
Jul 17, 2022
does anyone get the bug when in main route chapter 3 you success in 2/3 quest but then gets expelled anyway?


Jul 23, 2017
Slightly disappointed in this one, at least if you play this after ideology in friction, the other game by same devs - you will clearly see how much better the latter became.
On the other hand - since this one released earlier at least you can see the improvement of the 2nd one. There are A LOT of similarities between the 2 games as well.(hell, maybe it's even TOO similar)
Overall - if you enjoyed this and didn't play ideology in friction yet - certainly do so, it's literally this game 2.0.(not counting this one having some less grindy H and quality of life settings)

But since game lacked good walkthrough bar the google translate one which can give you some doubts...
And since game was shorter and less grindy especially in terms of H than ideology in friction - I decided to make a somewhat 'perfectionst' playthrough guide for those who want to see all/most content in the game.

Japanese summary walkthrough is still somewhat useful and still something that you will likely need to use anyway to find some details, so here you go:

Before we start with the actual playthrough guide - some things first:

1) Settings - I highly recommend going to settings to set the following things:
Always dash turned on(no reason not to), H scene NPCs shown(just a neat optional thing), Skip Watched H scenes(go for choose or skip, up to you), event battles - choose
Obviously you can change those later based on what you want, I am mostly mentioning those here to notify you of the existence of those settings.

2) Left ctrl allows you to skip dialogues at rapid pace, very useful for repeated dialogues, especially on playthrough 2.

3) Some general recommendations regarding combat/exploration/equipment:

Exploration - overall try to explore the dungeons, they are small but sometimes have some useful accessories in 'dead ends'.
Not much else to mention aside of checking the white urns when you see them(those have some minor loot in them often)

Combat - combat is pretty simple. You either choose an element to hit with to 1 shot most normal enemies or a special attack based on enemy type.
Most efficient way of spending TP in normal fights is usually to use the correct anti X(human/beast/etc), it will one shot with latest weapon against most normal enemies.
Element magic is even more simple - you usually have to use the most up to date one to one shot the enemy(sometimes it won't though).. correct element is usually logical.
Orcs/beasts/plants usually weak to fire, a lot of demons usually weak to ice(but not all), fishes weak to thunder and so on. Humans are usually neutral so best to use the human killer TP move.

Equipment - equipment is pretty simple, weapon/armor is best bought from shop at start of each chapter. This is usually best available one for the chapter.
With armor though - there will also be an elemental armor alternative, which is usually better once you find it. Those are in chapter 3+ dungeon chests.
As for accessories - you got 2 slots. You will probably get 'attacker' first, after that you should find a speed ring and then afterwards you can replace attacker with TP booster.
In the end your accessory will likely be critical up and TP regen.

That's about it for the general tips, so let us proceed to how you can see the most in the least amount of playthroughs while keeping at least some power in between:

First of all let's talk about the routes and endings. Game has 3 routes, let's summarize them as 'good route', 'neutral route' and 'evil route'.
Good route is essentially you beating all missions.. has 4 endings - pure love/virgin, normal end(not fit for pure love), lewd end(lewd lvl 3), bad end - lose final fight.

Neutral route is losing a total of 3 missions on chapters 2-3 to get expelled from the good route. This is where most H action functions start to show up.
This route has 3 endings - spare everyone in final chapter + less than 15 murders and less than 20 births, next one is failing to do one of those.. and final is keeping everyone alive but losing final fight.

Evil route - evil route is available from both good and neutral but makes most sense to go into from neutral one. This route is where the most kinky/evil stuff is.
It's a chapter 5 only thing for when you were too evil for the neutral route(killing people enough)
Has 3 endings - all endings work if you spare everyone.. one ending is sealing boss, one is killing it and one is losing to it.

Now comes the actualy 'perfect save file' walkthrough:

For actual mission info if you ever need help with them(they are usually straightforward but I will tell important choices if they are needed) - check the file I posted for the google translated japanese walkthrough.
I am just doing summary here to see majority of the things in the game with least effort.

1) First playthrough:
First playthrough is going to be simply the 'good route' with all endings while keeping virginity. Reason for that is you will need less repeating in end game content and it's actually the one that
explains the most story wise, so you will likely understand the story a bit more clearly with this playthrough being first.

I will go through this chapter by chapter:
Prologue - not much to do there, there are some chests to loot inside the academy. One of them(in the basement/lowest prison floor of main school building) has an item that sets
your defence to 1.. this is useful for losing to monsters. A bit less useful in this game since game allows you to lose any boss fights with choice if you made the settings changes that I told about.
Other than that - simply beat it and get to chapter 1.

Chapter 1 - you can get an H scene peeing in the toilet now..
One 'side quest' is available, which is got by talking to letty in the meeting room and then going through Monster's nest dungeon.
Do not skip side quests, usually there is 1 each chapter and missing some might lock you out of pure love ending.
Aside of that - simply complete this chapter. You will be able to watch the H scenes in neutral + evil second playthrough, so I wouldn't bother save/load losing, but up to you.

Chapter 2 - another side quest, this time another quest where you will meet crow is available. Make sure to complete it.
There is a small difference of boss in coal mine if you do other missions first.. as 3rd mission it will be a bit stronger.. nothing too important though, just a minor detail.
The ruins dungeon has speed ring in one of the chests, which is nice accessory temporarily at least.

Again - not much to do in this chapter, we will see those scenes for failing later, but again - up to you.

Chapter 3 - a few things before we start with this chapter are:
1. You can buy the vibrator from francis town tool shop owner(not his wife who sells stuff but actual owner above her) if you have sex harassment 10+ or H peeping 5+
Do buy it, you will need it since we are keeping virginity until the very last moment when we will save/load for different endings. This allows you to remove virginity by sleeping at inn.

2. This chapter has 2 side quests - one is letty one, she is near the inn. Another one is with crow and he is near shopkeepers in academy.

3. On mission where you prevent assassination - do NOT chase the assassin or you will fail the mission(!!!)

4. The sea god dungeon has an accessory called skill booster which doubles the TP gain, it's probably best in the game.

Aside of those 4 tips - it's yet again a simple chapter you want to fully complete.. there will be something unique with sea god quest, but that will happen on our 2nd playthrough.

Chapter 4 - yet again there is a sidequest with Letty, this time you need to go to dormitory then instantly go upstairs and into the leftmost room where Letty resides.

A few other specialties about this chapter:
The dagma village quest has a different boss depending on it being first/last mission, just a minor detail.
The magatama quest has an H scene for losing boss fight - you will want to save/load to check that one out since we won't be coming this far into the 'good' school chapter next time.

After you clear initial 3 missions - you will get a quest which matters, I recommend saving before talking to nurse for an optional scene, here are the options:
'I can't accept it' - the main one where you need to play the chapter a bit longer, do that one last as that's the one we will be continuing with, this one is needed for one of the endings.
'Leave it to teachers' - this is the extra(non H) scene that I mentioned, I recommend doing it first if you care and then going back by loading and choosing 1st option.. it's mostly a 'skip gameplay and watch summary without your interjection option', this makes Omero die and you lose pure love end chance.
'Think more carefully' - this does nothing, simply allows you to choose the above 2 again.

Once you beat this part and are back to school - simply go to the top left from where you appear to place that was usually no entry before to finish the chapter 4.

Technically if you have corruption 3 here - you can proceed directly to evil route, but since we are keeping virginity and such - we are just proceeding further.

Chapter 5 - the final chapter of 1st playthrough.
Overall it's pretty straightforward at this point with not much choice of how to proceed, but you need to be mindful of how far you can proceed before making final save file.
You will also unlock new town and last of the purchasable weapons/armors are sold right now.(although the previous elemental armor you should have from ch4 is better overall)
You can still explore the old towns and such though until point of no return, so you can still change conditions for all endings.

Simply talk to everyone to proceed with the story.
First dungeon you will go to is scar of the oni - there is nothing to loot there, so no need to bother looking.

Second dungeon is sylphs dwelling - it has some consumable chests, fairy drop is an infinite consumable for MP restoration.. mostly minor.
What is important in 2nd dungeon is that you defeat the boss - she has some strong attacks that can drop a lot of HP so you need to always keep HP near the max and use TP moves otherwise.
If you win against this boss - you get BY FAR the best armor in the game.

3rd dungeon is sacred mountain - this one has a very good accessory in it which raises crit chance and attack.(it's not far from the start of frost part of the location, chest is a bit 'hidden' looking)
I recommend this accessory + TP regen as 2 accessories.
The boss of this dungeon drops your first sex accessory if you win.. which is neat, but not too important in this playthrough(WARNING - THIS ONE WILL NOT GET CARRIED OVER TO NG+ IF YOU HAVE IT EQUIPPED DURING FINAL BOSS FIGHT FOR SOME REASON, MAKE SURE TO HAVE IT UNEQUIPPED, IT'S USELESS ON THIS PLAYTHROUGH ANYWAY).
Boss itself would be strong if you didn't have the armor from previous one, but as is - she will be easier.

Once you are done with dungeon 3 you are back to the base. If you get a kiss scene with crow there - you have done everything correctly and your save file is ready for the pure love end.
You also get the sword which is useful for the last boss but not very spectacular otherwise(which also means you really want the best shop sword as that one will get carried over)... You also don't get to keep it as carryover, so whatever.

Once you are free to move again - this is the point of no return. At this point make your 'main save file' from which you will continue.
The last ending you will see will be used as carryover save file(at least from what I understood).. what carries over is money/most items and equip/levels.
Also beating game as virgin unlocks a special sex accessory in the item shop.(which allows you to get pregnant from get go if you want to.. but you probably don't since you want the scenes of how it happens normally anyway)

Last dungeon is accessed by going to the academy... it doesn't have much, simply a few consumables, so might as well just rush the boss.

Here is how to get all 4 endings, from main save file simply fulfill those conditions and beat the boss(you fight her 4 times in total):

Boss fight recommendations - best way is to heal with ressurection(+40 TP and full heal), buff the attack and then attack with 100 TP move once that's charged, you can maybe give a simple attack in between as well.
First 3 stages should be instant wins upon the 100 TP move, 4th will take a bit time but will be risk free overall.
Don't forget you can restore mana infinitely with fairy drop item.

1st ending is pure love ending, which is what we were aiming for, you should be in this state by default(lewd 0 and ACTUAL sex(not harass) number <10), Omero is alive, Crow side quests completed.
Virginity is honestly mostly an extra variation of pure end as you can see.
If you are virgin during this ending - you will have 2 options in the end: 'let yourself go' is the usual one you can get as both virgin and non virgin and is an H scene, 'keep it suppressed' is the virgin one.. they should be pretty obvious, but one is staying virgin till the end.(not pushing the relations)
By default you will reach this ending. since we were going for it.
Pure love ending is the 'happy ending' of this game with some extra epilogue.
Keep it suppressed ending variation unlocks the sex item I talked about in future games.

Another ending you can also get instantly is the bad end where you simply lose last boss fight.

For the other 2 endings you will need to do some H stuff. First of all with vibrator you bought earlier - sleep at the inn of main city to get rid of virginity. After that most of those NPCs with H scenes are now available for sex.
3rd ending needs you to simply have more than 10 sex(I think only vaginal counts, not 100% though, best place to do it is the same inn where you removed virginity with a man in that inn.. he will creampie if you are clothed, so nice start towards lewd improvement) experiences(easiest condition to fail the pure love end)... BUT you also need lewd less than lvl 3(9 hearts = lvl 3)

4th and final ending of the rotue needs lewd lvl 3. What makes most sense to get both 3 and 4 is getting to 8 H hearts in total, saving and then going to beat the boss, then doing a bit more H to reach lvl 3 lewd and doing that again.

Congrats on completing 1st of the 2 playthroughs we will be completing. The 2nd one is considerably more H intense.

2) Second Playthrough:
The second playthrough is a combination of both neutral and evil routes and it's all about the H, you are free to bang anything that moves here.
The only 'careful' things to keep in mind are:
1. Do not kill 15+ people and do not give birth 20+ times, those 2 will limit your endings.
2. For first 3 chapters - assuming you truly want to 'see everything' follow the playthrough I give to the letter, since there is one optional stuff we can do there via save/loads. It's pretty minor, but still.
3. Other than that - feel free to get as much H as you want there keeping the above in mind.

Since it's the 2nd playthrough - choose the New game and carry over the existing data, feel free to skip opening to save time.
What we got with NG+: All items carried over aside of the last cursed sword you got in the end(also the sex toy only got carried over if you did NOT equip it, just like I warned), you also unlocked a special sex toy with the virgin ending, you unlocked the self destruct ability allowing you to kill yourself instantly in battle for the H stuff.. and lastly you got the H gallery unlocked as 'extras in the menu'... you also get to choose which route you want to go into even if you don't meet requirements.

Either way, here goes the playthrough:

Prologue - just rush it fast, skipping everything you don't want to see with left ctrl, nothing new here. Equip yourself with best equip set and you should be one shotting most stuff you run into by accident instantly.
Monsters will try to run from you since you are so high level, so it's much easier to avoid them.

Chapter 1 - simply beat all missions, before beating last one(4th) - save the game.
Since you are in NG+ you can choose the route you want to go into even if you fail or complete missions.
Be careful not to overwrite this old savefile.

Chapter 2 branch school route - we simply want to see how this route starts here, nothing more, so don't spend time on H here since we will be reloading back to chapter 1 as soon as you hit chapter 3 alternative route.
There ain't much to say, do whatever you want since we will be reloading anyway, this is mostly so you don't feel like you miss anything plotwise.
The delia statue mission has an H scenes if you lose, so feel free to do that.
The correct order of switches is blue > green > red when you want to actually succeed, but falling into it once gives an extra H scene, so feel free to do so.

Back to chapter 1 good route - once you are done experiencing chapter 2 alternative you reload to our original save and simply rush beat all missions now.
This time choose normal route

Chapter 2 good route - this time you can afford to experience the 2 H scenes we didn't bother with on 1st playthrough.
To get both scenes you need to lose nun mission first to lose virginity and then you want to do mission with the pot, which will only give H scene if you are not virgin.
As for the coal mines mission - feel free to check the boss version you didn't see before if you feel like it, it's nothing too different though(so either beat the mission first or last, opposite of the previous playthrough)
Once done with the route - again choose normal route

Chapter 3 good route - one of missions in this one is the reason we did the whole reload thing.
Your first objective is to get corruption level 1. Simply do sex until it becomes 1. There are plenty of places to do it, but best one for vaginal sex is the inn inside the francis city keeping the clothes on for creampies... as for oral - best is in porttown right near town entrance. Orgasm best farmed in the Soara town entrance. Anal is in francis town pub.
Once you reach lewd 2 - you get some new H scenes unlocked.(hope you enabled that H over NPC setting so you know which NPCs previously did nothing with you. Especially good ones for orgasm continuationis francis city one of the houses aphrodisiac scene.
You can also sneak into boys dorm in academy now.
My corruption level turned to 1 when I had oral 2, touch 2, pussy 2, anal 1... what made it turn to 1 was the pussy lvl 2.. not sure what exactly was the trigger.. but enough sex should do it basically.
Now that your corruption is lvl 1 - you can kill NPC's, be careful not to kill more than 15 in total or you will bar yourself from some branch school endings.(DO TRY TO KILL AS YOU GO ALONG TO SAVE TIME LATER, JUST AVOID GOING OVER 14.. safe number should be around 10)

Either way once all this is finally done - you are free to continue with the missions...
The whole point of what we did was for the mission with sea king. If you remember previous time - we had no choice but to do it the roundabout way. This time you can simply murder it thanks to corruption level.
This fight is actually THE hardest fight in the game if you come unprepared.
He ABSORBS all elements and has catastrophe attack which will deal 4k damage by default, by down to ~2k with magic def buff x1 and down to ~600 with magic def x2, so the only way to go about it is to slowly grind him with true strike attack while having double attack buff and double magic defence up(yes, you can double the buffs, which is nice increase in efficiency.. they expire in 4 turns but get extended by extra cast.. so do just that and you will be good)
You want the crit accessory on this one since TP won't be a problem as you don't have high TP moves yet.
Boss rewards 20k exp(I leveled from 41 all the way to 47) and gives a passive 'god slayer'.. this passive doubles your max HP/MP(max is 9999 for both, so you max HP out on like lvl 48 instead of 99), doubles your TP recovery and gives you a 10% HP/MP regen each turn.. essentially at this point you are now truly invincible, neat.
MP regen means you can freely spam the expensive spells on harder random enemy fights without needing to waste time on recovering mana.

Aside of this boss - you can also find 2nd skill booster in this same dungeon which actually stacks and not simply stacks it doubles from the previous double!
Meaning simple skills with double skill booster + god slayer = 5*2*2*2 = 40 TP
Buffs are 10 by default(the only really useful buff is atk up now though) so they end up giving +80 TP with all 4.
The resurrection skill starts at 20 by default, which means 20*2*2*2 = 160 TP potential, essentially a full TP bar no matter what, great for when you get the biggest TP moves.

Once you are done with all that - simply finish the chapter and select the branch school route

Chapter 3 branch school route - since we begin with chapter 3 instead of 2 - it usually won't make any sense at all, but luckily you beat the chapter 2 branch route before, so you can make sense of what's happening approximately.

Here is summary of this route:
1) You can prostitute yourself in brothel - you can also check your whore profile in the H status. At 5 prositutions you get rank C, at 10 you get rank B, each unlocks new stuff.
2) Losing a battle with random mob gives a sex scene(just self destruct)
3) Losing 3 missions(from this route) in total unlocks birthing mechanic.

So first off let us start by working the prostitution in brothel 10 times in total... feel free to see the 2 special brothel H scenes of B rank after as well.

Once that's done start with 1st mission to capture madd.. go to the town through the small location that opened up and talk to the 2 guys north of the town to get information.
Then go into small house near entrance of the town and since you have been actively working as prostitute you will get a chance at extra scene.
Do give up on the mission after the scene though, not much point to win and you want a total of 3 fails anyway.

Once the mission is done - you can also get the sex scene for random mob loss out of the way, simply self destruct in that small location to this town.

Your remaining mission in camelia ruins can't be failed so simply complete it... there is a scarf accessory, which would be useful on this boss if it was your 1st playthrough.. but it's not so 1 blaze will finish the boss.
The last mission you will get with the escaped demon in a cave can and must be failed for 2 fails in total.

Chapter 4 branch school route - first of all this chapter unlocks final A rank of prostitution along with last 2 unique scenes for it(I am not exactly sure what real reqs are, but you need to prostitute yourself at least once if you already met the reqs.
You also unlocked the lewd rank 3, so all the H npcs should be interactable now.

Once you are done with the prostitution and H you want for real now - start with the church mission and fail it, that's the only one you can fail and will be your 3rd fail. The place you need in church is the 'dusty'/black wall in the church to proceed.
If this is the 3rd mission you failed - you get the final optional scene at this point and you are now allowed to give birth to monsters.
This is truly optional and is not required for anything, BUT giving birth over 20 times prevents some endings, meaning you need to be careful not to go over that until you are done with general purpose save file.

Let us proceed to another mission, which is the brothel one. If you have lewd lvl 3 - you will be able to change clothes(nude/uniform) after this mission.
It will also unlock last brothel activity, which is the nude walk.

Only last choice mission left - there are many ways to complete it but easiest way to complete it is just buying it for 20k straight from the merchant looking guy there.. there is also H scene you can watch there if you want to.

Now you are on actual last mission of the act - simply proceed mission normally now and complete it. Mission has an atk+matk+agi increase but def+mdef decrease.. might have been good at some point, but not now I would say.
To actually complete mission you need to kill him, so that's +1 kill count and you need to have less than 15 for some endings in the branch school route.

Alright, once you are finished with the mission - SAVE, THIS IS WHERE YOU WILL CHOOSE BETWEEN BRANCH ROUTE END AND EVIL ROUTE END. DO NOT OVERWRITE THIS SAVE FILE AS YOU WILL USE IT TO COME BACK FOR EVIL ENDING. You should be at 14 kills or under at most or you have lost your chance at some branch school endings...

Since you are in NG+ - you get to choose between the routes even though you have under 15 kills.(ALTHOUGH IT DOES IMPACT HOW SCENE BEFORE IT PLAYS OUT A BIT)

For now let's simply go and finish the branch school route.

Branch school route chapter 5 - this is the final chapter of the route.
At this point your improvement won't help your other route as you will reload anyway so don't bother with any grind... so just play the chapter and enjoy the story :)

You will be redoing almost same things as in good route chapter 5 so there ain't much new to discover.. go through 3 dungeons you should already remember, this time you have choice to kill the enemy there though.. BUT DO NOT KILL THEM. BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN CLICKING SINCE IT'S SOMETIMES THE FIRST OPTION TO KILL FOR SOME REASON.

The only boss of note is the one you didn't fight yet - sannomiya, she has a basic attack that inflicts lots of conditions.. preventing them is possible via scarf you found this route... it's mostly a matter of how fast you kill her tho only.. and she doesn't have that much HP(only like 10k at most).. you are immortal due to god killer, so easy fight anyway.

The POINT OF NO RETURN for ending choices is after you beat all 3 bosses, so SAVE afterwards.. the only ending you will need to replay for is ending 2 here. Simply reload, kill some people in random dungeons available to reach 15 kills(corruption level 3) and you are good.

Difference is now you only fight last boss once.. but you also don't have the most powerful moves against her you had in good route... well, you are an immortal god killer by now luckily, so it doesn't matter.
Win once, Lose once, Reload and kill 15 enemies to get corrupt level 3 and win once more.. then you are done with the route.

Here is list of all conditions for each ending:
Ending 1 - spare everyone, win the final boss fight, kills <15, births <20
Ending 2 - kills >15 or births >20(can also not spare someone instead, but that feels longer since you are likely waiting on 10-14 kills anyway)
Ending 3 - spare everyone BUT lose final boss fight.

Evil route chapter 5 - this is the final route with which we will finish seeing all that game has to offer. This one is also the route where you will fight essentially every boss including those you didn't fight before.

Reload all the way back to the save file in the end of chapter 4 I told you to keep. You can optionally kill 15 people to get corrupt 3 and see how scene was supposed to go..
But it's not required since you are in NG+ and can select evil route no matter what, so up to you.

This chapter is considerably bigger than other chapter 5s and it's at least somewhat more unique.
Feel free to finish whatever you didn't before in this one... murder, have births, prostitute yourself, H with anyone you want - there is literally no way to fail the endings anymore aside of some story choices I will mention!

To get missions - simply talk with Sannomiya Shigure. Complete the 3 missions you have.. on the traitor assassination mission you can pretend to be a prostitute by being naked when talking to the guy in front of the inn for an extra H scene again(and the only way to get the kill after H on your record from what I found)

Next up is 1 more mission, simply beat it again, not much to comment there.
After that is another mission and another set of battles where you win against the remaining 'good' characters.

Once you beat the last one - well.. the expected happens.
Now you are fighting the usual 3 bosses again. First boss you face is Sinnomiya, so wearing the scarf accessory will speed up the fight a lot. Again you have a choice to kill or spare. You need to spare all 3.
As a side note - beating Catherine gives a unique weapon, which is kinda neat, might as well equip it. A double atk up critical hit 100 TP move dealt 30k on last boss for me - a nice final conclusion to the game :)
One more side note - there is a stone tablet you can read just before the final boss fight - touching this stone while you spared Orizuru gives you an H scene and is what allows you to get one of endings.
Final boss fight is a 2 part fight this time but luckily you need minimum of reloading this time.

As for how to proceed overall:
Reach final boss after sparing all girls and get the seal from the stone tablet > Save on separate slot > Beat final boss and kill it > Reload and lose to final boss > Reload, beat and seal final boss.

Ending conditions are:
1- Spare everyone, beat final boss and seal it.
2- Beat final boss and kill it.
3- At least Catherine survives and you lose to final boss(so basically keeping everyone alive is fine as well)

Congrats, you beat the game and saw essentially everything in it(at least as far as story/secrets go)
how to transform into purple demon exactly ? which route and how to do it ? sadly i can't find any guides about the game on how to do it


Jul 15, 2017
how to transform into purple demon exactly ? which route and how to do it ? sadly i can't find any guides about the game on how to do it
you have to be on the evil rout to be able to transform freely I don't remember exactly when you can freely transform but I know you can do it just before the last mission.
the option will appear in the same menu as the option to go around naked.


Jan 31, 2019
Help, for some reason, I cant start the game, the panel come out for a brief, then closed by itself. Just a panel with black screen. I already use jap extraction, turn off firewall when extract and already try downlod from drive and mediafire. Is it only me or is there a solution ?
3.60 star(s) 26 Votes