lose even once. And that's how boring it is - explore the dungeon for stuff and be done with it, fight weak enemies and the boss in the end, walk to towns to talk for characters for stuff and that's it - no meaningful exploration, no deviation for something interesting. Just sidetracked things and fights.

    The sex parts, just like their other games, are mostly locked behind lose once and then you can see them all mechanic, which means you wont experience sex for most part unless you lose ever once. Thankfully, they give you all scenes once you complete the game, and depending on game, ability to play on a different route, but it still feels off with such mechanics in place.

    The soundtrack? Again, trying to be epic and badass but failing in both and also feeling out of place at points.

    With the pieces aside, what's the entire game itself? 6 hours or something of boredom, just trying to get it done with gameplay and incoherent story, that tries to be badass and sexy yet feeling revolting at same time. That's not to mention usual typos and other minor translation errors. For 10$+, you'd expect something good, but instead, you get something that is just...disappointingly pathetic.
  17. 1.00 star(s)

    Duc de Pouille

    This one is a bit of an oddball... It has a lot of neat things I haven't seen in other games, I was eager to see how it all works out, but I can't bring myself to keep going.

    After I spent three hours beating lame dungeons and getting my ass groped I was wondering where all those good H-scenes were. Turns out you have to get defeated and raped to get the lewdness started. Doesn't make sense, the game spends a lot of time establishing how badass and gifted you are, but whatever. Tried out a couple of rape scenes, didn't like them, didn't keep them.

    What to do then? The google-translated walkthrough tells me I have to get groped ten times, advance the story to chapter 3, go to random dude in random city, buy a dildo off him, sleep at the inn, and finally masturbate and pop my cherry when the prompt asks me if I really want to. Then I can walk out, talk to the guy in the next room and get fucked for money.

    Nothing in the game ever hints at any of that. It can't be found without a walkthrough or a lot of time to waste. It's like the developers had to implement this dildo option and made it suck because they didn't like it. There's no reason it couldn't have been accessible at a shop right from the get go, actually that'd have been better for both the story and gameplay.

    I read the flavor text, tried to care about the setting, story, characters. I essentially spent four hours putting up with a mediocre anime and an insulting J-RPG. The combat, looting and leveling are pointless even by ero-game standards. The narrative relies on insipid horror and a dark atmosphere. The dialogues lack some wit and they're packed with the usual tropes. The assets are generic, the visuals are bland, the music is inappropriate at times. The art would be good if this was the 90s, but even then the inconsistencies would stand out.

    Overall it feels cheap and lazy, like a game made by someone with good ideas and low standards. You shouldn't play it unless you really dig the art style and you're all about female warriors getting raped. But even then, I've played Princess Go Round, Sangeki of Gear, Kunoichi Botan, even Rapelay or PlayHome, all cute games which get their rapey point accross nicely, and I recommend them all many times over this one.

    Realistically my rating would be a 2, cause this game still has things going for it, but I'd like to take it down a notch. Japanese ero-games rated 4+ with more than a couple reviews are rare and this shouldn't be one of them.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Note: My “review” is general overview of a game and with heavy weight on how much I enjoyed it rather than “critical/objective” rating. In another words my “review” is PERSONAL ENJOYMENT + a bit of “critical” rating/comments.

    +rather enjoyable story (would be great Anime)
    +great MC voice and VA in general
    +all female characters voice acted
    +3 routes with multiple endings and variations
    +fun combat (legit, cheesing etc.. methods)
    +new game plus offers comfortable route selections (without having to worry too much how you play)
    +some rather great music
    +plenty of scenes and CG
    +rather great CG
    +lot of neat kinks and well made scenes
    +Great H-menu
    +Really nice and comfortable scene replaying method
    +Both win or loss paths offer plenty of scenes (I'm usually not fond of "lose to see lewds" type of games..)

    -bodies/anatomy a bit odd at times
    -finding routes/endings legit can be tedious (I used google translated guide)
    -after losing purity the options have rather sudden jump

    What else to add.. this game took me quite a while to fully finish. I wanted to get all endings and scenes and they were well worth it. I enjoyed almost every scene that this game offered.

    Main character voice was damn pleasant and plenty of really neat side characters. Orizuru :)

    Anyhow. entertaining and plenty of great lewds.

  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This is the 4th or 5th One1One game I have played in last couple of years. It is the only one with a good translation, all the others were barely playable. I am only giving this 2 stars because once you remove the story about blades, stolen from Onimusha it seems to me. Once this is gone it is exactly the same game as all the others. Same routes, same scenario's. Some times even the CG's seemed exactly the same. All in all it's another story about an all powerful Female warrior..who has to keep losing in order for you to see any sex. You do have to make her lose because it's real easy to beat. It is boring and generic.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best one's I've played ever, and probably my favourite since Ariadne :p The story in particular actually gripped me, which is rare among these types of games. Coupled with a decent translation and a few twists here and there (some executed better than others though :L) it kept me interested enough to not skip the cutscenes :p all in all, great HRPG, not without it's flaws of course, but those are few and relatively far between. 4/5, must play :D