In contrary to most of u guys, i actually belive Icstor, that something happend in his personal life and he had to take a break. Why? He is making games for few years now, and break that big never happend to him. Milf City is his best, most polished, well written game so far. And well recived in community. With continuing development of this game he could easily reach 10k patreon in like half a year. Why would he stop now, of all times? It does not make any sense.
Another thing. Last update was good quality regarding renders, as always. But storywise, it was few levels worse. Comparing it to mom story, where you could feel love and raw lust, younger sister jealousy and couriosity, the last one feels cheap and rushed. Beautiful, smart woman(older sister) dates total loser? Really? Mean teacher turns out to be sex freak? That's super cheap, and feels like written by someone else. Propably Icstor himself. Complex characters and engaging stories have been replaced with porn star lines.
I honestly hope he will sort out his personal life and continue to deliver the same quality as a year ago. And hire someone to improve gameplay.
(sorry for any mistakes, English is notmy native language. Feel free to correct me)