Wow, just woken up and a lot of posts to answer. I love it
TropecitaGames Hey, i like the game so far and i dont know if someone already pointed it out but there is a minor flaw in the story. Its about MCs selfdefense art:
After the fight in the toilet MC says, that he took a small course at college and that he knows just a little bit. Later on in a conversation he brags a little bit abaut his skills. At the police station while talking with Alexia he tells her, that he learned it in high school in a class, his mother signed him up for.
Hope that helps.
Dudlbert, thanks for pointing it out. The idea was always the explanation he gives to Alexia: fed up of seeing her son beaten up at high school, Martha signs him up to private lessons.
I've looked through the files, and I didn't find the small course at the college reference. He talks about the lessons with Emma in his room and the conversation goes
During the second fight (the Matrix one) he thinks
I didn't want to make it like he is bragging in that fight. He just remembers all the moves, as another player pointed out it will happen in a situation like that. Jack is charging like a bull and the MC's "limited" skills are enough to contain him. As he says to Alexia, he hasn't ever tested his skills against anyone other than his instructor, and he always lost those fights, so he isn't very confident about his skills. It turns out Aaron (the instructor) was a great instructor but a bad teacher. The MC didn't even know what the martial arts system was called.
The small course in college he talks about, with Martha and later with Emma/Daphne, is the masseuse course where he signed up because there was a girl he liked.
I would be thankful if you can point me up when he talks about the college course or where he is bragging (perhaps I haven't found the reference. I already said I just woke up

i will say for the first 3
"An ex-girlfriend saying she has dated other men after breaking up with the MC."
I feel like thats more to the way it was worded then her having relationships like the dialogue goes out of its way to spell it out as "I've been filling my pussy with cocks but none has filled it up like you" as oppressed to a simple one line dialogue of "I've been with other people but none have compared too you" both mean the exact same thing but English is tricky like that, depending on the wording used gives off 2 very different connotation.
thats not to say you still won't have people crying about "what she isn't a nun and wait for me" but those people can be ignore those are the same people that get "triggered" when finding out the characters mother isn't a virgin (like its some kinda of secret LOL)
and the other 2 about the girls kissing thats cultural thing (base on the few posts i've seen here anyways)
as in it may very well be a normal thing where you are from but here in NA no 100% straight ADULT person would practice kissing with the same sex unless they have Bi-sexually tendency or are bi-curious, it is normally here for children to do it to an extent (15 or younger) but not adults. and seeing as there is a threesome later as you mentioned (im not that far in yet) goes to show that there is Bi-sexually tendency there (i have never meet a 100% straight female in my life ever agree to an MFF threesome of their own free will) but as i said i haven't got that far in yet so i have no clue how the scene plays out in its entirety. I personally don't have a problem with kiss but i can definilty see why some think its straight up lesbian content.
I think the kissing scene was done Well actually it was a tiny kiss to let the player know if you pick this following option expect to see more of this content. good way to showcase what the potential content is you will unlock with the route option.
All the others comes done to peoples personal taste, i personally aren't attracted to dark girls (with some exception) but thats the beauty of a Harem game, don't like the girl? don't add her to the harem and pick up the next girl that comes along. I think you got a good balance so far for dark/white (from what i played so far) so something for everyone which is a good thing (though i would'nt be oppesed to adding some Asians into the mix nudge nudge Lol)
But anyone complaining just because its a "mixed" cast so to speak (and considering you can ignore the people you don't like) are just being borderline racist and their opinions aren't vailid IMHO
About Eileen, I think the problem is a mix of all the things you,
goulet1995, and
d_pedestrian point out (wording and timing) with cultural things added to the mix.
The idea with that conversation was to show the MC as an open-minded guy who just told Eileen a minute before he has been dating other girls after the breakup, he even tells her he had a friend with benefits, so it would be hypocritical for him to mind Eileen telling him about her dating other guys. They were a friends-first/lovers-second couple and they don't need to keep secrets. Eileen hasn't been a nun, the same as the MC, and she doesn't need to hide it from her best friend.
The controversial sentence is
The ellipsis and the "in any way" part were precisely there to make it clear that she referred to an emotional form to be fulfilled. I guess the wording wasn't right and now it doesn't make much sense to retcon it.
Also, about the cultural thing, in another thread someone said I must be a cuckold if my wife had explained her past relationships to me. When your partner is your best friend, at least here, you want to know everything about her and there are no secrets.
I wouldn't consider my wife a slut under any circumstances for explaining it to me, nor consider me a cuckold for wanting to know everything about her.
About the practice-kiss scene, here adults also don't practice kissing because usually they have someone to kiss for real when they reach adulthood. Scarlett and Daphne are both 18, but relationship-wise they are as innocent and experienced as if they were 14 (or as 14 years old girls were in my time, with the teenagers of today I know some girls who have already fucked at that age. I know, I know; I sound like an old fart). Scarlett's and Daphne's "first real kiss" is at the Twins, and those quotation marks are big, and so they think about it when it happens. For them, the practice kiss isn't a real kiss because neither of them looks at it beyond learning and neither of them is into girls (as stated later).
There's a sentence in your post that made me laugh (in a good sense, no offense intended):
I have never meet a 100% straight female in my life ever agree to an MFF threesome of their own free will
How many girls have you met agreeing to a harem of their own free will? It is a fantasy in which things happen that usually do not occur in reality. When you arrive at the threesome reference (truth or dare game), you'll understand what I mean by "fantasy"
About Asian girls. Technically there are two at the moment: Saira (India is in Asia, isn't it?

) and Maddie. I know when we talk about Asians we talk about East Asians, so there's only Maddie for the moment.
that was pretty much my thoughts on was just the wording and maybe the timing was abit odd for it.
See the above answer, please
I'm not saying she shouldn't have dated other men but maybe not mention it? I'm not asking her to say that she never dated anyone but giving those details won't do any good.
Also, when you break up with someone you usually regret ever getting in that relationship and try to forget it as a bad dream. In this case she was very proud of dating multiple men and there seems to be no regret. It's clear that she just wanted to have sex with those multiple men and didn't care about relationships. That's something a slut would do. So I'm sorry for not wanting to do anything with a slut i guess.
Also, I'll nope out of there if my date starts talking about her past sexual life especially if she's very proud of it. IRL you don't talk about your past unless your partner asks you about it.
See the above answer, please
At no point does she claim to be proud of it, she just informs her best friend of it. At no time does she say that she had a relationship with any of them, or that she had sex with all of them, only that she dated them. I can't tell you how many women I've dated that I never had sex with. I have never regretted dating any of them, since my experiences as a whole (with them included) have brought me to where I am.
The MC is not an insecure person (the insecurity was taken away by her in high school) and she knows she can tell him anything because, first and foremost, they are friends.
Obviously, once she has told him, he (or in this case the player) can make whatever decision he wishes, and they will remain friends (or more). There are no wrong choices in this game, each player can tailor their experience to their liking.