Poor Milton!

he was intended to be a one-off character, but now I'm thinking I have to bring him back
*MC and Eliza leave town on a quest and walk past Milton's guard post*
Milton : "Oh! Hey guys! How's it going? Did you talk to the guildmaster?!?"
MC : "Who are you agai..."
Eliza, interrupting the MC : "Oh, Milton! Y-yeah! Of course we did! You were such a big help!"
Milton blushing at Eliza : "Oh miss Eliza, I didn't do too much. I was really happy to help you. Say uh...w-would you like to get together for a drink at the tavern later?"
Eliza : "Uh, sure, of course. We're uh...we're going out on a quest now, but maybe when we get back, ok?"
MC thinking : "Huh? Why would she...we're going to be gone for 3 days..."
Milton : "Swell! I'll see you there!"
MC to Eliza after they walk away a bit : "Why would you bother saying that? You know we're going to be gone for days."
Eliza : "It doesn't hurt to be polite or friendly, MC! You really do need to work on your social skills."
MC : "Whatever you say, wise-one."
*MC and Eliza return to town after finishing their quest and head to the tavern for dinner. As they approach the door slams open and 3 guards drag out a kicking and screaming Milton*
Milton : "No! I have to wait here! Miss Eliza is going to be back soon and we're going to have a drink and a wonderful evening!"
Guard : "By the Gods, shut up, Milton! Not only did you go against regulations by letting people into the city, but you've been away from your post for 3 bloody days! You're going to the stockade. You'll be lucky if they don't cane you for dereliction of duty!"
Milton as he's dragged off : "Nooooooooo! Miss Elizaaaaaa...."
MC : "So..."Doesn't hurt to be friendly.", eh?"
MC and Eliza :