You didn't read their dialogue. Pearl literally says that she was just trying to scare Kira off and wasn't actually trying to hurt her.
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My bad I forgot to mention that they also killed their dad's followers, who were murderous pirates. Happy now? Does that take away anything I said about them not killing innocent people?
No we don't. We have word that two of the other kingdoms are sending spies over and are trying to maniplate the kingdom and usurp power. No mention of a war though. And no mention of any war in the mc's lifetime either.
I didn't gloss over that. I said because there is no where there would be no reason to try to sneak people out unless they were criminals. If they just normal people trying to run away from home they don't need a smuggler, they can charter any ship. Smugglers are people who transport illegal goods.
I have zero idea what this has to do with anything
Kira literally wears modern high heel shoes which look very different from the ones that would have actually existed in the middle ages, and Eliza literally wears a miniskirt, Diana's clothes also seem like an attempt to emulate 1900th century naval clothing
It's the second era if we're being accurate to the lore. But in terms of setting it's just a mix match of different time periods and tropes, some stuff is closer to mideval, some stuff is closer to the early modern period ect. It just takes from all over for rule of cool sake and isn't going to follow real world history very well