THE ENDING WAS SHIT LITERAL PATHETIC CUCK LEVEL SHIT . The harem ending SUCKED LITERAL ASS who tf wrote this ending . There are harem options BUT basically it's just you fucking around with them then ultimately them ending up with someone else . killed off olga in the most pathetic way possible , dragomira was there FOR NOTHING the one women where MC could've had great chemistry with was left to her own , rejected emily for nothing , sofia & lily was FORCED AND BECAME AN ITEM in the end (harem btw) , rachel just ran off to somewhere talking about her own styles and shit ,OH NINA THE LITERAL SHE-WOLF became closer with her EX somehow (harem btw) when she was literally offering herself as a reward for us after we win the fight with the dumbass shark , SUZYS ENDING WAS PATHETIC (oh bruv either you chase her ass and she dies or she just disappears to some hole) , Maxine was dancing and shit, i didn't even stick around for the graces ending cuz how shitty this was . You know the game freeloading family THAT SHIT WAS BETTER THAN WHATEVER THIS ENDING WAS , IDK WHAT KIND OF CUCK MINDSET DOES THE WRITER HAVE SINCE HAREM GENERALLY MEANS MC GETTING ALL THE GIRLS AND NOT THEM GALLAVANTING TO THEIR OWN ADVANTURES . IS IS JUST ME WHO GOT THIS TERRIBLE ASS ENDING ? IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG ? I've got no idea , followed the w-mod AND STILL NOTHIN OH AND SOMEHOW WE MADE UP WITH ANNE (i think idk, some random ass rant about long distancing ) . I'm pretty sure the writer had the idea of setting her up with MC s dad but i guess he scrapped it off after seeing all the other girls with their exes and random ass matchups . GOOD JOB , EAT A BAG OF DICKS . I'm gonna go play grandmas house or smthng or anything that stays true to the word "HAREM" .
OMG dude that was funny and seriously GRANDMA'S HOUSE hahahahah i like your anger getting out in such manner , I agree whole a lot