RPGM - Completed - Meritocracy of the Oni & Blade + Append [Complete Edition] [ONEONE1]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Good art, great translation, nice scenes and script, pretty interesting story, strong characters with personality, great voice acting, satisfying endings, unique reactions from almost every NPC when you talk to them naked, pretty good combat system. There is a bit of grinding if you want to increase lust levels asap though.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, never expected ONEONE1 to impress me after all the other games they've shelved out before. Probably helps that this game's translation is LEAGUES better compared to every other game that you could play.

    What surprised me the most was that this game's plot was actually pretty decent... well, for ONEONE1 standards anyway XD

    What isn't surprising is how straightforward it is. Those aiming to get the "Happy End" will no doubt be pleased, because all it takes is to just NOT fuck with anything else (surprising, I know...). Only at the very end did I actually managed to get Aika into a relationship, while I feel it was kind of cliche, it does fit... sort of.

    What IS surprising is how much of a jump she has in terms of sex. The moment she loses her virginity, even if you do it with a dildo, she goes from shy to full blown whore, having next to no reservations. I kind of expect that from getting raped, but from a self-inflicted dildo? OK, that's enough of me applying logic to hentai XD

    Overall, this was the best ONEONE1 title I've played, though I did kind of like Dark Elf Historia (because I like hot elves), this game gets my full approval.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the story, game play and artwork. The characters have a good charisma and a fine personality. The story is also very exciting and very well told. The classic RPG style is very well implemented and never boring
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice story and music for such a H-game, tho there were some bugs which have already been fixed earlier. Many endings depend on player's choice. The translation is good on this latest game of OneOne1 despite some
    negligible errors. Worth trying
  5. M
    3.00 star(s)


    This game has three routes and ten endings so itll keep you busy for a while and comparing it to Dark Elf also by OneOne1 the translation is a lot better.

    Though my biggest problem with this game and other games by OneOne1 is there is just too much of a jump after losing you virginty.

    In this game you can loose your virginty to a viberator and the main charcter will have no issue whoring herself out afterwards.

    The pregnancy system only comes into play in the later half of the game and humans cant get the main charcter pregnant only monsters can, its not that deep of a system. She finds out she pregant then goes to a place to deliver it and then shes back where she was.
    There are items to stop giving birth, but the whole pregnancy system just seemed tacked on.

    The game will keep you busy, but If you primarly enjoy the corruption aspects of these games, I would look somewhere else.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This game advertises having ten different endings from three different routes. Virgin route, Prostitute route, and Evil Route. I avoided all sexual harassment, did the missions, spoke to every person in the game - was going for full completionist virgin - but got Prostitute route. And no matter how many times I try - I can't get anything else!!!

    Whats the point of having two other routes, if you can never actually reach them without a game guide and a miracle - huh???

    So I played the game a full hour as pure virgin girl and suddenly, BOOM - gang raped. I didn't get any choice in the matter - just gang raped. It advertises all these choices of routes and endings - but in truth - it was all a lie!!!

    The porn is good, the RPG elements are slow but good, but overall, this game is - not worth spending money on. Thank goodness its free though! But even so, it doesn't really do much for me.

    Like it advertises corruption but - random gang rape out of your control - is the WRONG way to do it - makes it feel like I may as well not play - I can just watch a video of the gameplay since I have no influence over anything!