Hi! Do you play on Intel or Apple CPU? Dedicated or embedded GPU?on mac folding game window or changing to another window while fullscreened makes game freeze. Sound continues, but nothing can do
Hi! Do you play on Intel or Apple CPU? Dedicated or embedded GPU?on mac folding game window or changing to another window while fullscreened makes game freeze. Sound continues, but nothing can do
Apple CPU with native gpuHi! Do you play on Intel or Apple CPU? Dedicated or embedded GPU?
Version 0.4.0 is just dedicated to the male prot onlydamn why not a male prot
Good afternoon, thank you so much for your feedback, please describe in detail all your actions in order to reproduce this bug. I tried my best to find it, but I can't.There is still a major bug from months ago, after an update? Game is still unresponsive talking to Ron about the bed.
EDIT : After restarting, seems to work. Strange bug.
Nope, thanks for noticing that some links led to the previous release, I fixed it. 0.3 should be labeled as version actually 0.3?
If you can't reproduce this, my only guess is an interference with cheat engine? I had cheated the money value after which the bug occurred, unity is pretty buggy in general from what I've seen, I can attempt a clean re-run without it and get back to you, did not have a save which is why I got upset having to do it all over again (not too much like 15 mins anyway)Good afternoon, thank you so much for your feedback, please describe in detail all your actions in order to reproduce this bug. I tried my best to find it, but I can't.
In addition, if you have a save in which this error occurs, you can also send it to us for a more thorough check. Here is the path to the save folder:
Pc: AppData\LocalLow\Manka Games(non)trivial\Saves
Android: Android\data\com.MankaGames.nontrivial\files\Saves
p.s. If it's not a secret, let us know which platform you're playing on.))
Thanks for your support, I won't discourage you, you can always send the build to any of the moderators/uploaders. Every patron is very important to us, first and foremost showing that the game is interesting to our community. However, if the game is appealing to you, the last thing to do is to dump early versions, as this undermines the efforts of us and our patrons to fund the game, thus reducing its chances of making it to releaseSeems like 0.4.0 is the current latest version on this guy's patreon. Can someone sidestep this dev and post the actual current version?
Plus whatever the new patreon code is, too.
I'll sub to his patreon and provide the game + code if someone wants to update the thread for me
A whole lot of words to just say please dont pirate my game. This is the game advertisement website, not the patreon subwall advertisement website.Thanks for your support, I won't discourage you, you can always send the build to any of the moderators/uploaders. Every patron is very important to us, first and foremost showing that the game is interesting to our community. However, if the game is appealing to you, the last thing to do is to dump early versions, as this undermines the efforts of us and our patrons to fund the game, thus reducing its chances of making it to release
What can you really do to help? Spread the word about the game, attract new players, participate in community translations, report a bug, suggest an idea, constructively criticise current solutions![]()
Aha, I see, thanks. May I ask you to send me your Player.log file, it can be found at `C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\LocalLow\Manka Games\(non)trivial\Player.log`. Something breaks the game and it should have an info about itWindows 11. Previous revision worked without problems. Now I can see only this:
Tried both full screen and windowed, same effect.
There you go.Aha, I see, thanks. May I ask you to send me your Player.log file, it can be found at `C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\LocalLow\Manka Games\(non)trivial\Player.log`. Something breaks the game and it should have an info about it