Others - Monster Girl Assault! [v0.3.0] [Namako]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Played version 0.2.7

    1. Enemies or your own towers receiving damage destroys their clothes
    2. An enemy destroying your tower causes it to have a sex animation with the tower
    3. Your different towers have different defeat animations
    4. After game over, it immediately starts you in the lost level again

    1. Limited supported resolutions, can’t arbitrarily resize the window
    2. Changing game scenes repositions the game window on the desktop
    3. Uses sound effects from Lord of the Rings, Plants Vs. Zombies, Warcraft 3, Metal Gear Solid
    4. Uses art from Dark Souls
    5. Content not supposed to be on the screen is on the screen awkwardly waiting to slide in to view
    6. Result screen shows categories but no result numbers in each category until you press the Next button at the bottom, which looks like it’ll end the screen
    7. Inconsistent art style
    8. Presents the words “Set. Ready. Fight!” when the level begins instead of the correct ordering of “Ready. Set”
    9. In the first level, some aisles aren’t able to be built upon. This is not very clear - they are shaded darker but only barely.
    10. Pressing the speed up button makes its icon disappear and it’s not visually indicative of its state
    11. When winning the level, a question mark block pops up for you to click on. This is the new tower you’ve unlocked. Instead of a question mark, it should show the new tower icon.
    12. Memes. “Everything changed when the monster girls attacked”. “Act 1 - Praise The Sun”. The “woooow” noise.
    13. Using a bomb doesn’t destroy enemies engaging in a sex animation
    14. Winning a level awards gems, but there’s no explanation for what gems are used for
    15. When Bowling, can’t put a grabbed item back on the conveyor
    16. Needs a loading screen after beating the level but before showing the new tower. The game should instead unload whatever it needs to during all these results.
    17. Can’t speed up the game over scene, can only skip it entirely before it starts
    18. Playing at regular speed makes everything feel slow motion. Arrows are super slow, enemy walk speed is super slow.
    19. None of the levels are long enough to justify buying a more expensive tower than the $100 arrow shooter or $50 sunflower until level 2-3
    20. The gallery is on the main menu, but none of the animations in each act is unlocked until beating that act. Items in the gallery should instead be unlocked as you see them in the game.
    21. Can’t speed up or skip the end of first act scene
    22. Beating 1-8 immediately puts you in level 2-1 without going back to the level select menu
    23. Before the level starts, the camera moves over to show the oncoming enemies. You can’t mouse hover or select them for any information.
    24. After 2-1, a dialog cutscene starts and shows panels for the speaker name and spoken text, but there’s no text in them
    25. The screen to upgrade your towers has buttons for you to spend gems. The game doesn’t tell you what you’re upgrading unless you hover over those buttons.
  2. 5.00 star(s)



    I've been playing since version 0.2.5. The game is constantly being updated, which is an advantage. The average interval between updates is 2-3 months. Saving the kingdom was interesting, a great parody of PvZ. And it will be interesting, because the game lives on.

    The only thing is, if you play the Android version, it takes you a while to get used to the controls, but it's generally playable, which is much more important. Pleasant references to JoJo, and funny inserts between the acts only add to the interest of playing and waiting for the next innovation. It may not be liked by those who do not like such a genre of the game as Tower Defense.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's just fucking amazing! I passed all the levels with pleasure. (including 0.3.0)
    Of course, there are bugs in the game, but the developers constantly fix them. They are also actively developing and posting new versions of the game, more often than most other developers.
    The main points that I like the most.
    1 - The game is updated frequently, which allows you to try new content more often.
    2 - The presence of a gallery with characters, you can review almost all animations in a more convenient resolution. (After all, you don't need to think about defending against opponents at this moment.)
    3 - A variety of monster girls, literally for every taste, color and size. Some dominate, others obey (In sex scenes.)
    4 - The game is difficult in places and you have to strain your brain, not your penis.
    You can even play on your smartphone, which is great for me, who often works in the office.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    this is not rpg and has good animation. that's all, i want to submit this rate so i need to get more than 200 characters. also add some smiles .
    oh shit, this is not enough. PLS mister Beast, help me rate this thread
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a good game, still short on content(3.0)... But is fun for what offer, a tower defense like plants vs zombies, but hentai.
    The animations are nice, art is ok, gameplay is fun, if you want more challenge there is hard difficult, but we don't have rewards for the time being.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I think I never left a bad review to any game
    This one just made me mad

    Hentai animations are good in this game
    1. bad clicking input
    2. can't play in full-screen cus game start jumping to window mode
    3. you need to click on a freaking *coins* while managing the assaults or it will dissapear
    4. *villager* has RNG timing of *coin* appear
    5. game jumps from too slow at the beginning to too fast when main assault starts

    Man, if you making a hentai parody, make it playable with one hand, what the hell is this

    Also I dislike the animation after beating 1 Act, no control like fast forward or anything, so nah
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    A weird PvZ reskin where the gameplay is boring and the animations, while of decent quality visually, aren't worth it. There's no narrative or real eroticism, just occasionally an animation plays between stages or if you lose.

    I think what offends me the most about this is just how blatant and nonsensical the cloning is. it's not just the concept that's the same, that would be fine in this context, almost every detail apart from the graphics are the same! Guy firing arrows? Sounds like peas hitting a zombie. Music if it's not literally the same piece is a sound-alike. Each unit's stats/mechanism is the same (the cost, the cooldown before you can purchase it again, how it fires/activates etc). The freaking resource is the same even though that makes no sense - instead of sunflower producing sun you have farmers producing coin... which falls from the sky as a basic income as well.... and glow like suns... it's like one small step further than a palette swap?
    Likes: wx448
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    So far, having a lot of fun in this game, not quite finished yet, but it works on release! A novel concept these days. The scenes I like, we don't have a scene for the cowgirl when they got in it crashed. when I was playing on normal difficulty, I got a bug right before the bowling level. The level would never end. I'm assuming there's no medium difficulty bowling level and that's why it bugged out. I'm loving the double cum scenes that have given me a guaranteed ejaculation every time! And the number of saucy scenes, while still in development, is perfectly adequate. a game I put down and pick up over and over again. All in all, this is the right way to make a game. Please make more! XOXO.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game turned out great. There are some pretty good hentai scenes here. The scene with the goblin girls turned out to be especially cool. The game itself is a regular tower-defense. It doesn't bother you at all and makes it easy to unlock H-content. At the same time, it's quite fun to play and upgrade units. I've been following this game for a long time. The only drawback is that it is too rarely updated.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Quite disappointing for what this game is striving to be. A good PvZ clone this is not, but a boring slogfest that lost my interest by level 3.

    What this game fails to capture is the sense of quirky variety that the original Plants vs. Zombies had. You get a grand total of eight units that behave identical to how the first eight plants in PvZ do, only translated into paper cut-out males and explosives that're about as interesting as a piece of toast. There's only four different monster girls in the game's eighteen current levels, with at most two kinds popping up in a single stage. This results in all the levels feeling very samey, leading the entire game to get boring within two minutes. Stage five tries doing the walnut-bowling minigame that PvZ had; But where walnut-bowling was a funny side mode due to the ridiculousness of rolling giant seeds to knock the heads off zombies, this game's version of it (rolling round rocks at goblin girls) has all the charm of a pissed-off hornet's nest.

    This leads perfectly into the presentation. I'll just say it point blank, this game looks fucking ugly (the main part, that is). I already made note of how the male character models suck bullocks, and some of the monster girl models (especially the goblin girl) feel very unrefined. I will admit they do get better as the game goes on (probably since those sections had more time in the oven), but first impressions are everything.

    Sound effects are ripped straight from PvZ and don't make a lick of sense; An arrow hitting a monster girl should not produce a soft splatting noise, nor should picking up money be signaled by the sun-collecting sound effect (especially when PvZ has a sound effect for picking up coins). Come to think of it, suns being replaced with money doesn't make any sense either. Why do coins fall from the sky? And why do farmers produce money of all things? Aren't farmers supposed to be poor? Food would be a much more reasonable replacement for suns, since it could pop up from the ground (y'know, the place where crops come from) and having farmers produce it would be logical. Maybe I'm looking too deep into this, but that's what happens when this game's about as fun as 52-card pickup.

    As for the gameplay, the planting (err, I mean placing) grid is composed of four rows as opposed to the traditional five from PvZ. I do have to admit that explosive barrels (this game's cherry bomb equivalent) being placed between units instead of taking up a single space on the board is pretty convenient, but I dislike how it takes a few seconds before they explode. An instakill panic option should work automatically, especially when the range was neutered from 3x3 to 2x2. The upgrade system was also a missed opportunity to make the game more interesting. I'd love for units to have different skill paths they can speck into (kinda like Bloons Tower Defense), which could feature completely different playstyles. For instance, you could spend coins to upgrade an archer into a unit that gains extra protective properties like a shield holder OR choose an upgrade that slows his firing speed but gives his arrows piercing properties. I know the game is still in development, so there's time to make the gameplay more exciting than what it is now.

    As for what we're really here for, the H-scenes are a mixed bag. In game scenes are okay at best, but the game over scenes prove to be pretty good. They're visually appealing compared to the rest of the game, and, while the earlier animations feel a bit stiff, they definitely get better towards the end of the demo. There's not a lot of them, sadly, but what we do have is great for monster girl enthusiasts like myself.

    That said, the fap content can't save the game from it's half-baked presentation and mind-numbing gameplay. If you really want to get your rocks off to this game's hentai scenes, you'd be better off finding a video online. Unless you like boring games, that is. If so, then this'll be right up your alley...
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Delta Sigmus

    Having to edit my review. Even after clearing the save i had to then delete and then unzip again, and then delete the save again to refresh the game. Game was completely shattered for me. I had said it was broken, just needed to wipe all data, not just the save on my end to make it functional.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    very fun I thought it wasn't to difficult but to be fair i was doing strategic sacrifices of units, the difficulty does go up a bit during the night section.

    think I only really lost two times? but that was do to misplay overall fun pvz clone, and honestly I've been so starved for pvz that this ironically enough Fills that void if only partially.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    It's okay. Surprising they actually had bowling. Probably the better PvZ clone here (of two I've tried).

    The art is very nice.

    Big problem: Girls should not be immune to explosions during sex. There's no reason why TNT should be this expensive only to not kill the ones I need it to because I got the timing slightly off.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game. Game is challenging. My five star goes to the thicc queens

    Hints: (World2: invest at least two roles of sunflower units from second column onwards, leaving first column for shooters. Gradually work on third column of sunflower. Maintain defense with landmines and shield, reserving energy for more sunflowers or shooters. Gradually again, work your defences forward of columns, replacing shooters and first two columns of sunflowers with double shooters. Eventually you will have three columns of double shooters, a row of sunflower, and a wall of shields respectively)

    My units:(sunflower, walnut, bomb, double shooter, shooter and landmine)
    Likes: ZanyD
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I love the game so far, love it being a PvZ game, love the characters everything.

    I am giving 4 star simply because some of the defeat animations (witch definitely, and perhaps the dolls or the goblins) aren't femdom. In the witch one the king is literally just doing penetration from behind like he is the dominant one. Of course this is all my preference. I am happy with the game and I will support the creator even if he continues distance more and more from femdom.

    I was looking for a full femdom game and this has a bit of both femdom and not femdom.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    did find it fun at first then, but things get way too much for me to deal with in act 2, turning it from fun to overly frustrating, game needs rebalancing and some of the units are way to expensive to even think about using , there need to be a way to get coins faster
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Es un juego parecida la mecánica a PvZ pero en lugar que te coman las plantas, te comen la verdura.

    Muy buenas mecánicas, animaciones disfrutables, a pesar de tener en total de 6 torres humanas y 5 Monster girls esta genial las escenas

    Lo unico que hay que tomar en cuenta es que apesar de terminar la demo no me aparece las animaciones de las ultimas monter girls y la de las torres.

    Lo puedes terminar en una hora y las escenas sexuales aparecen durante los niveles (al ser derrotada una torre tiene su debida animación, en el caso de una torre que su habilidad es de atraparlas y llenarles el bollo de crema que tendría dos animaciones y exceptuando las bombas (No pueden follarse un explosivo, creo) y en los game overs que cada monster girl tiene su cinemática.

    en mi opinión con unos cuantos detalles de bugs que había mencionado pero es entendible, no es el juego completo aun.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good! (version 0.21 review)
    It's a really fun game and the animations, honestly, impressed me.

    The game over screens are very well animated and there is practically one per enemy, which must be a lot of work in the long run, so I really appreciated that. Not to mention the fact that enemies change with the damage they receive and have different animations for each character they defeat, these are great details.

    The criticisms regarding the difficulty are understandable, if you are not used to PVZ gameplay, you will certainly struggle a lot to pass the stages, but I really enjoyed the challenge and had a great time playing.

    The only bug I encountered was when I first passed stage 1-6, all the enemies died but the stage didn't complete, so I had to go through it again. I don't know exactly what caused it, but it wasn't a big deal, so another positive point here.

    Finally, I highly recommend it if you like this type of genre, it has a lot of potential, so I'll keep my eye on this one.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    soldier boy

    Really nice game!

    The game is pretty darn fun, I like how the dev managed to make PVZ sexy lol. But other than that, the game is really well made you can see that it's made with love and effort.
    The sound in this game is from PVZ so it's pretty darn funny, The game has almost no bugs. The only bug I am aware of is when Chomper (or whoever that guy is called) kills the last enemy he will continue to cycle his animation before crushing the game, the animations in this game are Very well made too. And in terms of content, there are 20 levels. The game is pretty easy if you are an idiot like me and played strategy for the past 10 years, but it might be challenging for people new to the genre. I am already supporting the dev because I can see future to this game.

    So keep horny and fap on!
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Rob Lowe

    Overall, this game is a success. The gameplay is fun and challenging, the animations are enjoyable, and the sound is well-used. The animation recap is also a plus, although the animations for the second level are still missing.


    • Fun and challenging gameplay
    • Enjoyable animations
    • Well-used sound
    • Animation recap
    • Missing animations for second level
    A fun game to check out, which will appeal to fans of puzzle games and animation.