Wish I could rate this higher but there are a couple fairly large issues that lower my enjoyment of the game considerably.
The Good
Beautiful and varied love interests. I enjoy the girls and their different personalities and appearances quite a bit. It's great that the Mum actually looks like a MILF instead of a 20 something faker. Sexy submissive nurse, and super fit dancing girl are my favorite.
Gameplay loop is not terrible, though lack of lewds for the majority of the game make it more of a grind than it should be. Tarot card and gear system is fun, and managing hotel and guests is enjoyable for the most part. Wish the final scenes with the female guests were repeatable though.
Story is decent and dialogue and character progression is pretty good for the most part. Would have liked more romance with the ladies as the story progresses, they don't seem particularly attached to the MC for most of the game.
The Not so Good
All the real sex scenes are in the last third of the game. If you don't cheat heavily, you will be grinding for a good 40 hours before you get to bang anyone. This is a major bummer and could have been pretty easily fixed by not having the girls all progress at the super slow pace and with the same steps. Really don't understand how this game got finished with that pretty obvious design flaw intact. Would not have been that difficult to make one of the girls want sex faster or have someone fall for the MC earlier in the story.
Player NEVER gets to choose where MC puts his children. This is a cardinal sin to me and loses an automatic star off any rating. It's just lazy to not do a couple extra renders for some variety in the cum shots.
Music is nice but needs more variety in a pretty bad way.
I appreciate some voice in the sex scenes, but when it's the same audio track for every girl in every scene, that's pretty disappointing. Some variety in the Voice and some sexy sound effects would have made the sexy time much better.
Only a few anal scenes, and only one of these shows any penetration. Every girl should have had at least had one in the natural progression of events.
As said before, the lack of real romantic dialogue and feelings with the ladies is an opportunity missed. The "L" word is only used a few times, and most of the girls treat the MC like he is just the most convenient dick to hop on, instead of having any real loving feelings, or interactions. There are some repeatable nighttime scenes, but for some reason the MC never spends the night with the girls, or has any wake-up scenes, which is a huge bummer.
So overall, a well presented but pretty deeply flawed gameplay experience, that could have been pretty easily fixed with more attention to detail, and better pacing.