Others - Monster Girl Assault! [v0.3.0] [Namako]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    V0.2 build

    the game needs some serious rebalancing before I would even consider playing it. mixing with the fact the user interface is lacking and that the game is difficult, for frankly unfair reasons, I can't say it's a pleasant game.

    Let's just say that ironically its saving grace is that it's a porn game (and that if it were a regular flash game, it would have been a REALLY bad game) yet at the same time the gameplay feels too frustrating to even enjoy the pornographic content.

    Honestly tweaking the numbers should be good and even a heads up display (showing the characters as more damaged is a nice touch but it doesn't add much value in terms of strategic planning)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    There is potential here. Though this is still an early version I understand the struggle to balance the game. I will leave a 3 rating not as a good or bad but just as a place holder until further releases. I personally would like to see something where you can remove already placed units (with half the cost refunded) to organize the fields better throughout the combat. Maybe increase the starting currency a bit. Didn't really enjoy the bowling minigame. A speed up wave option would be a plus for those who are impatient to wait for the waves to come up. Lastly, I personally think the field could be maybe two more columns longer. I wish you luck with your developement and look forward to further updates.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very excited to see this finished. Gameplay is fun enough, I like the animations, and there's a gallery for out of game. Plays Basically like Plants v Zombies. If there's anything other than more content/it being finished that I would like to see, it would be for them to take the PvZ formula and add unique little tweaks for how to play or interesting mechanics. Something like an alternative resource building that isn't just output every few seconds, or alternate game modes (like the bowling level) that also give lewds.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    the good thing is the gameplay is simple but fun. If you have played PvZ before you will already know how to play and win, but if it is your first time playing this type of game, it will be easy to learn what to do. The sex scenes are good and the character art is eye-catching. The animations surprised me a bit and I like that. We need more femdom content like foot fetishes or BDSM sex.

    the bad thing is the game needs balance adjustments and specifying what each unit does along with damage, attack speed, hp, etc. At the time of writing this review there are 2 enemies. The game needs more variety and new enemy mechanics to play better strategically (or maybe lose on purpose, hehe.)

    overall the game has potential and need more indentity. I can't stop thinking that this is a copy of PvZ but horny lol.
    i will wait for future updates.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Making a review mainly to counter the horrible one star review.
    General: This game is a really good pvz hentai game with a lot of potential. Right now there are only about 7 or 8 levels, 8 characters/cards/plants, and two enemies (plus 2 shield varients for one). The flow of gameplay is done well with a pretty faithful recreation of the pvz style tower defence. The problem with this is that it is pretty obvious that some things were almost directly copied over. One of the levels is a bowling minigame just like pvz and one of the character descriptions say that it shoots two "peas" instead of arrows. There was also a duplicate description when getting the chomper clone, as it said it did what the ice wizard does; however, this is corrected when checking the description on the equip menu.
    Gameplay: Some people mention that the game is too slow or that getting coins is not fast. If you have played pvz, it is exactly or almost exactly the speed of that game. Using my knowledge of pvz, I was able to easily clear all the levels first try with little difficulty. The game's difficulty is perfectly balanced as it requires you to understand how to play from your experience. If you have never played pvz and constantly lose every level, that is normal. Pvz also had this difficulty level and that game is extremely popular and well recieved. If the game was any easier, then it would be boring as a game and not have any real value.
    Ero content: The H-animations of this game are okay. The quality of the art is good, but I would not say they are for me. Every animation is a blowjob, boobjob, or generic sex scene. It might be fine for vanillia lovers, but anyone interested in more kinky content would be less content. I am more interested in extreme content that most wouldn't enjoy and I would not want any of that added without a toggle; however, adding some less extreme kinky content would be great. For more generic content foot jobs and facesitting would be great. Kinky content could be more based around fetishes such as feet and armpits while extreme toggles could be things like (again, fully optional and only if the creator likes these) urine, farts, scat, and gore. These are only a few examples and none of these have to be added.
    Overall: This is a good game that with a little more polish and unique elements could become a excellent femdom game with both fun gameplay and great ero content.
    Typeing this out took about as much time as it took to play through the entire game...
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I was between a 4 and 5 star rating but chose 5 star because of the 1 star left by someone else. Personally, I'd disregard that rating. The game is fairly easy, I survived all 7 or so waves to see the end in about an hour, only dying twice I think.

    Very nice game. The animations are pretty good and I like the plants vs zombies-style defense game. I'm excited to see more and I'll certainly check out the patreon page.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I would not consider it a bad or good game. Rather decent with a lot of potential.
    The mechanic that if a unit falls, the enemy that finished with him stays doing the "Yummy" I would say is good (Keeps the enemy busy for a few seconds) and bad (Units stop firing at the enemy until the animation ends and the enemy advances half a square) is a fair mechanic that can be exploited if you use it correctly.
    The animations make me horny even though some of them are the same but with different units, the game overs are of good artistic quality and the animation also looks like something interactive even though there is no dialogue. Although the surprise sound caught me off guard in the last one and made me laugh for a while.
    Although the gameplay looks slow, it would be appreciated if it could be fast forwarded or if there was a button to fast forward (if it's too much trouble it's better to ignore the last sentence). The barrel isn't activated immediately, I think you have to wait about 4-5 seconds, with how slow the game is, it's ok. The fact that the sheep jumps your units but not your mines seems a bit strange to me, but maybe it prefers to damage material objects instead of humans. The economy is balanced even if it's slow if you spend it thinking it's not a problem. It's not that hard, I think I had to reset 2 times.
    Looking forward to the second act.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating for potential. Gameplay is a standard tower defense, but fun and with good ero animations. Art is very good. Other reviewer needs to put more gold producing units on the field, it's not that difficult, though I did lose a couple times getting the hang of things. With some story/plot, this could be one of the best monster girl/femdom games, and with unique gameplay as well.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1134959

    I really like those pvz type of games but the developer really needs to do some balance changes.

    It uses some of the pvz sounds lol. (like already said in the reviews the money drops way to slow, the units deal not enough damage, sex stops the units from shooting).

    I bet these things will be changed sooner or later.
    The scenes dont look too bad. Good game.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    graphic is bad, really bad, the dev tried to make a sexy plant vs zombie game but failed to balance the game, half of the unit are useless, dealing almost no damage or dieing immediately. the rate you get the coin are way too low and, most of all, when one of the front row unit is defeated, the one in the back row stop attacking until the sex animation is finished, while the enemies can walk past them, not to mention the cowgirl enemy unit can just skip all the units and make you lose the game.
    I don't care if is just an erotic reskin, a bad game is a bad game.