
Engaged Member
Oct 16, 2017
Anyone have the list of all the event and where to find it so far? I kinda confused now.
Depends what exactly you mean by events, but they're all marked on secretlydiscarded's map, linked in their signature.

The only ones with sex content (not counting gameover scenes and IIRC) are the bar event (nightless city ragdum) and Illusive (Underground Diocese Rhodenia). There are a few dialogue events (Suzune and Old Woman), random female NPCs being raped (some you can save, some not), and 1 quest (IIRC Drunkard, blacksmith)


Engaged Member
Oct 16, 2017
Here's the full, all details for the translation installation beyond the computer and internet skills needed to even get to this site.

Well, noxtek uploaded a version with the translation now, but here's the pedantic details version if you need it in the futire.


1: Look at the first post and find the link next to (patch above require XUnity translator) in the first post (near the bottom after the translation post).
2: Click the (patch above require XUnity translator) link.
3: Look at the post that the link brings up. There's a link called releases near the top of the post
4: Click the releases link
5: Find the most recent post on the github page that the releases link opened. (currently 4.14.0)
6: Find the list of files near the bottom of that post.
8: In that list click on xunity autotranslator reipatcher link
9: That brings up a download for the file. Save that file where ever you want
10: Extract the .exe file from the download into into your game folder (using your preferred unzipping program, 7zip is mine)
11: Make sure that the setupreipatcherandautotranslator.exe is in the same folder as your NoR.exe (or other unity game)
12: Double click the setupreipatcherandautotranslator.exe to run it and click run if / when windows asks you if you want to run it.
13: Wait until the window that opens says setup completed, press any key to exit.
14: Make sure that window is the active window and press any key (that means whatever key on your keyboard you want, there is no key labeled /called "any")
15: The first time you want to run the translated game double click on the new NightofRevenge(patch and Run).exe that you should have in the game folder. Again, click run when windows asks about it.
16: The unity startup window should come up now and allow you to change resolution, graphics quality, and so on.
17: Click the play button to launch the game
18: The translator should now be active, however it is a real time internet based translation for the first time you encounter any text. You have to have an active internet connection for it to work. For quickly disappearing texts, like speech bubbles in some scenes it may not translate in time.
19: For all future times that you run the game you'll only need to use the normal NightofRevenge.exe
20: If you want to use a translation patch someone posts here you will first need to do everything through step 18. After that you can replace the translation files located in :
NoR 0.48\NightofRevenge_ver0.48\AutoTranslator\Translation\en
with the one downloaded from the forum.


Mar 6, 2018
well i was afraid for a very underwhelming answer such as this, couldn't even be a game mechanic tf :cry:
You aren't going to find that sort of thing in JP games much. It's more often seen in Western furry games because they are the primary audience for that stuff.


New Member
Jan 17, 2020
Look around. this was mentioned in thread
The thread is 77 pages long. It should be a simple answer. I, too, am suffering from this problem, and your suggestion is "look in this 77 page thread for an answer that may or may not be up to date"?

Look, the game soft-locking literally every time I open the character menu is a big problem, and I have no idea how to fix it. If it's as simple as "just press [X]" or "if you do [X] the menu will always soft-lock", then please just say so. It takes a couple of seconds.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2017
The thread is 77 pages long. It should be a simple answer. I, too, am suffering from this problem, and your suggestion is "look in this 77 page thread for an answer that may or may not be up to date"?

Look, the game soft-locking literally every time I open the character menu is a big problem, and I have no idea how to fix it. If it's as simple as "just press [X]" or "if you do [X] the menu will always soft-lock", then please just say so. It takes a couple of seconds.
i usually click on the weapon slot or any interactable on the menu, then press the space bar until it unlocks
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Oct 18, 2019
So, the taurus dude that wields two machetes just knocked me , started banging the mc and all, until i realized, how the fuk i get out of the banging? So i randomly started tapping a bunch of keys trying to figure out also clicked a bunch of times on both sides of the mouse, it also didn't work, so i activated the auto clicker, because, maybe it's my difficulty ( very hard ), it also did not work, at the moment my mc received 15000 ml of cum directly into her womb , she needs a hero to save her from this torment.
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