Usually I like tearing games like this appart, because you can basically write a horrid review even for the best of the ones in this medium. Having said that, this particular dev actually finished a pretty big, if not all that great game completly before starting a new one and having the first one abandoned after 3 months, so this review will be full constructive criticism:
Story: 5/10
The story in this is very generic and overused. Your character becomes the "man of the house

" when his father disappears from his life. Literally 95% of all games on this site and jp VN's have this type of plot line, but I will give props that father-guy actually dies in this (not a spoiler, it happens in the prologue) closing that particular inevitable plothole (just to then take all props away, because that guy appears in this more than the main character to "give advice". I'd like to die like that and then just appear everywhere after, seems cool). Then you have the fantasy element, which right now has no effect on the gameplay what-so-ever, tho there are little forshadowings of what it's gonna be about in the characters events.
Un-requested adivce: due away with the dad all-together after his death, having him just appear every scene giving you advice about who you should be fucking next is just weird (and the ghost mentor character is also a cliche). It also kills all the impact his death had in the first place and thus some of the motivation to keep his business going.
Characters 7/10:
I'm gonna start with the good. Pretty much all the women are okay. And by okay I mean generic stereoptypes. You got the supportive not-mom woman that's sexually repressed, the no-nonsense and sassy not-sister that just likes being abused. The c-razy bisexual sis's best friend, that would fuck anything with a soft but firm long pole attached to it and the hot tomboy that likes wearing baggy clothes (for now).
All this is fine, stick to what works, but the characters have to maintain that personality throughout the game. So many games (including this dev's previous work) have all characters lose all personality as they become more "corrupted" or whatever.
But the giant gut punch to this section is the main character and the male characters in general. The repair-man guy is bad, the joke is maybe funny, once or twice (to 12 year olds), having him show up and interrupt gameplay every time you upgrade is insane and stupid. Stop it. The dad is annoying too, more-so after his timely demise. Kill him faster and exorcise that shit. His face is very punchable.
But the prize on the punchable ass-face o-meter is the main character. That guy is the most unlikeable thing to have ever existed. Nobody likes people who look like that and with that shit-eating grin. I honestly have to look away from the screen whenever he shows up, and he's everywhere. You're supposed to relate to main character in these types of games, but how can you when he's such a tool (personality-wise) as well as looks like every douchebag frat-boy boot-rag. This might sound like personal prefference, but if anybody can look at thos faces he makes on the difficulty screen and not have second hand embarassment, they're not human.
Un-requested adivce: Invest some time and take the main character's face out completly from the game. If not that then make a morre generic, normal face. There's a reason JVN's have all generic black-hair black-eyes no facial expression characters, when they do have them. Most of the time you never actually see the main character's face if he's supposed to be an extension of the player. Just being able to name the character does not make him relatable. Having my name attached to that "thing" actually ruins immersion, reason why I named him adsffa.
Gameplay 5/10
This is your tipical hotel management sim, except with around 10% of the features and 5 times the grind.
It's admirable that dev-guy decided to finish the gameplay loop first and then go on to make the story, that's how it should be done. But this has a way to go to be good.
There are basically no differences between the rooms. All of them need to have somebody assigned to them and all imply a quiz-type minigame to increase customer satisafaction. All rooms could have been the kitchen and it would have changed nothing.
You can get customers that require a large satisfaction % to be satisifed by the sevice. Which is fine until you get the later rooms like the bar and the restaurant. Most of the first customers only use the kitchen. so you don't get to level up the other stats untill your kitchen staff is already high level. Then you start getting high level customers that you can't satisfy, so you need to skip. But getting a customer that you can level stats on is rng, so it all adds to the insane grind this game already has.
Next is stamina and specialization. Every employee can do 3 types of rooms and they can do 4 tasks a day. They regenerate 2 actions while resting and 3 over-night. But then you have tasks like cleaning and maintanance, which have to be done pretty much constantly. In the beggining it's fine, because you only have to do cleaning and both can be assigned to it, but when you get all 4 characters, and unlock maintanence, only one of them can do it, and you lose 10% maintanance points / phase, so that character is basically locked doing that every other action they take. So you gotta rest them that much more frequent. There's also a game-breaking bug here, where you can get a room that requires maintanence before you get the maintanance room. I had the option of building one of gym or sauna, and the first customer that came in needed sauna so it was an obvious choice. Only to build it and then get the maintenance announcement. So i grinded it out, and the guy gave me just enough money to build the maintanance room. But I couldn't assign anybody to it. Had to read the forum to find out, you only get the character that can be assigned to maintanence, after you get both maintanance room and the GYM. So at some point everything was too broken to run the kitchen, and at that point i had to restart.
But going back to the management aspect, right now it's fine, you can just barely have everything running and your employees rested. But just adding one more customer room will destroy all this balance with just 4 characters. You'd need another 2 maybe 3 employees todeal with just one more client, but then you can have 6 rooms for them. I'm not gonna get into the math, but how many characters does this game have planned ? 20 ? Not sustainable, I can already smell the grind.
Some ideas:
- make the characters be able to do anything, but have prefferences and things they're good at, and then you can have 3 of those to each character.
So I can now assign Julia to sauna, but she doesn't like doing that, so she does a shit job, and you get less customer-satisafaction. Then you can have the events trigger only when the character does something she likes, maybe don't even say what they preffer doing, let the player find that out by experimenting and unlocking the events.
- make all the rooms self-sufficient at the very least. Needing 2 employees to run the restaurant makes sense, but it's just not reasonable in the long run.
Having all this said, and knowing that Faerin actually did finish one game before this, I can see the potential and would not have bothered writing so much otherwise. But as I've also said before, there's potential in everyone and everything, so that shit don's sell. Hope this review gives someone some ideas. Best of luck