Unity - Completed - Mystwood Manor [v1.1.2] [Faerin]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I thought since this game is a lot newer than Man of The House (from the same dev) it would be a lot better, but after hours of playing it's not a very different game with basically the same pros and cons. If you like management games, add an extra star to this rating. But be aware that there is a LOT of management and a LOT of clicking before you get to any H content.

    - Mom looks like an actual MILF
    - Management aspect is not perfect, but alright
    - Completed game with a good amount of content
    - Models are nice

    - Too vanilla, too boring, no kinks except incest
    - MC is a beta loser
    - Couldn't care less about the main story
    - Some story scenes (the asian girl) are cringe as fuck
    - Stiff animations
    - Too grindy
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game for both story and visuals.

    Visually great game, creating solid atmosphere throughout the game. Sex-scenes are animated, even tho nothing too crazy. Individual LIs are fun and individually unique.

    Gameplay look aint rly super enjoyable, still I would say its pretty solid and well design as a concept. Sadly I felt like the beginning was very grindy as you feel like you ain't rly progressing neither with story or relationship checkpoints.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good game, the management system is fun and even if theres an option to automatize wich girl does what, if you just wing it like that failure is garanteed, also the items and cards you can get while progressing gives it more deept and I like that. The renders are very good, each girl has a good amount of them and it's pretty straighfoward how to unlock them. The music is serviceable but I wish there was a better use of each song in the context of the scenes. The writing is ok, theres some good fun moments, but it gets repetitive after the a while in regards of the staff quests but the mistery is nice to read. The only thing it average and almost bad are the sex scenes, theres very little sense of weight and impact but it gets salvage by the build up and a bit by the writing and almost gets ruined by the sound effects which are all the same and maybe it's a good idea to desable them.

    Despite the flaws this is game is worth your time if you conect with the game loop and the LI.
    Likes: Sycho
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The game was pretty fun, and I didn’t mind the slow burn of corrupting the main characters. Unlocking hotel guests was a nice touch, adding to the experience. It did require a lot of grinding to get some content, but overall, it was an enjoyable experience. The art is nice.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    What I can say about this game. I just finished playing, without skipping any text, auto speed at four and reading all the dialogues. This is a real game, not a sandbox, VN as we keep seeing on this forum but a game. It took me 101 hours to complete this game, since I record my playtime in all games, 216 days game time. The only downside is that we expected more scenes with the S, but anyway. This is a must play game, top tier in my view

    Some details,

    1) Cg's are awesome
    2) Animations so and so except from the last Hana one, which is awesome
    3) This game is so engaging, you need to play over and over

    On the downside, the repeating scenes at night have no dialogue which is kind of underwhelming

    Based on my pace, and with auto reading at 4 seconds, if you create a movie with scenes that matter only, this would be a duration of 31.5 hours which ranks 4 in the Inc.. you know what I mean, genre. This is only short of legendary games in this genre like Milf City, which is around 67 hours, Midnight paradise, with 59 hours and Milfs of Sunvile, 54 hours and counting
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    A prime example of form over substance.

    One of the most polished games I have played on this site. The UI is just fantastic. Renders look good to great (enviroments especially), didn´t see a seemingly fluid speed slider in 3D animations anywhere else. You can unlock more revealing clothing as you go, and even though this is fixed to progression, I still found looking forward to the next outfit satisfying.

    When it comes to the actual lewd stuff tho, that´s where this game is seriously lacking. The proportion of regular managment game to porn is ridicolously high, and it gets worse as you go. There is not enough build up for scenes, or characters. Majority of the writing isn´t actually focused on progressing relationships or porn and what is there isn´t great. MC is a bit of a human dildo with zero personality (other than "oh wow what is she doiing she is sucking my dick wow this is crazy guyys"), so the girls are just corrupting themselves when he stays a virgin like dumbass. Though when I say corrupting, I just mostly mean progressing to a more explicit scene, since they are seemingly fantasizing about the MC from the start.

    Animations look solid, but there aren´t a lot of them, and they are very short, with very little writing. They are also feel the same, not helped by the fact that lot of them follow literally the same scenario, just with a different girl. And since you have to wait a shit ton at times to unlock them, they feel the evermore dissapointing.

    I actually enjoyed the managment part as a regular game, for about the first 1/3 of playtime. After that, it just gets progressively worse as you go. When you unlock the automation system, the game pretty much turns into a trivia simulator - except you are answering the the same question repeatedly. And why torture you with trivia when the guest level is too high, meaning even if you answer right you still loose? I have no fucking clue.

    I genuinely wouldn´t recommend this game, unless you are really into grindy managment games, porn aside. If you play porn games for porn, not grinding virtual money by clicking the same buttons repeatedly, look elsewhere.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good-great game. The story is interesting enough to lead the premise along and there is enough content to make the grind worth it. All of the girls are well-enough written and different as well.

    Some of the unlock conditions suck, the grind is truly grueling, and there aren't many scenes worth re-watching or redoing, but this game is definitely worth playing. A solid 4 stars imo.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game, loved the story and gameplay of it, it's got alot of build up aswell, the game has lots of lore behind it aswell and it feels like you're given alot of freedom to play the game however you like and interact with whoever
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Mystwood Manor is one of the few games on this site that actually feels like a game, and you can see that reasonable effort went into the polish of the game's main management sim loop.

    "Polished" would be the best adjective to describe Mystwood Manor in every other aspect as well. From the UI to the renders and animations.

    In short, it's a hotel management sim with added sandbox elements and a linear storyline.

    I'm not the biggest fan of sandbox games when it comes to story pacing, especially in the mid-late to end game. This shows here as well, as you keep the whole sim running for several meaningless loops and close inspection of goals to get your last outcomes.

    That being said, I thought that the early game up until 4/5 of the game is paced very well and I could trigger most events simply through playing instead of having to look up which day I should do what - it evolved organically from the gameplay.

    The authors and developers of this game were very careful in making sure that even when LIs are on "standby" you'd at least get a small goodie, like a special render, so that you don't forget about them.

    The sex scenes and animations are rather short with only a few exceptions and I think that players would like more variety in its themes and formulas. Here, it's usually the handjob / oral / vaginal progression with very few exceptions. It was okay for me, but I certainly would have liked a bit more excitement. The final scene with one of the guests (3 of which are side pieces) delivered on that- but again, it was a bit short.

    The more important question is: Can the core game loop keep you invested for several hours? To my surprise, the answer is: yes! The difficulty was rising steadily and I thought that the adding of new rooms and workers / LIs to the hotel was well done. There are elements of strategy through items and tactics through figuring out how many guests you can take care of at a time. Up until the already mentioned 4/5 of the game, this actually kept me going.

    Finally, how about the story? This is why I'm not giving this game 5 stars after all. The story feels like an afterthought and there are too few events that are connected to it. You scarcely make contact with the NPCs outside the hotel so you don't grow any attachment to them. The end comes sudden and feels very rushed. Adding to that is the disappointing core mystery that you can already solve at the beginning of the game because it is so obvious.

    Then again, there are parts of the story I really liked, especially the "side content", like exploring the family drama of three guests that depending on how you book them can further their drama - as well as other guests and LIs reacting to each other. This gave me a feeling of immersion at least when it came to the hotel itself.

    So, 4 stars in the end, which in my view still makes it one of the top games on this site. If you're primarily interested in playing a game instead of just watching lewd content, this is your pick!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    i don't joke when it comes to honest review , but im gonna give it a 4 even though i have a very serious problems with this game , however , lets say there are many redeeming factors & i can feel the Dev's hard work in the game .. so i told my self , you know what , maybe i should not take this game seriously since he made a " Nun " sitting in the bar getting drunk & lays down in the pool half naked .. also a Nurse who are shy & embarrassed to ask her patient to remove his shirt during check up ? lol .. plus he made the father looks better & more stylish than the MC .. the MC he looks like a generic dork dude from the late 90s who's in real life gets rejected from every singe girl , while the father is kinda guy who gets all the girls at the end .. its also funny how the MC he still has the nerve to call the other male guests ( prick - creeps - douchbags ) i mean look who is talking , as if he is the only 1 Good guy & all the other guys are a bunch of Ass Holes , the MC is actually doing worse then them , he is sneaking up to naked girls in the locker room , spying on them at Night in their beds , lusting after them when they lay in the pool & harassing the female guests too .. what a double face liar hehe .. but any way ..

    lets start with the positives shall we ? :)

    the story is great .. sadly its too short for some reason & its not the main focus of the game , but i honestly enjoyed it more than the side stories ( with the staff ) if the Dev kept the story going more until the end of the game it would of been much nicer ..

    the graphics is amazing & i actually like the type of girls there , specially
    ( Julia OFCOURSE ;) - Laura 100% - Annika (y) - Amber - Hana - Lady Emily - Amanda - Libby - Ms McQueen - Mischa ) they are my favorites.
    Micky is the best , he is funny as hell & i love seeing him in this game , also i have a soft spot for Richard he seems to be a nice guy even though the Dev is trying so hard to make him some how look Evil .. but nice try :) im not gonna just forget that he helped the MC & his father from the beginning ,

    ( Riley - Catalina - Kay - Denise - Nora - Sofia - Isabella ) they are OK but not really my cup of tea , since most of them are a bit skinny & about Kay being a lesbian has already turned me off , other wise she would of been in my favorite list

    also the game-play is simple & easy , plus , managing the hotel is not as complicated as i thought & its a bit fun ( if you use the cheats ofcourse ) and the walkthrough Hints are very direct & clear .. so , you're not gonna be lost in this game ever , unlike the other sandbox , i like that , its actually the only sandbox game that i didn't need a WT mod to play it .. i just used the walkthrough Hints built in .

    now the negatives :

    ok first of all , im not a big fan of slow game play , it loads alot in every click & the controls are horrible , i have to click hide in order to hide the text & i have to click Esc to open the menu & i cannot save any time i want , i have to wait until i get to the lobby first to save !!! what happened to just simply click the mouse roll to hide the text & right click for the menu like every other game ? is that hard to accomplish ? i have no idea why the Dev programed it that way , it just SLOWS THINGS DOWN , and why the heck there is no scroll back ? you can only scroll the text back , but not the visual scenes & images o_O .. ARE YOU KIDDING ME !!! .. that ruins every thing . its almost a deal breaker for me ,

    & don't ever try to open your statistics page in the sittings , its a
    Trap , there is no ( Back button ) or ( Return ) or ( Exit Page ) or any thing , & yea NO SCROLL BACK either , which means once you are there ,, good luck its a Game Over your stuck in there forever & you have to reload your game again like i did , after all, turns out the scroll back is important for a reason ,, surprise surprise ,,

    choices are useless in this game .. unless you choose what the Dev wants you to choose you wont progress , you just gonna keep replying the same scene again & again in endless loop until you choose the correct one .. also you gonna be forced to do things against your well even if you don't want it .. like helping
    Kay to fuck my girls , why would i help that lesbian bitch to do that ? i want to be her main focus not her second option , & i don't want her near my girls , i don't need to always have a lesbian in order to have a threesome , straight girls also can do threesome , you know , like Amber & Riley , they were awesome ..

    and by the way talking to the girls in this game are totally a worthless waste of time , the MC is simply gonna approach them even though he have nothing to say , he also behave like he have .. problems :sick: , he keeps on talking to him self A LOT , like some crazy psycho
    ( look at that perky ass , what a nice perky tits , woow that's a hot dress - ohh my cheeks are heating up ) .. he does that for 2 minutes before he talk with the girl , every single time , and then Finally when he start speaking directly to the girl .. he only goes like ( oh , i was just passing by , so i came to say hi - ohh you should try our massage parlor some times - ohh you would love to visit our sauna in your break ) NO other topics , No story , No job problems , just flirting the staff over & over with the same cheesy phrases , can you imagine how goofy & dumb the MC looks when he say these childish things , this may work the first & second times ,, but every time ? its Getting Old , and that's when the skipping button comes in handy because i already know what repetitive nonsense he's gonna say in advance any way ( Holy Crap - ill get back to work - my dick is getting harder ) even thought the players are not blind & they can see the MC's dick getting hard visually in the scene without the need to read that in the text , yet its there & you gonna read it like 70 times in the game , until it drains out all the energy left in your Eyes , & sooner or later you gonna feel annoyed & end up skipping ..

    that's why i wanted to play this game as a VN story mode at first , for more easy skipping , but don't even try ..
    it Crashes .. no matter how many times i tried nothing changes , it freezes every time after 5 minutes in the hotel introduction , and don't tell me its my PC .. because the sandbox mode works fine & my gaming PC is actually so powerful that it can handle a PS5 Game graphics which is way heavy & stronger than just a few HD images & short videos that this game has to offer .. so , that's called a bad programing flow & it doesn't look like the Dev would fix it any day soon , so im gonna give the Glitch bar review a bad low rate down below ..

    also in order to progress with some of the girls it requires the girl to be in a certain place in time , like the gym or the bar , which is Fine , but when i put the girl in there & Finish the scene , it tells me that the girl has wasted her time in there , how come she wasted her time ? i was there talking with her & we were having a full quest scene together .. ok then don't ask me to talk to the girl in a specific areas if she is gonna consider it a
    " waste of time " Because honestly the only one who actually wasted his time here is the player , and NO , the Hint doesn't say i need also a guest to be there first before i can go talk to her , because logically the manager will not talk to the staff while they are busy with customers , specially when i have nothing even that important to say ( like always ) , i would normally just wait until they are alone or free , which exactly what the scene shows .. There were no guests there

    & you know what , im gonna forget all that & let it all slide , but the only 1 handicap that i don't take it lightly & its unforgivable for me .. is that some of the girls which you may actually like are UNFUCKABLE in the game , like Amanda , Lady Emily , Karen McQueen & Richard's wife Libby .. even thought i liked some of them more than the main girls .. if they are unfuckable then why they kept on teasing the MC as if there is a way or a hop with them ? There is NO EXCUSE for this at all , it wouldn't cost the Dev any thing if he had made a sex scene for all the girls even if they were side characters , the player might actually like them you never know , don't underestimate the side characters .. had you only made 1 sex scene for each of those unfuckable girls , I would of given the game a 5 stars regardless of all the trash mentioned above .. there's nothing more disappointing than liking a character & waiting the entire game hoping to get her , but all of a sudden SIKEEE o_O the Game Ends :oops: & sorry , your not getting her , buddy .. Hard luck next time

    in Conclusion , look ,, its a good game OK .. with great story & fun game play , but it has a huge killer mistakes that almost ruined all the Fun aspects , here is my final thoughts if you don't feel like reading all the yappin above :

    ...................... BAD ..................................OK ..................................... GOOD ...............................EXCELLENT
    Story : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    Sexy Girls : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    Side Characters : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    Controls : :HideThePain::HideThePain:

    Graphics : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    Conversation : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    Glitches : :HideThePain:

    Typos : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    Choices : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    Game Play : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    Comedy : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    Defficulty : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    [v1.1.2] - Got it from Voltage Flame recommendation list.

    One word that sums up the game is "slow".

    slow gameplay

    slow burn

    This is one of those games where you need to spend time (for me it was 7 hours in-game) to really enjoy it.

    The game is great if you start from the middle of the game (or day 30 for me) so it's 4 stars instead of 5, although it really is 5 stars, especially since the management gameplay is the best of the entire site.

    No game is perfect. But if you ignore the beginning, it starts to feel rewarding.

    That being said now I'm going to go back to the game since now I'm at the point where I'm having fun just wanted to point out the bad but everything else is perfect and I've played Man of the House from the same dev and I can assure you this game is better.

    Also, paying workers' salaries comes first before the guests check-out, on the same day. I zeroed my money on the assumption that the guest check-out payment would cover the workers' salaries that day, but this order of priorities threw a wrench into my calculations, and I had to skip an entire week of no work to get my workers back.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    As there are already many (very accurate) reviews for this game, I will only focus on a few select areas of the game.
    Firstly, I feel although the story started quite promising, the end was just.. lackluster to say the least. Moreover, quite a bit was left unexplained
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    Overall, just don't expect anything from the story.

    The main point I want to emphasize, that I feel the grind is just paced wrongly. While initially it is fun to see the guests interact with the girls, toward the end it becomes more and more grindy. Some of the high-level guests are almost impossible to please, if you do not micro manage your destiny cards.
    The main pull for me was during the beginning of the game. Seeing the first few unlocks for the girls that make them just a tad bit more revealing outfits really is my thing. If you are also interested in that kind of progress, this may be for you. I would have loved, if that progression system opened up more later, to give more incentives for the continued grind. Eg. the girls start randomly having sex with the mc during the day.
    I think if I were to play the game again I would play until e.g. hotel level 3 and afterwards cheat my way through to the end to keep the experience more brief and focused.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    well, if it feels like a game to manage resources, but the progression is so slow to be hopeless to level up the hotel, although it has good mechanics does not do much gameplay with them to the point that it becomes boring, has fun and nice characters but does very little with it, and has nice designs of girls, but the scenes are a big "meh", all in the same order of handjob, blowjob and sex, so with only 4 or 3 times per girl (with which you will take too much time because you have to reach level 5), its main problem I think is how slow it levels up so the game ends up being tedious if you don't use cheats, even using them I finished it in 9 hours but because the girls take too long to level up, it has very good ideas but does very little with it, the scenes are not worth it so much for how long they take and how little varied they are, and god the ending sucks, I'm supposed to get the best ending but it's not worth it, and again, it really feels like a game and has fun characters, but the progression and how little is done with the characters doesn't make me want it as a game or to masturbate.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is perfection.

    Besides the great scenes and musics, there is actual game play! At first the core mechanic was a little bit disorienting, but as soon as the progress tab on both the girls and guests was discovered, the core loop / grind became very smooth and rewarding. Went back to the developer's first game and the progress between the two was immediately obvious. Kudos to Faerin and very much looking forward to midnight sin, the third installment.

  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Girl's are rendered well but need some variety.
    MC NEVER progresses. He has the same 14 year old caught wanking response to all of the interactions. Can't believe that the girls are throwing themselves at him continuously.
    Guest interactions should have changed the attitudes and responses after they were called out. 2 guests seemed to go back to prior personalities and even after the MC shows a very weak Dom side the relationship reverts to MC passive simp.
    Scenes that establish character traits for the girls die on the vine. If they like anal, sub, dom, etc. Keep the trait throughout.
    Childhood friend and her friend could have been more experimental /exploration focused.

    Overall a very good game. I enjoyed most of the game play around the management aspect. The Tarot cards management seemed a little broken. Gaining all of the cards was also separate from the storyline. The grind to complete this part - after completing the main story was a disappointment.

    Lastly, there were quite a few missed opportunities for interactions. For example, when one of the girls is resting during the day, they are a daydreaming about MC, but if you go to visit, he's afraid of disturbing them. Even with the lack of confidence in the MC, the girls could (should?) take the lead and make sure they make the most of their rest time.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Some great sexscenes, a nice plotline, and... actual gameplay!! The daily grind is actually interesting, and managing your guests needs while earning money and looking out for options to unlock scenes and advancing the story is fun.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like managing a hotel and a good magic story than this is your game. It's a really nice design although the part from managing to getting fucked is a long one. After reaching the 4.-5. stage of the hotel you will get all you want from the girls but before it's like 20 hours playing with only light content. If you don't like to play a good economically designed game you could skip that part at the beginning but I would recommend to play it. The satisfaction is high if you'll got your destination through "work".
    Thanks for an absolutely stunnig programming behind the game and all the work which have been provided here
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Played through the completed version. Savegame show hours used, and while it's ticking while leaving computer idle, I might have spent half of the 18 hours tracked actually in game doing something. With so many hours played, I guess I can't rate this below 4 ;)...

    I've played mostly muted, due to not being alone in the house, so I can't say much about the sound. However the graphics are well done and consistent.

    I first tried to play the story mode, as I remembered the game being grindy from an attempt before the game was completed, but I didn't like it that much. You get to see all the sexy content, and get to it a bit sooner, and many aspects of the game is disabled to move through, but there was still a lot of clicking through the same screens to progress and getting impatient I fast forwarded through a lot of the bits. Also, I missed the fact that you had to go into each girls screen to "advance" them to get further for quite a while, so I thought I was stuck. If you manually have to advance each girl through the tiers, you should get a notification about it, as it does then they get a new trait.

    I then decided to replay in normal mode, going through the grind. It takes a lot longer, but there are multiple aspects to care about, it is not always obvious what is the best path, and the game is rigged so you never get stuck or into a game-over situation. It does get repetitious, but not so bad that I didn't bother to complete it. When you have to care about what happens to figure out what to do, it is also easier to pay a bit of attention, and this time around I manage to read most of the story.

    It does feel like the game lends itself to a save and load pattern though. When you need to switch around girls, cards and equipment to keep all your guests happy, it is not obvious how much you need to boost each character to get to a given percentage of service, and roll-back with the mousewheel can show you the text you missed, but will not show you graphics you accidentally fast forwarded through, or allow you to pick another path.

    All in all, I think this game is pretty good, with consistent good quality, and the management game parts could have been lots worse. I do really like that you don't get stuck, you don't need to refer to a walk-through to get to all the content, and you don't need to replay many times to see all the sexy content.

    On the bad side, the management bits does get repetitious, and all the management parts and the slow build up means the game isn't very suitable for a quick fap.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    This had potential to be a pretty good and fun game but its just to slow progress and way to repetitive so you spend more time holding down skip key instend of reading story which really ruins alot of the fun and as for the story theres really not much too come for either its very short which is proberly why all the time waste things is in the game.

    I did find the management part good and fun but again to slow.

    Most girls was just not in my taste in any way and being a 100% kinetic game even though it is a sandbox it really has no freedom other then what order to do things in and thats it and as always with kinetic sandbox games questlines are also tied together so your force to progress all LIs cant skip those you hate.

    Lets take a look at just the start which will give you an idea of kinetic story and questlines, your told what to do next like visiit mother in kitchen which i did multiple times and your given 3 choices as to how she look "nice, great, hot" i picked nice every time since i couldent care less about her in that way but quest wont progress, then i clicked great and yet again quest dosent progress...so it forces you to pick hot meaning choices are pointless and means nothing what so ever.

    As for the girls most are just ugly, maybe its due to me not being into milfs which most of them are but they are also bimbos and i just dont have a big tit fetish so that also made it a turn-off.

    Also i really hated the childish MC, hes constantly thinking about how hot hes mother or sister is to then think how worng it is to think of them like that, its idiotc since hes a grown up not a 12 year old kid..hes been living with them all hes life so he should be more then used to how they look.
    This type of MC is seen in so many games and i wish devs would learn how to make a perfectly normal MC with normal thoughts insted of just pervert MCs and he finds EVERYONE to be hot? no matter if its an old ugly ass granny type...i hate that shit i really, why try to forced that kind of shit on the player instend of letting each player think for them selfs....

    Girls 2/5
    To many milfs and even a granny, barely any diversity in builds 90% is bimbos so you pretty much got to have big tit fetish to enjoy this one since they are also all forced on you.

    Animations 3/5
    They are ok but nothing special.

    Music 2/5
    Bit boring and mostly just the same tune, nothing with lyrics.

    Choices 1/5
    Its pure kinetic, all girls are forced on you, you get multiple choice option where only one of them works, you have 0 controle over anything.

    Sandbox 2/5
    I enjoyed the management part but the kinetic questlines kills it, no freedom, waay to grindy, girls questslines are tied together so cant progress with those you want before doing it with those you hate.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great management GAME. Sometimes people forget what a game feels like lol

    Adult content was good, the girls were so hot that I wished it had more scenes with them, or maybe more complex animations

    The story is ok, and the end is satisfactory