Wow, never expected ONEONE1 to impress me after all the other games they've shelved out before. Probably helps that this game's translation is LEAGUES better compared to every other game that you could play.
What surprised me the most was that this game's plot was actually pretty decent... well, for ONEONE1 standards anyway XD
What isn't surprising is how straightforward it is. Those aiming to get the "Happy End" will no doubt be pleased, because all it takes is to just NOT fuck with anything else (surprising, I know...). Only at the very end did I actually managed to get Aika into a relationship, while I feel it was kind of cliche, it does fit... sort of.
What IS surprising is how much of a jump she has in terms of sex. The moment she loses her virginity, even if you do it with a dildo, she goes from shy to full blown whore, having next to no reservations. I kind of expect that from getting raped, but from a self-inflicted dildo? OK, that's enough of me applying logic to hentai XD
Overall, this was the best ONEONE1 title I've played, though I did kind of like Dark Elf Historia (because I like hot elves), this game gets my full approval.