The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.2...
For this VN/Game having decent visuals, it has a lot of issues to work out...
The visuals of the characters are done well, for the most part... The UI is easy to figure out, although could use some hover text for the time of day, since the icon doesn't really tell you much... The backdrops for the most part look decent and unique... The few animations I saw, looked professionally made, albeit very short...
There is definitely a need for better transitions, because as fast as the story moves along, you just end up jumping from scene to scene, picture to picture, with no real sense of connectivity... As an example, when the very fast introduction goes from the male protagonist hearing about his eventual dismissal from college, and then ponders about it... Instantly, you are taken to the next scene where he's all packed up and leaving... The lack of proper visual and story transitions, from one moment in a story to another, can cause some confusion, feels rushed, and isn't a good story telling tactic... And it happens a lot in this VN/Game... A lot... You'll be reading and looking at one moment in time, then boom you're in another place and moment in time...
The interactions with the UI have some problems, which is either because of the engine used or coding... I found many times, where clicking did nothing to move to the next screen or set of story text... There was either some kind of random length pause, or a lack of response from the engine, requiring multiple clicks... Later on, the mouse pointer actually went invisible a few times, making it very hard to select a choice... Add to that, during choice screens, you had no option to save game... Now, the no save option was either intentional or a quality of life issue... You could only save game during the grind moments of the game interaction...
The script is where I found the most problems... First you have the occasional broken English, not a bunch, just a few times here and there... There was definitely spelling and grammar issues now and then, and even some misused words...
The biggest issue, is that you can definitely tell this VN/Game was once being designed as an Incest story... Mostly because the developers replaced some of the family titles with Landlord, Landlady, Friend, and so forth... Yet, they didn't go back through the entire text of the story to ensure it made sense... First, there was lots of moments when brother, mother, father, family, and so on was used in the text, so you know they are actually family members that he is living with... Secondly, the usage of the words Landlord and Landlady sounded wrong, in many different cases, with how they were used in a sentence... Which made reading the text, that uses those words A LOT, very difficult or just sounded wrong...
The plot revolves around a male protagonist who apparently likes to screw around with other peoples women, do drugs, and party... So much that he gets kicked out of college, and has to move back home... With his family turned landlady and landlord, along with his two sisters turned friend and tenant, and his twin brother... Almost right away, you can tell there is a family dynamic going on, because of how the Landlady and Landlord treat and talk to their "tenant", more like he is a member of the family, then someone who is paying rent to stay there.. Such a poor and lazy attempt to remove the family dynamic in the story...
Almost right away, the male protagonist can begin perving on the women he lives with, and with barely any repercussions... Just throw any sense of realism out the door... There is some intrigue added into the story, but again the speed at which events occur, this whole VN/Game's story feels very rushed, poorly presented, and fake...
The visuals, can not make up for the poorly designed story telling, hard to believe characters, and overused themes...
Earlier I mention a grind... Yes, this VN/Game has a grind element added into it... With a range of locations you can go, with various times of the day, an inventory and money listing, and so on... So you'll have to make money and probably work on relationship stats, and so forth... And with this system, of course you have the overused peeking stuff, and perving on characters in the house while they sleep/bath/shower/Change Clothes, etc...
Overall, even though the visuals are high resolution, the story and visuals are presented far too quickly, with plot holes, rushed scenes, lack of depth, stereotypical incest family dynamics we've all seen before, regardless of the very poor attempt at converting them not to be a family... Whom ever the actual 3D artist is, you did a decent job with the individual scenes/pictures/models, but as a whole, this VN/Game feels like it's using those visuals as a crutch... Good pictures, used here and there, do not make a good VN/Game... Plus, I've seen this type of story play out before, with the same inter-character dynamics, so there is a lack of originality... After playing/reading for about an hour, perhaps a little less, I had to stop playing it... Will I revisit this one? Only if it has a MAJOR re-haul, across the board... It's not just one, or a couple things, I found at fault... It's still in it's early months of development, so I guess only time will tell...