VN Ren'Py Completed My Faithful and Loyal Wife Would Never Cheat on Me [Final] [Jellyfluff Games]

4.00 star(s) 7 Votes


Active Member
Jul 11, 2017
this reminds me of a movie called Disturbia, with Shia LaBeouf, an amazing movie. How well does this game explore the concept?

Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
This is a pirate porn game site. Your remark on ntr being "bad" is laughable. There is cheating, incest, harem, rape, violence etc, etc. in this site but people don't really complain much on those things do they?
The thing is, what you consider as "ntr" could simply be part of the plot. Does GRRM have to put a warning in A Game of Thrones "Oh the main character is going to die"? No, it's just part of the story. Does Breaking Bad have to put out a warning "There's NTR in this series (Walter's wife is going to cheat on him)"? No, because again, whatever conflict the story has, is part of it. The author is not obligated to spoil their own plot in their own story. It's absurd that people in this site, a porn site with adults in them, have become more spineless and oversensitive than the average media consumer. This is also why condensing a multifaceted event to one tag "ntr" can ruin the narrative of the story.
NTR fans complaining about "no ntr"? Really? You see a significantly more people complaining about ntr in games than the minority of ntr fans who are ass about it, and yet you just have to target those minority don't you? The anti-NTR crowd are significantly louder and whinier than the NTR crowd. One mention of a dick that doesn't belong to the MC and they lose their mind.
Hang on, before this get's out of hand, let's wrangle this back in. Now, regarding your comments about the anti-NTR crowd, Sure. I agree, a lot of them are just as bad. I mean, if they are that unstable & fragile that they self insert as the MC & any instance of any female character taking a dick that isn't the MC's, yeah. That's pretty sad & pathetic. But let's be real here, that's just deflection. yeah, both sides are pretty insufferable, but the topic at hand here is this game, which pokes fun at the NTR fanboy side of the headcases. Taking shots at the anti-NTR crowd doesn't really make a lot of sense on this thread. Additionally, you're minimizing the antics of a lot of the NTR fanboy crowd. YOU YOURSELF even ended up committing one of the common faux pas of those guys. I'll Quote:
Let's make one thing very clear here: NTR is a very bad thing IRL
Key word being IRL, which means In Real Life. Since when is the content of any of these fictional games, or anything in these forums part of Real Life? See, you had to misrepresent what they were saying in order to make it fit your narrative. Not only that, Missmiles wasn't even taking a pro or anti NTR position. They were just pointing out that people from either side typing posts on games pissing & moaning because it doesn't conform to what they like is unjustified, which is correct. If you're looking for something specific & the game that you're looking at doesn't feature it, then move the fuck on to something more your tastes, don't piss & moan about it. You only acknowledged the part where they mention NTR fanboys demanding some non NTR games to include NTR, (which yes, does happen), then you reply with, (paraphrasing), "Oh yeah? well the anti-NTR crowd does it too, & they do it more". So fucking what? Sure, it's bullshit when they do it too. Doesn't change the fact that it's still bullshit when the NTR fanboys do it. That "But they staaarted it" bullshit didn't work when we were kids, it's definitely not gonna fly when we're all supposed to be grown ass adults here.

Now, as for my own personal experience with the NTR fanboy crowd, Sorry, but some of y'all are the most fragile, delusional, dishonest & overall, most toxic people I've encountered on this forum. A while back, a friend of mine talked me into giving A promise best left unkept a try. Now personally, I couldn't give less of a shit if it's NTR or not, He sold me on the promise of a good, well written story. As far as that game was concerned, a good story it certainly was not. The Character continuity was non existent, half the choices made were wholly irrational & absurd, frequently being inconsistent with how the character was structured, the plot was internally inconsistent & full of holes & poorly thought out plot hooks that you could drive a fleet of semi trucks through & I could tell right away, it was going to be the same old, paint by numbers, worn out to death story that all "legitimate" NTR games follow, which, if you've played one of those games, you've literally played them all. Now note, ALL of my criticism was about structural aspects of the game. About character structure, character integrity, plot continuity, lazy writing that clearly showed that the author didn't even care about writing a coherent story, (which the creator himself actually later admitted to by the way). NONE OF THIS HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH NTR, NOR ANYTHING NTR RELATED. It was PURELY about beyond the pale poor storycrafting & lackluster workmanship.

Now, when I went to leave some respectful & constructive feedback on how he could improve the structural quality of the story & at least make it somewhat more believable, or at the very least, less glaringly obviously low effort, before I could leave my feedback, I saw one NTR fanboy's response to another person, whom simply stated that he'd like to see a route where the MC discovers the infidelity, snaps & gets revenge in some kind of pyric victory, (which is a perfectly valid opinion to have & actually is something that a lot of people that like NTR content like to see). The fanboys response was essentially "Lol that's not NTR. Go back to playing your harem games. Why you even playing NTR games if you don't like them?"
Now it doesn't take a genius to see not just how abjectly stupid that guy's statement was, (as many people DO enjoy NTR games that DO include a revenge path, as that comeback kid type story, or maybe just variety in outcomes in general is something that they enjoy). Not only that, but the fanboy's response just reeked of insular, elitist "yer not one of us, so fuck off" vibes & in general was just really rude & insulting. So I responded to them pointing out that different people might like elements of NTR for different reasons & that he was being a dick to the other guy for simply expressing something that he'd like to see as an optional bit of content, which he had every right to do.

Then when I left my feedback on the game, the game creator & a bunch of his sycophant fans were outraged & bombarded me with all kinds of bullshit that completely ignored the ACTUAL CONTENT of my feedback & instead calling me an anti-NTR hater, claiming that I'm whining about NTR on an NTR game thread, some even insanely claiming that I'm "trying to force the dev to take NTR out of the game". Now, the only conclusion that can be drawn from that is either A, they are either so catastrophically stupid & illiterate that they were only capable of seeing that I posted words & things that weren't sucking off their beloved game dev, thought "HAY! HE SAY BAD uh... MEAN TING! GET IM!" then went on their typical, poor grammar & typo ridden attack on what they assumed was another NTR hater, OR they were fully aware of the content of my critique, knew that it had nothing to do with the NTR content, knew that they had no real defense for the poor quality of the story, but still were so angry & outraged that I dared to say anything that wasn't praise of the game, that they intentionally strawmanned the fuck out of their "counter-argument" so that they could pat themselves on the back for defending their beloved developer from "another NTR hater", even though, again, NTR had nothing to do with my feedback.

In addition to this, another side argument flared up about my response to that first fanboy, offended that I was defending the first guys right to have an opinion on addiotional content to make the story more interesting & give it some variety. What became clear in that back & forth very quickly is that they had an extremely narrow & rigid view of what "legitimate" NTR is. So, in their stated view, "legitimate" NTR is strictly NTR that is purely NTR content ONLY, & follows the same, tired old repeated story. So, if a game with choices, (which should logically lead down branching paths with some measure of variance in outcomes, rather than different paths to the same thing), included 100% of the same NTR content that it would have had anyway on it's own, but also had a revenge path, or a reconciliation path, or a faithful path, or ANYTHING really that wasn't strictly NTR, it was somehow "tainted" & "Impure" & no longer was worthy of being considered NTR. In their addled minds, the mere presence of a single drop of blood that wasn't pure whit... er... I mean... a single drop of content that wasn't pure NTR defiled it's pure whit... shit, I mean it's pure NTR heritage.

Now, you might be offended at my tongue in cheek comparrison these nutjobs to... let's just say people that have some unsavory views on ethnicity. Well, don't get pissed at me, take it up with them for how they were behaving, because they were acting the exact same way about the "purity" of NTR as certain Germans in the 1940's did about people of certain ethic groups.
I made this same comparison in that thread too, regarding the concept of the exact same NTR game, PLUS some of the content that others liked. Say you like burgers, (The NTR stand in), but don't like french fries, (or chips, if you're from the UK. This being the obvious stand in for other routes). You order a burger at a diner & there's a serving of fries on your plate along with the burger. Now most people with a working brain would simply eat the burger, leave the fries & move on with their day. These nutjobs, however, did the equivalent of standing up & shrieking "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! I WANTED A BURGER! THERE'S FRIES ON THIS PLATE. BECAUSE OF THE MERE PRESENCE OF FRIES BEING ON THE SAME PLATE AS MY BURGER, THIS BURGER IS NO LONGER A BURGER! IT'S AN UNBURGER! I DEMAND THAT IT'S REMADE WITHOUT ANY FRIES DEFILING IT WITH THEIR MERE PRESENCE ON THE SAME PLATE!" Now, that is someone that rightfully deserves to be told "Hey pal, why don't you go fuck yourself?" That is because the entire premise of their nonsense is not only wholly idiotic & absurd, but additionally fucking asinine. They are literally being exclusionary & trying to gatekeep the "NTR cool kids club", with this insanely cultish insistence on maintaining the "purity" of works of their desired fetish by insisting on the exclusion of any additional content despite the fact that they still get exactly the same content of their preference either way. They aren't getting MORE NTR content by excluding anything else, They're simply limiting the content to just what they like & ONLY what they like & being insufferable cunts about it in the process.

Now, again, yes it's true, there's a lot of anti-NTR fans that act like idiots & make a fuss about some avoidable NTR in games here & there. Though to their credit, I've yet to see any of them pull any bullshit like that.

So please. cut the bullshit with the whole "Well anti-NTR people do it tooo, they do it moooore." That's irrelevant. They deserve criticism too, sure. But that doesn't absolve the toxic NTR fanboys of their rightlfully deserved criticism & mockery for their own bullshit.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
This is hilariously incorrect. I don't even know where to start. It's ironic that you say I'm representing people's position when you're the one actually doing that.

Let's make one thing very clear here: NTR is a very bad thing IRL
Key word being IRL, which means In Real Life. Since when is the content of any of these fictional games, or anything in these forums part of Real Life? See, you had to misrepresent what they were saying in order to make it fit your narrative.
I'm not the one who said that. It's Missmiles who commented about NTR being bad IRL. What even are you talking about? I'm not the one misrepresenting anything. You're the one who misrepresented me.

Hang on, before this get's out of hand, let's wrangle this back in. Now, regarding your comments about the anti-NTR crowd, Sure. I agree, a lot of them are just as bad. I mean, if they are that unstable & fragile that they self insert as the MC & any instance of any female character taking a dick that isn't the MC's, yeah. That's pretty sad & pathetic. But let's be real here, that's just deflection. yeah, both sides are pretty insufferable, but the topic at hand here is this game, which pokes fun at the NTR fanboy side of the headcases. Taking shots at the anti-NTR crowd doesn't really make a lot of sense on this thread. Additionally, you're minimizing the antics of a lot of the NTR fanboy crowd. YOU YOURSELF even ended up committing one of the common faux pas of those guys. I'll Quote:
You misquoted me. It's ironic how you said I'm the one who committed a "common faux pas" when you're the one who just did.

Now, as for my own personal experience with the NTR fanboy crowd, Sorry, but some of y'all are the most fragile, delusional, dishonest & overall, most toxic people I've encountered on this forum. A while back, a friend of mine talked me into giving A promise best left unkept a try. Now personally, I couldn't give less of a shit if it's NTR or not, He sold me on the promise of a good, well written story. As far as that game was concerned, a good story it certainly was not. The Character continuity was non existent, half the choices made were wholly irrational & absurd, frequently being inconsistent with how the character was structured, the plot was internally inconsistent & full of holes & poorly thought out plot hooks that you could drive a fleet of semi trucks through & I could tell right away, it was going to be the same old, paint by numbers, worn out to death story that all "legitimate" NTR games follow, which, if you've played one of those games, you've literally played them all. Now note, ALL of my criticism was about structural aspects of the game. About character structure, character integrity, plot continuity, lazy writing that clearly showed that the author didn't even care about writing a coherent story, (which the creator himself actually later admitted to by the way). NONE OF THIS HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH NTR, NOR ANYTHING NTR RELATED. It was PURELY about beyond the pale poor storycrafting & lackluster workmanship.

Now, when I went to leave some respectful & constructive feedback on how he could improve the structural quality of the story & at least make it somewhat more believable, or at the very least, less glaringly obviously low effort, before I could leave my feedback, I saw one NTR fanboy's response to another person, whom simply stated that he'd like to see a route where the MC discovers the infidelity, snaps & gets revenge in some kind of pyric victory, (which is a perfectly valid opinion to have & actually is something that a lot of people that like NTR content like to see). The fanboys response was essentially "Lol that's not NTR. Go back to playing your harem games. Why you even playing NTR games if you don't like them?"
Now it doesn't take a genius to see not just how abjectly stupid that guy's statement was, (as many people DO enjoy NTR games that DO include a revenge path, as that comeback kid type story, or maybe just variety in outcomes in general is something that they enjoy). Not only that, but the fanboy's response just reeked of insular, elitist "yer not one of us, so fuck off" vibes & in general was just really rude & insulting. So I responded to them pointing out that different people might like elements of NTR for different reasons & that he was being a dick to the other guy for simply expressing something that he'd like to see as an optional bit of content, which he had every right to do.

Then when I left my feedback on the game, the game creator & a bunch of his sycophant fans were outraged & bombarded me with all kinds of bullshit that completely ignored the ACTUAL CONTENT of my feedback & instead calling me an anti-NTR hater, claiming that I'm whining about NTR on an NTR game thread, some even insanely claiming that I'm "trying to force the dev to take NTR out of the game". Now, the only conclusion that can be drawn from that is either A, they are either so catastrophically stupid & illiterate that they were only capable of seeing that I posted words & things that weren't sucking off their beloved game dev, thought "HAY! HE SAY BAD uh... MEAN TING! GET IM!" then went on their typical, poor grammar & typo ridden attack on what they assumed was another NTR hater, OR they were fully aware of the content of my critique, knew that it had nothing to do with the NTR content, knew that they had no real defense for the poor quality of the story, but still were so angry & outraged that I dared to say anything that wasn't praise of the game, that they intentionally strawmanned the fuck out of their "counter-argument" so that they could pat themselves on the back for defending their beloved developer from "another NTR hater", even though, again, NTR had nothing to do with my feedback.

In addition to this, another side argument flared up about my response to that first fanboy, offended that I was defending the first guys right to have an opinion on addiotional content to make the story more interesting & give it some variety. What became clear in that back & forth very quickly is that they had an extremely narrow & rigid view of what "legitimate" NTR is. So, in their stated view, "legitimate" NTR is strictly NTR that is purely NTR content ONLY, & follows the same, tired old repeated story. So, if a game with choices, (which should logically lead down branching paths with some measure of variance in outcomes, rather than different paths to the same thing), included 100% of the same NTR content that it would have had anyway on it's own, but also had a revenge path, or a reconciliation path, or a faithful path, or ANYTHING really that wasn't strictly NTR, it was somehow "tainted" & "Impure" & no longer was worthy of being considered NTR. In their addled minds, the mere presence of a single drop of blood that wasn't pure whit... er... I mean... a single drop of content that wasn't pure NTR defiled it's pure whit... shit, I mean it's pure NTR heritage.

Now, you might be offended at my tongue in cheek comparrison these nutjobs to... let's just say people that have some unsavory views on ethnicity. Well, don't get pissed at me, take it up with them for how they were behaving, because they were acting the exact same way about the "purity" of NTR as certain Germans in the 1940's did about people of certain ethic groups.
I made this same comparison in that thread too, regarding the concept of the exact same NTR game, PLUS some of the content that others liked. Say you like burgers, (The NTR stand in), but don't like french fries, (or chips, if you're from the UK. This being the obvious stand in for other routes). You order a burger at a diner & there's a serving of fries on your plate along with the burger. Now most people with a working brain would simply eat the burger, leave the fries & move on with their day. These nutjobs, however, did the equivalent of standing up & shrieking "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! I WANTED A BURGER! THERE'S FRIES ON THIS PLATE. BECAUSE OF THE MERE PRESENCE OF FRIES BEING ON THE SAME PLATE AS MY BURGER, THIS BURGER IS NO LONGER A BURGER! IT'S AN UNBURGER! I DEMAND THAT IT'S REMADE WITHOUT ANY FRIES DEFILING IT WITH THEIR MERE PRESENCE ON THE SAME PLATE!" Now, that is someone that rightfully deserves to be told "Hey pal, why don't you go fuck yourself?" That is because the entire premise of their nonsense is not only wholly idiotic & absurd, but additionally fucking asinine. They are literally being exclusionary & trying to gatekeep the "NTR cool kids club", with this insanely cultish insistence on maintaining the "purity" of works of their desired fetish by insisting on the exclusion of any additional content despite the fact that they still get exactly the same content of their preference either way. They aren't getting MORE NTR content by excluding anything else, They're simply limiting the content to just what they like & ONLY what they like & being insufferable cunts about it in the process.
Cool story bro. Unfortunately a single anecdote of a toxic NTR fan doesn't change the statistics that anti-NTR fans are more insufferable, which is what I commented about. When a new NTR game gets posted, these people would immediately be angry make a reaction from it. They haven't even played the game, but they're just angry. NTR is one of the most controversial topics in this forum not because of the NTR crowd but because people get angry and complain when NTR gets added, and thus there's a lot of clamor. Even in the game where the developer trusted you to further develop has anti-NTR people complaining about NTR.
Not only that, your analogy of 'Burger = NTR' is just the opposite of what's true. Most NTR fans are fine with other themes. You can see that in NTR games that also have romance, harem, etc. What happens is when NTR is added in a game that doesn't have one, people will start making demands on the author to remove such content. Missmiles even commented how it's only right that people get to complain on the author, which is absurd. Your comment of
is literally how anti-NTR crowd act when NTR gets added. The mere presence of NTR makes them lose their mind, which is where Missmiles comment on how
Let's make one thing very clear here: NTR is a very bad thing IRL
becomes relevant.

And by the way, your biggest misrepresentation is how I'm trying to justify NTR crowd being toxic. That's not even my point. I never said that one side is justified because the other one is worse. You made a comment on how the NTR crowd can be toxic. And I simply made a comment how the anti-NTR crowd is even worse. It's as simple as that.
They deserve criticism too, sure. But that doesn't absolve the toxic NTR fanboys of their rightlfully deserved criticism & mockery for their own bullshit.
I never said that anyone is absolved of toxicity. You are strawmanning my comment. Just as you made a comment how "NTR fans deserved it" on a game that makes fun of NTR crowd which has anti-NTR crowd in the comments making fun of NTR fans, so can I make a comment on how anti-NTR crowd are even worse.

Got your asses handed to you huh?
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Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
Key word being IRL
you literally had to cut his statement in half to take that line out of context.
he did not say "NTR is bad IRL therefore they are bad people for liking it"
He said "NTR is bad IRL, which is so many people find it gross. Those people are justified in being upset when a chef secretly adds something many people find gross as a surprise secret ingredient"
This is a perfectly legitimate argument.
See, you had to misrepresent what they were saying in order to make it fit your narrative
No, he didn't. you are misrepresenting what he said. he even explicitly stated:
What ISN'T justified is the author putting up clear notice that there is NTR (unavoidable or not) and the anti crowd still coming in to whine about it.
which is explicitly in line with the rest of your arguments. where you correctly point out it is not ok for supposedly grown ass adults to behave in such a manner.


Aug 21, 2023
This is hilariously incorrect. I don't even know where to start. It's ironic that you say I'm representing people's position when you're the one actually doing that.

I'm not the one who said that. It's Missmiles who commented about NTR being bad IRL. What even are you talking about? I'm not the one misrepresenting anything. You're the one who misrepresented me.

You misquoted me. It's ironic how you said I'm the one who committed a "common faux pas" when you're the one who just did.

Cool story bro. Unfortunately a single anecdote of a toxic NTR fan doesn't change the statistics that anti-NTR fans are more insufferable, which is what I commented about. When a new NTR game gets posted, these people would immediately be angry make a reaction from it. They haven't even played the game, but they're just angry. NTR is one of the most controversial topics in this forum not because of the NTR crowd but because people get angry and complain when NTR gets added, and thus there's a lot of clamor. Even in the game where the developer trusted you to further develop has anti-NTR people complaining about NTR.
Not only that, your analogy of 'Burger = NTR' is just the opposite of what's true. Most NTR fans are fine with other themes. You can see that in NTR games that also have romance, harem, etc. What happens is when NTR is added in a game that doesn't have one, people will start making demands on the author to remove such content. Missmiles even commented how it's only right that people get to complain on the author, which is absurd. Your comment of

is literally how anti-NTR crowd act when NTR gets added. The mere presence of NTR makes them lose their mind, which is where Missmiles comment on how

becomes relevant.

And by the way, your biggest misrepresentation is how I'm trying to justify NTR crowd being toxic. That's not even my point. I never said that one side is justified because the other one is worse. You made a comment on how the NTR crowd can be toxic. And I simply made a comment how the anti-NTR crowd is even worse. It's as simple as that.

I never said that anyone is absolved of toxicity. You are strawmanning my comment. Just as you made a comment how "NTR fans deserved it" on a game that makes fun of NTR crowd which has anti-NTR crowd in the comments making fun of NTR fans, so can I make a comment on how anti-NTR crowd are even worse.

Got your asses handed to you huh?
emm everything you just said just confirmed everything your comment said is literally summarized in "yes but the anti NTR are worse" just like he said but of course you also forgot to mention that not only a few "some "Toxic people" came to bother him, but even the creator of the game NTR himself also started to bother him, so there were several of them, so please don't try to justify that "it was an insignificant minority."
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Aug 21, 2023
Hang on, before this get's out of hand, let's wrangle this back in. Now, regarding your comments about the anti-NTR crowd, Sure. I agree, a lot of them are just as bad. I mean, if they are that unstable & fragile that they self insert as the MC & any instance of any female character taking a dick that isn't the MC's, yeah. That's pretty sad & pathetic. But let's be real here, that's just deflection. yeah, both sides are pretty insufferable, but the topic at hand here is this game, which pokes fun at the NTR fanboy side of the headcases. Taking shots at the anti-NTR crowd doesn't really make a lot of sense on this thread. Additionally, you're minimizing the antics of a lot of the NTR fanboy crowd. YOU YOURSELF even ended up committing one of the common faux pas of those guys. I'll Quote:
Key word being IRL, which means In Real Life. Since when is the content of any of these fictional games, or anything in these forums part of Real Life? See, you had to misrepresent what they were saying in order to make it fit your narrative. Not only that, Missmiles wasn't even taking a pro or anti NTR position. They were just pointing out that people from either side typing posts on games pissing & moaning because it doesn't conform to what they like is unjustified, which is correct. If you're looking for something specific & the game that you're looking at doesn't feature it, then move the fuck on to something more your tastes, don't piss & moan about it. You only acknowledged the part where they mention NTR fanboys demanding some non NTR games to include NTR, (which yes, does happen), then you reply with, (paraphrasing), "Oh yeah? well the anti-NTR crowd does it too, & they do it more". So fucking what? Sure, it's bullshit when they do it too. Doesn't change the fact that it's still bullshit when the NTR fanboys do it. That "But they staaarted it" bullshit didn't work when we were kids, it's definitely not gonna fly when we're all supposed to be grown ass adults here.

Now, as for my own personal experience with the NTR fanboy crowd, Sorry, but some of y'all are the most fragile, delusional, dishonest & overall, most toxic people I've encountered on this forum. A while back, a friend of mine talked me into giving A promise best left unkept a try. Now personally, I couldn't give less of a shit if it's NTR or not, He sold me on the promise of a good, well written story. As far as that game was concerned, a good story it certainly was not. The Character continuity was non existent, half the choices made were wholly irrational & absurd, frequently being inconsistent with how the character was structured, the plot was internally inconsistent & full of holes & poorly thought out plot hooks that you could drive a fleet of semi trucks through & I could tell right away, it was going to be the same old, paint by numbers, worn out to death story that all "legitimate" NTR games follow, which, if you've played one of those games, you've literally played them all. Now note, ALL of my criticism was about structural aspects of the game. About character structure, character integrity, plot continuity, lazy writing that clearly showed that the author didn't even care about writing a coherent story, (which the creator himself actually later admitted to by the way). NONE OF THIS HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH NTR, NOR ANYTHING NTR RELATED. It was PURELY about beyond the pale poor storycrafting & lackluster workmanship.

Now, when I went to leave some respectful & constructive feedback on how he could improve the structural quality of the story & at least make it somewhat more believable, or at the very least, less glaringly obviously low effort, before I could leave my feedback, I saw one NTR fanboy's response to another person, whom simply stated that he'd like to see a route where the MC discovers the infidelity, snaps & gets revenge in some kind of pyric victory, (which is a perfectly valid opinion to have & actually is something that a lot of people that like NTR content like to see). The fanboys response was essentially "Lol that's not NTR. Go back to playing your harem games. Why you even playing NTR games if you don't like them?"
Now it doesn't take a genius to see not just how abjectly stupid that guy's statement was, (as many people DO enjoy NTR games that DO include a revenge path, as that comeback kid type story, or maybe just variety in outcomes in general is something that they enjoy). Not only that, but the fanboy's response just reeked of insular, elitist "yer not one of us, so fuck off" vibes & in general was just really rude & insulting. So I responded to them pointing out that different people might like elements of NTR for different reasons & that he was being a dick to the other guy for simply expressing something that he'd like to see as an optional bit of content, which he had every right to do.

Then when I left my feedback on the game, the game creator & a bunch of his sycophant fans were outraged & bombarded me with all kinds of bullshit that completely ignored the ACTUAL CONTENT of my feedback & instead calling me an anti-NTR hater, claiming that I'm whining about NTR on an NTR game thread, some even insanely claiming that I'm "trying to force the dev to take NTR out of the game". Now, the only conclusion that can be drawn from that is either A, they are either so catastrophically stupid & illiterate that they were only capable of seeing that I posted words & things that weren't sucking off their beloved game dev, thought "HAY! HE SAY BAD uh... MEAN TING! GET IM!" then went on their typical, poor grammar & typo ridden attack on what they assumed was another NTR hater, OR they were fully aware of the content of my critique, knew that it had nothing to do with the NTR content, knew that they had no real defense for the poor quality of the story, but still were so angry & outraged that I dared to say anything that wasn't praise of the game, that they intentionally strawmanned the fuck out of their "counter-argument" so that they could pat themselves on the back for defending their beloved developer from "another NTR hater", even though, again, NTR had nothing to do with my feedback.

In addition to this, another side argument flared up about my response to that first fanboy, offended that I was defending the first guys right to have an opinion on addiotional content to make the story more interesting & give it some variety. What became clear in that back & forth very quickly is that they had an extremely narrow & rigid view of what "legitimate" NTR is. So, in their stated view, "legitimate" NTR is strictly NTR that is purely NTR content ONLY, & follows the same, tired old repeated story. So, if a game with choices, (which should logically lead down branching paths with some measure of variance in outcomes, rather than different paths to the same thing), included 100% of the same NTR content that it would have had anyway on it's own, but also had a revenge path, or a reconciliation path, or a faithful path, or ANYTHING really that wasn't strictly NTR, it was somehow "tainted" & "Impure" & no longer was worthy of being considered NTR. In their addled minds, the mere presence of a single drop of blood that wasn't pure whit... er... I mean... a single drop of content that wasn't pure NTR defiled it's pure whit... shit, I mean it's pure NTR heritage.

Now, you might be offended at my tongue in cheek comparrison these nutjobs to... let's just say people that have some unsavory views on ethnicity. Well, don't get pissed at me, take it up with them for how they were behaving, because they were acting the exact same way about the "purity" of NTR as certain Germans in the 1940's did about people of certain ethic groups.
I made this same comparison in that thread too, regarding the concept of the exact same NTR game, PLUS some of the content that others liked. Say you like burgers, (The NTR stand in), but don't like french fries, (or chips, if you're from the UK. This being the obvious stand in for other routes). You order a burger at a diner & there's a serving of fries on your plate along with the burger. Now most people with a working brain would simply eat the burger, leave the fries & move on with their day. These nutjobs, however, did the equivalent of standing up & shrieking "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! I WANTED A BURGER! THERE'S FRIES ON THIS PLATE. BECAUSE OF THE MERE PRESENCE OF FRIES BEING ON THE SAME PLATE AS MY BURGER, THIS BURGER IS NO LONGER A BURGER! IT'S AN UNBURGER! I DEMAND THAT IT'S REMADE WITHOUT ANY FRIES DEFILING IT WITH THEIR MERE PRESENCE ON THE SAME PLATE!" Now, that is someone that rightfully deserves to be told "Hey pal, why don't you go fuck yourself?" That is because the entire premise of their nonsense is not only wholly idiotic & absurd, but additionally fucking asinine. They are literally being exclusionary & trying to gatekeep the "NTR cool kids club", with this insanely cultish insistence on maintaining the "purity" of works of their desired fetish by insisting on the exclusion of any additional content despite the fact that they still get exactly the same content of their preference either way. They aren't getting MORE NTR content by excluding anything else, They're simply limiting the content to just what they like & ONLY what they like & being insufferable cunts about it in the process.

Now, again, yes it's true, there's a lot of anti-NTR fans that act like idiots & make a fuss about some avoidable NTR in games here & there. Though to their credit, I've yet to see any of them pull any bullshit like that.

So please. cut the bullshit with the whole "Well anti-NTR people do it tooo, they do it moooore." That's irrelevant. They deserve criticism too, sure. But that doesn't absolve the toxic NTR fanboys of their rightlfully deserved criticism & mockery for their own bullshit.
One question, what is the name of the NTR game you are talking about? just out of curiosity that's all
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2022
Is this happy ending all this game offers or is there any hidden trigger to 8ther outcome i missed?


Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
Is this happy ending all this game offers or is there any hidden trigger to 8ther outcome i missed?
Nope. This game is a special gift to NTR fans that cucks them out of having an NTR ending. It is in a kinetic novel format so there is only one ending to be had.
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