Somehow it didn't find my 0.3 saves when I put 0.4.1 in the folder so I had to run from scratch (skipping didn't work either - so it seems saves in general ran into trouble). Did anyone else see this - otherwise it's likely I just screwed something up myself.
The last objective message not getting displayed is happening for me too, so I also think it might have to do with starting from the beginning.
Here a few things I noticed and that are mostly leftovers from Bugs in 0.3 (nothing major though):
- When you are first at college and then go to Thorne's office you are returned to your room afterwards. However the room switching interface still shows the college. You have to go to the map and back home to resolve this (was in 0.3 as well).
- When you start a scene from the kitchen it occasionally switches to another image in that location before launching into the proper event. E.g. you talk to Ruby and select "massage" and then it will switch to another image of the mom in the kitchen with some more text before switching to Ruby's room (was in 0.3 as well).
- When the confirmation "popup" gets shown when leaving to the main menu or overwriting a save it becomes hard to read due to the transparency and the background still containing UI elements in the same color scheme (that are not getting darkened by the overlay).
- When you complete the night club scene the night club music continues playing after you return home. I assume this is not intentional.
Overall I think it's running a lot better than 0.3.
Storyline is also starting to pique my interest: