by stating that you will not like the game if the presentation is not good.
even the fact that you ask this makes me believe you're not even the right age to be on this site.
(wich in turn is your presentation of yourself. not me being an ass

the game deserves respect and yes it deserves a way better presentation this is true.
might be wise to use the following in retrospect:
1 Looks get you together, the shared interest keep you together in a relationship
2 Most of the best workers have a lot of trouble presenting themselves for a new job.
writing, visualizing, practicing and building a game is no easy feat. (especially not with a lot of knuckleheads on this website)
we judge, have mostly no respect for the author whatsoever. and really don't even think of the work put into the game.
so it could be that either the author wishes to have more of a mystery concerning his story. or he's just not really good at making a book cover.
all this for an explanation why you're acting like a tool. since none of your words are oriented to the positive. assuming something is bad because of the cover.