I admit, this game has me genuinely conflicted. It's so very close to great, but due to a few glaring flaws it falls to merely good. This isn't to say that the game isn't worth your time, but players should go in with their eyes open.
Let's start with the Cons:
Now for the Pros:
It's possible that the Dev is simply making an epically huge game and what we've seen so far is still merely a proverbial Act 1, and that in subsequent acts all of the teasing will be paid in full -- repeatedly, salaciously, graphically, and in vast quantities -- and if so then I will happily revise this review. However, at this time, this game just isn't there yet for me.
TLDR; if you want an incomparable tease with beautiful graphics, but no meaningful interaction, play this game.
If you're looking for your titillation to eventually achieve culmination, look elsewhere for now.
Let's start with the Cons:
- As of the time of this review (v0.6.9, Mar 27, 2024), neither the protagonist nor her family have had any sex. Lots, and lots, and lots, and lots of teasing, but no actual sex. Not even making out. It's akin to one of those rom-com animes where the "one true pairing" finally kiss and (gasp) hold hands (scandalous!) in the finale after several seasons of build-up.
- All of that build-up and teasing means that there are also a lot of scenes intended to provide character and relationship building, but eventually begin to feel either redundant or like filler. It feels as though the dev is deliberately avoiding making meaningful progress with their meta-plot and characters.
- On the topic of characters, holy crap is this a large cast of characters. There are literally over 20 non-incidental characters, including POV characters. This would be impressive if they were implemented and developed well, but unfortunately far too many characters are introduced, teased for future content or plot, and then forgotten. It's one "Chekhov's Gun" (Chekhov's Dildo in this case?) after another, and it's positively unnerving. Again, it's as if the Dev is either avoiding committing to their plot and main characters, or possibly that they're suffering ADD game development design.
Now for the Pros:
- This game is absolutely gorgeous, and it is massive. As mentioned before there are an incredible number of characters, but despite that, each model is compelling, sexy, unique, and positioned well. The dev not only knows anatomy, but they understand kinetics and how to stage a scene. The backgrounds and environmental assets are also beautiful. The dev truly pays attention to visual detail. There are very, very few games that as visually well put together as this one.
- The characters are developed like real literary characters, rather than basic, two-dimensional masturbatory aids. They're each given personalities, histories, merits and flaws. Even side characters come across with depth, as if they have a story to tell. This is a double-edged sword as mentioned in the cons, but the game is still better for the development than to have none at all, or worse, cringe-worthy quality character building.
- I didn't encounter a single bug. This speaks to a remarkable amount of polish and care on the part of the Dev. Granted, this game isn't terribly complicated and is more of a kinetic novel insofar as while there are choices, they're more to continue down various paths or remove the protagonist from those paths per the player's wishes. They are also very, very obvious (which is good). There isn't necessarily a spaghetti plot cluster fuck of ambiguous choices that demands a walkthrough. Despite the quagmire of a plot and less sex than a Jehovah's Witness tupperware party, the game feels as though it is very clean and well-designed.
It's possible that the Dev is simply making an epically huge game and what we've seen so far is still merely a proverbial Act 1, and that in subsequent acts all of the teasing will be paid in full -- repeatedly, salaciously, graphically, and in vast quantities -- and if so then I will happily revise this review. However, at this time, this game just isn't there yet for me.
TLDR; if you want an incomparable tease with beautiful graphics, but no meaningful interaction, play this game.
If you're looking for your titillation to eventually achieve culmination, look elsewhere for now.