Ren'Py - Completed - Midnight Paradise [v1.0f Extra] [Lewdlab]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    BB clone
    open door '1 2 3 4 5', not now...ok!?

    same models , milfs form previous game

    except renders, nothing else is good
    poor story
    unren , watch CG and move on

    0.2 Unity menu looked so good
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Based on v0.4.1.

    A game that can simply be explained as the most beautiful turd you've seen in your life. Beautiful to look at, but still smells like poop and not something you'd want to go anywhere near to.

    This is a game that has beautiful render and a promising setting, but the execution of the game is wrong, wrong, and wrong. The decision to go sandbox mode is questionable because event triggers are messed up. The storyline is very unrealistic and awkward, unable to hold anyone's attention whatsoever. An adult game with serious story can only work if the story is good. This ain't it.

    This game would've instantly become better if the serious drug story is removed because it's really bad, and if the sandbox mode is removed because it just doesn't work. An almost complete overhaul is needed to rescue this game. Focus on the strengths (family business/life) and forget the weird story.

    Is it too late? Only the dev knows the answer.
    Right now I can't consciously recommend this game.
    It is just terrible.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I tried to play the v.0.4.1. I'm just giving my own view

    - Story is generic and too linear. Even worse than Dreams of Desire. It is unbelievable but true. It is confirmed : Lewlab isn't a good writer.
    - All characters are stupid or rather caricatural.
    - Renders are good but some devs are better than Lewdlab now. (Can't give examples or names due to F95 rules)
    - Poor gameplay and no fun to play
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    As always - just drop that stupid free roam system. It is just a linear story ... and it is a pain in the ass to find the triggers because you cant see if the location has any npcs to talk to.

    I dont get the obsession for this crap - especially in a linear VN like this. It is not entertaining to play, it destroys the flow of the story and adds nothing to the game.

    On the story side I only have one major problem ... the MC is stupid as fuck. He is a college kid and party animal and dont question the content of the envelopes that he has to deliver in such a way? ... and even after the cops have him he dont unterstand what is happening? I guess he partied to hard and has no brain cells remaining.

    I dont understand that "cutscene" after Thorne hired you. He talks like he met you 1 year ago, but then you just continue ... that is confusing. And then when you visit him again he complains about you, that you dont show up ... but the last thing he told you is that he will call you... that is the stuff that this bs mechanic produces - there is no flow in the storytelling.

    I hope the dev might drop that like some other did (e.g. Alexandra) and focus on the great renders and the story. In the current state is just not fun to play ... but it is a shame because I do like the artstyle and renders.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Previously I had written a positive review of this... but after playing a few more updates I've come to realize it's not for me. That's not to say that you won't like it or that there's an absence of quality... and I think you should try it and reward the developers for their hard work if you do like it.

    Before I say why, let me cover the PROS:

    • Beautiful renders.
    • Some of the nicest, most seamless animations I've ever seen. The movements are so natural and realistic that it's almost hard to tell you're not watching HD porn with real women.

    Now the CONS:

    The story and characters are very generic, the game has many tropes and cliché "porn game" moments. Generally speaking this can sometimes be okay, but in this case it's the same things we've already seen many a time.

    There are also some rather annoying sandbox elements... which, if that's your thing, then it's a positive, but for me sandbox should only be provided as a means of enhancing the gameplay... not delaying it.

    The storytelling, characters, and somewhat generic nature of the game ultimately didn't work for me, and I think with a less safe or formulaic approach, a far better experience could've been provided.

    Simply put, this game has beautiful graphics & animations and the creator has a LOT of potential... I just hope someday we get something more unconventional. While the game is not my cup of tea, I hope you like it.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    All of the following Is Just my opinion and doesn't want to be right or wrong. I Just want to provide Dr. Sin. with data about palyer's opinion on his game.

    The game Is really promising and has the following strong points:

    1) the animation are crazy good.
    2)the render quality Is really High
    3) dr sin's charachters' feet are beautiful
    4) the girls are well designed, not some cheap standard model
    5)the game Is centered on family members, which to me Is very good.

    There Is only One week spot, that to me Is very annoying:

    1) the game Is too slow, the h scenes should come earlier. Dod had the same problem to me. I understand the Need for a build up, but you know, the wait Is too long. I would prefer shorter games with less room for build up.

    Suggestion for this game:

    1) make things quicker, let sex come into stage and enlarge the last part of the game, not the First. I would like to have vaginal sex early with the main characters and than some updates about the strenghtening of the bond with the mc, a romance eventually bringing to willed pregnancy would be the best to me!

    Suggestion for the next game:

    I would make the build up shorter. Women's initial horniness slightly below Linda's in milfy city would be fine. Women already into the MC and at least (conscius) hj/Bj since the First update would make the game Way more enjoiable! And one could extend the game's last part, instead than the Boring sexless First part. For example with romance and pregnancy, (that would be so good).
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game can be simply perfect. be patient enough to develop the game and be careful to play the game. No need to hurry. The graphics quality is very good. The animation is very good. the story is mediocre. playability question mark. but this game may be among the best if the developer can set the story and fiction well, and if he can adjust the mystery, lust, action and adventure in the most suitable way without exaggeration
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    So far Midnight Paradise is shaping up to be a great game. The writing is generally fine, the girls are sexy and the animations so far (and hopefully future) are top notch. Definitely one to keep an eye on.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    renders and graphic are very good, but that's the only positive thing in this game until now. story so so. the functionality are lacking. interface seems hard and lagging also buggy. the game seems quite broken so far (vers 0.2) and not much content available
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.2...

    For this VN/Game having decent visuals, it has a lot of issues to work out...

    The visuals of the characters are done well, for the most part... The UI is easy to figure out, although could use some hover text for the time of day, since the icon doesn't really tell you much... The backdrops for the most part look decent and unique... The few animations I saw, looked professionally made, albeit very short...

    There is definitely a need for better transitions, because as fast as the story moves along, you just end up jumping from scene to scene, picture to picture, with no real sense of connectivity... As an example, when the very fast introduction goes from the male protagonist hearing about his eventual dismissal from college, and then ponders about it... Instantly, you are taken to the next scene where he's all packed up and leaving... The lack of proper visual and story transitions, from one moment in a story to another, can cause some confusion, feels rushed, and isn't a good story telling tactic... And it happens a lot in this VN/Game... A lot... You'll be reading and looking at one moment in time, then boom you're in another place and moment in time...

    The interactions with the UI have some problems, which is either because of the engine used or coding... I found many times, where clicking did nothing to move to the next screen or set of story text... There was either some kind of random length pause, or a lack of response from the engine, requiring multiple clicks... Later on, the mouse pointer actually went invisible a few times, making it very hard to select a choice... Add to that, during choice screens, you had no option to save game... Now, the no save option was either intentional or a quality of life issue... You could only save game during the grind moments of the game interaction...

    The script is where I found the most problems... First you have the occasional broken English, not a bunch, just a few times here and there... There was definitely spelling and grammar issues now and then, and even some misused words...

    The biggest issue, is that you can definitely tell this VN/Game was once being designed as an Incest story... Mostly because the developers replaced some of the family titles with Landlord, Landlady, Friend, and so forth... Yet, they didn't go back through the entire text of the story to ensure it made sense... First, there was lots of moments when brother, mother, father, family, and so on was used in the text, so you know they are actually family members that he is living with... Secondly, the usage of the words Landlord and Landlady sounded wrong, in many different cases, with how they were used in a sentence... Which made reading the text, that uses those words A LOT, very difficult or just sounded wrong...

    The plot revolves around a male protagonist who apparently likes to screw around with other peoples women, do drugs, and party... So much that he gets kicked out of college, and has to move back home... With his family turned landlady and landlord, along with his two sisters turned friend and tenant, and his twin brother... Almost right away, you can tell there is a family dynamic going on, because of how the Landlady and Landlord treat and talk to their "tenant", more like he is a member of the family, then someone who is paying rent to stay there.. Such a poor and lazy attempt to remove the family dynamic in the story...

    Almost right away, the male protagonist can begin perving on the women he lives with, and with barely any repercussions... Just throw any sense of realism out the door... There is some intrigue added into the story, but again the speed at which events occur, this whole VN/Game's story feels very rushed, poorly presented, and fake...

    The visuals, can not make up for the poorly designed story telling, hard to believe characters, and overused themes...

    Earlier I mention a grind... Yes, this VN/Game has a grind element added into it... With a range of locations you can go, with various times of the day, an inventory and money listing, and so on... So you'll have to make money and probably work on relationship stats, and so forth... And with this system, of course you have the overused peeking stuff, and perving on characters in the house while they sleep/bath/shower/Change Clothes, etc...

    Overall, even though the visuals are high resolution, the story and visuals are presented far too quickly, with plot holes, rushed scenes, lack of depth, stereotypical incest family dynamics we've all seen before, regardless of the very poor attempt at converting them not to be a family... Whom ever the actual 3D artist is, you did a decent job with the individual scenes/pictures/models, but as a whole, this VN/Game feels like it's using those visuals as a crutch... Good pictures, used here and there, do not make a good VN/Game... Plus, I've seen this type of story play out before, with the same inter-character dynamics, so there is a lack of originality... After playing/reading for about an hour, perhaps a little less, I had to stop playing it... Will I revisit this one? Only if it has a MAJOR re-haul, across the board... It's not just one, or a couple things, I found at fault... It's still in it's early months of development, so I guess only time will tell...
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Renders are awesome. Story is rather generic. Young male returns home and from the start wants to fuck his mom and sisters which are just eagerly waiting to be fucked. Plus add some bugs from this damned Unity engine. Nonetheless it was a nice fap - so 4 points...
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 24507

    As other colleagues have mentioned before, the game is excellent in the graphic part mainly with Joyce and Isabel, as Ruby did not see much innovation compared to Alice of DoD, so in that part ended up staying the same. Note 9/10 the old note was 8/10.

    The MILF is proving to be a naughty girl who loves doing slut things ...:devilish:

    It may sound silly, but it would be cool if we could put our name on the MC. :cry:

    As for the gameplay and Menus, I would say that in the save slot it would be interesting to write the name or even show the time of the rescue, because this way it would be easier to load the save, because currently all saves made on the same day are at the same time, when played and saved on a different day only changes the day the save was made! o_O

    Certainly with the Objectives tab it was simple to know where to go in order to continue the game. (y)

    Note 8/10, Old note 6/10.
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 444674

    I do not like to bash the work of developers as an aspiring developer myself, but a lot of things here cannot go overlooked. But let's start with the good.

    The art is great, but I expected no less after playing Dreams of Desire. Characters are attractive and when it comes to a game about sex that's all that you could really ask for, right? And the design of the game is great. Top tier. But that's about where the compliments end.

    1. Let's start with the "story". It's basically not there. I wasn't expecting much, but in terms of characters, Midnight Paradise doesn't try to break the mold of asshole MCs in fantasy situations where the only way to seduce your target girl is to grope them when they're sleeping (and miraculously won't wake up). It's annoying, as someone who honestly wants to play these games for more than just the sex, it's very annoying that people cannot seem to care to give their characters even a shred of depth beyond perverted asshole or sexy piece of meat. And again, playing as this perverted asshole does not inspire the will to come back to keep playing. The only upside I can take here is that there is a lot of room for our MC to grow. A LOT. But this guy's development is strictly up to the dev.

    EDIT: I felt it was time to update this review after 0.5. But I don't really know what to say. Since this review, Lewdlab has converted back to Ren'Py and it was a good decision. The problem I have now is not broken mechanisms. It's the sandbox style. I don't like it when devs use this format for games. You click and click and click for repeated scenes over and over and over and over and over and over and over again until the next part is triggered if there is a next part. Then you click again and again for the UPDATED version of the repeated scenes. I guess that format works for this game because if you were to take this game and make it entirely story driven, you'd have enough content for a game going into it's 3rd update maximum.

    Honestly, it's just more of the same with Ren'Py. If you see my reviews, ya'll know what I look for, but I don't get that here. This game isn't meant for me and that's fine. But I still can't give it above a 2 based on my own experience and preferences. I probably won't be coming back to this game after this update. If I do, it's to collect the CG and move on.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    First time played the game(0.2). The things I liked:
    -The main character, it is different, we usually got nerdy type of main characters. It is refreshing to get some douche like rich boy for once. I can go for more bold answers/interactions with other characters and I think is good for RP.
    -Other characters, figures and models are really good, no over exaggerate bodies but they are still hot as hell, rich milf with great figure, rich sassy sisters with model bodies. Mother lips are begging for a blowjob btw :).
    -The sexual tension in the house is great and well done storywise. I assume we are not going to get any mind control stuff in the future so it is make more sense.
    -Twin brother thing is also different which I like. He is behaving like a douche(like our main character) for now but character may grow in time. Maybe some threesome in the future.
    -Great renders and animations. I already made mother one of my wallpaper :).

    Overall I like the game a lot. Some bugs bother me but they can be fixed in the future. I really appreciate to dev for trying different things and I hope dev will continue to do it.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    What a letdown.

    The story of a douche bag who has had it all handed to him for being born into a rich family. Karma kicks in and he's thrown out of college, to live with his family. Now he has to live with his mostly-female family, in which said females are heavy sleepers. Sadly his father is not, but that can be fixed by drugging him, so MC can sexually assault his mother. The writing shows his lewd thoughts in what can be best called lewd sociopathy. Fuck this guy, in his own mind he's a winner, but everybody tolerates him at best.

    So yeah, the story doesn't present the MC with any positive qualities, except his looks. It's one of the rare games where the male MC is a good looking guy.

    The UI is a mess. Slow as fuck, text crawling and long fades everywhere. Lots of activator buttons that end up saying "You can't do that". If that action is not available, then don't put a fucking button there. During many sequences, the mouse cursor goes invisible, but you still have to click in the lower right corner of the screen to continue. If you enter someone's room at night, there isn't an option to not sleep grope them - seriously how hard could it be to add an Exit Room button? The list of savegames has date and time, but it's not the time when you saved the game. Instead it's march 1st, 21:53. And that's for all the save games, including empty save spots. So yeah, the UI needs a lot of love.

    As for gameplay, well, you have no feedback to tell if a scene was good or bad for you. Okay, you sleep groped the third family member tonight, but did it change anything? No idea, game doesn't tell you. Should you come back and do it again? Who knows. Generally the scenes end abruptly, and some things aren't shown/said. For instance, you tell Ruby you will cover for her, but you don't actually ever do that.

    The renders a pretty good though. Uses a lot of depth of field, which I don't like, and in some places the textures are really low resolution. But other than that, it's very well done.

    And the animations are even better. Seriously, the best part of this game is the animations. Very fluid and generally well posed. Really the only reason I gave this game two stars.

    If you're the kind of player who likes sleep groping, manipulating the females and lewd thoughts going through the MC's mind, then this game is probably a 4/5. Could have been 5/5 if the UI was fixed.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Boy oh boy we are in for a ride.

    There really isn't much to review so far as this game is still extremely early. Though the models, the animations, and even from a graphical standpoint, this is pure eye candy, nonetheless.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great graphics with a good story. It has also animations which is wonderful. All characters are pretty except little sister, I just didn't like her look but textures are good. The first game(DOD) was very good but it was lack of animations, on the other hand this one will be excellent I think.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This review is for the 0.41 version.
    First of all I have to say, I'm really disappointed, I had high hopes for the second big project after DoD, but let's start at the beginning.

    The pro's:
    - The ren'py version is finally bug-free, so you at least can play the game withaut freaking out.
    - The game, has some very pretty renders, and the models look stunning
    -It has good and several animations
    -it finally has a hint system

    The con's:
    - The free-roam mode is really poorly done, on top of that, the story is very linear, so it's just unnecessary grind, that kills all the fun you could possibly have.
    - The writing makes no sence, at many parts of the game, the story is just not gripping at all.
    - The characters are really one-dimensional, you barely learn about their backstory, so I dind't cared about them.
    - The game wastes the potential, the family-situation holds, and it also wastes its antagonists, the father and the brother are barely part of the story so far.

    Conclusion: This projejekt would need a major overhaul (cut out the free-roam, fucus on the story) or it will soon fall into oblivion.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It's finally a serious play. Surely many people know but don't talk about the subject. No taboo these days, the "excursions" of neglected mothers. The game is nicely worked out, not a sex bomb mom, because it's not always real. That's just the way the team has been, they've been throwing a valuable theme. I look forward to the sequel!
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Animations are flawless and the renders are above average for a top tier dev. Models are perfect.

    Overall rating: 2/10
    - zero gameplay or innovation (déjà vu grindy sandbox vn here)
    - endless bugs, unacceptable for a veteran dev (choices wouldn't work for me until the settings were changed)
    - not as many images as many were expecting
    - writing was never their strong suit, didn't expect much there
    - dev has given us no good reason to put up with unity's shortcomings vs renpy
    - the preview video was great and got our hopes up too high

    The final product end up being one of the worst launches in incest dev history. He had one shot at making an impression and blew it. I'll revisit the review when the updates come out.