Waited for a version with animations before playing: well this wasn't worth the wait. The animations at the lake look terrible. The grass is glowing green, the skin colour changes, etc. Lindas animations were far better.
Another genius complaining about piracy on a piracy site that he does not support either. Why would any developer need to "deal" with what goes on here? This is not their page or server. They have no ownership or say here. They put up with this, as you put it, to gain Patreons. Stop acting as if they are doing anything that is not in their own self-interest.Knowing anything about ICSTOR? The little I know is through a few of his supporters that I frequently converse with on a few discords and that includes a few of his mods. I'll leave most of those convos to myself....haha
Most of my activity on this forum is with a few devs I support and work with....occasionally end up in the muck like this thread. It amazes me sometimes the sheer amount of bitching/ignorance over something that said "detractor/complainer" is ultimately pirating and getting for free. I don't envy devs that have to deal with this shit...probably why a majority largely just stay away.
Then you don't get really get what I said. I like his work, if think it's art, it's my own point of view. I don't ask people to think like me. But some haters don't like when someone don't think like them.To argue on your last point, people weren't waiting 4-5 months for this update they waited over a year. You can throw all these big numbers about how many renders and animations there are but it doesn't take away the fact that the quality of this this update has been the lowest since this game's founding. If given the chance I'd take quality over quantity any day. People who have followed ICSTOR for years are probably suffering from PTSD right now since this is following past game's cycles where a game starts off hot then ICSTOR gets bored halfway through then you notice a quality drop then the ending gets rushed.
If ICSTOR was smart he would have taken his break after finishing 0.5 instead of releasing the Christmas special and stopping a third way through 0.6s development. Say what you want about Sara it doesn't take away the fact that she has fans and people who have been and are probably going to have to wait about 2 years since her last content dropped and there's no guarantee that the quality of that update will even be good now or if it will even include Judy a character who has been here since 0.1 and hasn't received a single lick of content.
pay 1000 to the girl in night club
Go here to edit money then. You have to set consol to true or something for control O to open the console. It is not available by default. You have to take steps by editing a file.So i
to enable the console commands but when i press shift + O nothing happens
and i stuck i have 2 dollars the dad dosent give me money anymore and i need to buy the camera...
What missing animations? Each position does not have to come with animation. It probably should but it is not required. I think you mean anal, right?I hope he actually adds the rest of Caroline's missing animation. She is my favorite character out of all of them. And it is also the last update on this character.
The water in DAZ that Icstor is using is really bad. It looks like a solid surface, TBH. Slutbag Linda's animations were done when Icstor was still trying. He is just mailing it in now.Waited for a version with animations before playing: well this wasn't worth the wait. The animations at the lake look terrible. The grass is glowing green, the skin colour changes, etc. Lindas animations were far better.
I really doubt there will be .6e. He is on to .7 by now.0.6e update pops out, if it ever does.
That only shows that ICSTOR its not working well he needs a huge break, Once again he didnt deliver what he was suppose to give, the animations were in fact not released on time cause somehow he forgots to render a few animations idk how he did that but yea im not completing the rest of the update since the new patch its unfinished and the content is dissapointing so far like i stated before, not following this game or the Dev perhaps might comeback and check it when its finished.
Did you play through Caroline's content, Q Who? I think you mentioned before that you didn't play her content. I posted this before, but 3/5 scenes with penetration have zero animations. Doesn't matter if it's anal or vaginal. If you have the choice between it, there are no animations.What missing animations? Each position does not have to come with animation. It probably should but it is not required. I think you mean anal, right?
It never occured to you to look in the OP? Like really ... ?some link for downoald pls for windows
I'm actually amazed at all this bitching about bitching.I'm actually amazed at all this bitching.
Come on don't be so harsh on the poor and overworked ICSTOR. He just doesn't earn enough money to buy good enough hardware to manage regular updates with full animated scenes.Did you play through Caroline's content, Q Who? I think you mentioned before that you didn't play her content. I posted this before, but 3/5 scenes with penetration have zero animations. Doesn't matter if it's anal or vaginal. If you have the choice between it, there are no animations.
Lake missionary - has lots of animations.
Hotel doggy - limited (4) animations. In comparison, the clothed bj at the lake got 9.
Hotel sideways - zero animations.
Nightscene doggy - zero animations.
Nightscene cowgirl -zero animations.
I don't think anyone can honestly say that they believe Icstor never intended for these scenes to have animations and simply decided to instead focus on morning and night bjs. Caroline's animations are not done and I doubt he'll release another 50 animations today because he simply forgot to implement them. I thought he had a coder?? Did they both miss half of the scenes? No one noticed or at least skipped through the content before uploading it? I don't think so.
Woot, dude calm down, just read again what I said and try to understand it.How about 12 months then, are you also fine with that? Because that is how long the complete 0.6 update took. And if you know ICSTORs games you would know he has released several games with a rushed ending, once he lost interest in them.
He is actually known for exactly that practice.
Seriously guys (not just miked91, but all who spent the last few pages bitching and moaning ), complaining about people ranting about ICSTOR? It's your right and privilege to do so, but I for one could think of about 5-8 other devs who also get hit with lots of complaints over late updates and for far less time than ICSTOR AND we are even talking devs who pause payments or charge per release.
If you want to defend a dev, why not defend one of those guys?
Instead you dismiss valid criticism with bullshit like "y'all aren't probably patrons anyway." or "you are all pirates you don't have a right to complain."
Well, that's not how it works. You don't have to pay for something or be involved with something to have an opinion about it.
What you don't have a right is to DEMAND something from a guy if you're not paying for it, but saying it sucks that he gets money month after month while delaying updates? Or that this update was again delayed and is again not complete?
Everyone who notices that has a right to mention it.
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