v26.8a is now out to add the missing Venefica scene, and fix a few typos.
Is there a complete changelog somewhere? Or just one with the new art/content? I've skipped several updates and keep finding new content I didn't know about (which is actually pretty awesome too).
The Blog, Patreon, Substar and itch all have the full change log posts available for free.
The inn succ from the forest got focus for a few months.
A month, and there was other stuff in that update.
We're at the capital, but only the front gate, which is about where we were around the time the Venefica stuff was finally done. Believe it or not, it's basically glacial. I forgot if Hellhounds were before or after Venefica, but the most we've had is font gate, consensual scenes, a few new shops, a boss fight, a side quest that amounts to "we visual novel now" and, most recently, an alleyway fight.
Venefica was before the labyrinth was a thing.
i think it was a giant misstep to show the player character in CGs tbh, it totally takes me out of it to get white guy jumpscared. the hypno overlays and perpetua's boobs do a much better job of working with the limits of the medium also the slime's face is creepy in her cg
You can customize the player appearance in the options menu to be a silhouette or entirely transparent.
You can also turn the character art off entirely. I should probably add an option at some point that is just the CGs.
As someone said in either this thread or another, anything that gets big enough and lasts long enough inevitably turns into a paypig bacon harvesting operation with the absolute bare minimum (or even sub-minimum) development.
The game's free and I'm doing my best to add content and progress at a reasonable pace.
For something like this which doesn't need new art
If I was cheap I guess?
is also relatively easy to code (in terms of adding story content) there's not really much excuse.
If I wanted to half ass it and make a shoddy end product I guess?
I also generally hear from people who go about modding the game that it gives them a better understanding of how much effort actually goes into making the game.
There's the Elena's Boyfriend idea that seems like it would have been around since basically the conception of the game, with multiple characters hinting you should get with her, yet for some reason all she has is a single drunk bar scene.
There's a lot of characters in the game that definitely need more content, and I can only do so much at once.
If I take the time to work on Elena, people will ask why I didn't add content to the capital or say, Camillia.
Some people also say I should get more writer staff, while others complain that I'm not writing everything in the game myself.
There is effectively no winning within the situation. I just need to keep working at it until everything I want in the game is complete.
I hate to disparage Threshold because he is trying to pace himself,
I would indeed like to not burn out like I did post finishing Venefica's stuff.
Also another aspect of why content might feel slower is that there's now a proper editing pipeline, which does take time to go through, I didn't used to get anything edited until after the fact, which while horny brain may not always notice such things, they're still there, and some older content still crops up with reports for issues. I definitely don't miss needing to fix over 100+ reports of typos after updates.
Am I missing something with Venefica's new loss scene, like a requirement? The defeat is still performing her normal no-nothing stance.
It was straight up not in the game because I'm an idiot.