Played version 0.2.7
- Enemies or your own towers receiving damage destroys their clothes
- An enemy destroying your tower causes it to have a sex animation with the tower
- Your different towers have different defeat animations
- After game over, it immediately starts you in the lost level again
- Limited supported resolutions, can’t arbitrarily resize the window
- Changing game scenes repositions the game window on the desktop
- Uses sound effects from Lord of the Rings, Plants Vs. Zombies, Warcraft 3, Metal Gear Solid
- Uses art from Dark Souls
- Content not supposed to be on the screen is on the screen awkwardly waiting to slide in to view
- Result screen shows categories but no result numbers in each category until you press the Next button at the bottom, which looks like it’ll end the screen
- Inconsistent art style
- Presents the words “Set. Ready. Fight!” when the level begins instead of the correct ordering of “Ready. Set”
- In the first level, some aisles aren’t able to be built upon. This is not very clear - they are shaded darker but only barely.
- Pressing the speed up button makes its icon disappear and it’s not visually indicative of its state
- When winning the level, a question mark block pops up for you to click on. This is the new tower you’ve unlocked. Instead of a question mark, it should show the new tower icon.
- Memes. “Everything changed when the monster girls attacked”. “Act 1 - Praise The Sun”. The “woooow” noise.
- Using a bomb doesn’t destroy enemies engaging in a sex animation
- Winning a level awards gems, but there’s no explanation for what gems are used for
- When Bowling, can’t put a grabbed item back on the conveyor
- Needs a loading screen after beating the level but before showing the new tower. The game should instead unload whatever it needs to during all these results.
- Can’t speed up the game over scene, can only skip it entirely before it starts
- Playing at regular speed makes everything feel slow motion. Arrows are super slow, enemy walk speed is super slow.
- None of the levels are long enough to justify buying a more expensive tower than the $100 arrow shooter or $50 sunflower until level 2-3
- The gallery is on the main menu, but none of the animations in each act is unlocked until beating that act. Items in the gallery should instead be unlocked as you see them in the game.
- Can’t speed up or skip the end of first act scene
- Beating 1-8 immediately puts you in level 2-1 without going back to the level select menu
- Before the level starts, the camera moves over to show the oncoming enemies. You can’t mouse hover or select them for any information.
- After 2-1, a dialog cutscene starts and shows panels for the speaker name and spoken text, but there’s no text in them
- The screen to upgrade your towers has buttons for you to spend gems. The game doesn’t tell you what you’re upgrading unless you hover over those buttons.