Recommending NTR, netorare, cuckold - resources, discussion, development

5.00 star(s) 6 Votes


Active Member
May 23, 2019
Waste of fricking time .__. let's just unsub.
What are you talking about guys? One of HangoverCats side projects is a remaster version of one of his games (The Edge of). Next to two hard'n'dark NTR games as side and main project (APBLU: Aya & HMHF). You guys really want to make him quit - he who is one of the only if not the only dev creating hard, intense and deep NTR stories on a masterpiece level? You really wanna do this?
Do I like the remaster? Its a 'meh' decision for me. Also rather would have liked to see a new side project. On the other hand I can understand a dev who wants to at least feel like he finished what he started. And as it is only one of two side projects imo its totally fine.
Do I hate his other projects? FUCKIN NO - I love them! He might be the only one in a small circle delivering any content that is hard/dark NTR and quality.
So please do get away from affect decision and think for a moment.


Nox Syndicate Member
Dec 18, 2019
I don't know, He Maid Her Fall is pretty goated so far
I'm subbing only for hmhf and aya, im pretty sure most dont want the fast food one and the remake, but he did it anyway. We might see ripping and change of direction for the future here lads.

the next project is a fast food NTR with only short 5 days content with some ski resort setting and this remake.... I think it will be an annoying one.

Like noone is really into it (not me saying this, but the polls) but what can we do?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2018
As i've said, i'm from the outside so i don't play their games. And i don't consume Netorare works from a vicarious perspective. I don't sympathize with the MC, nor any other character in the story. I'm just a distant observer, finding entertainment in the bitter unfolding of what others consider to be "reality" (i.e. make-believe fantasies) being superseded by actual reality. But i myself don't glorify Netorare; i just think it is the organic resultant of what the modern "western" youth culture holds dear.
As you like reasoning, I think it makes sense to share with you this quote from (1908) by G.K. Chesterton.

We have grown to associate morality in a book with a kind of optimism and prettiness; according to us, a moral book is a book about moral people. But the old idea was almost exactly the opposite; a moral book was a book about immoral people. A moral book was full of pictures like Hogarth’s “Gin Lane” or “Stages of Cruelty,” or it recorded, like the popular broadsheet, “God’s dreadful judgment” against some blasphemer or murderer. There is a philosophical reason for this change. The homeless scepticism of our time has reached a subconscious feeling that morality is somehow merely a matter of human taste—an accident of psychology. And if goodness only exists in certain human minds, a man wishing to praise goodness will naturally exaggerate the amount of it that there is in human minds or the number of human minds in which it is supreme. Every confession that man is vicious is a confession that virtue is visionary. Every book which admits that evil is real is felt in some vague way to be admitting that good is unreal. The modern instinct is that if the heart of man is evil, there is nothing that remains good. But the older feeling was that if the heart of man was ever so evil, there was something that remained good—goodness remained good. An actual avenging virtue existed outside the human race; to that men rose, or from that men fell away. Therefore, of course, this law itself was as much demonstrated in the breach as in the observance. If Tom Jones violated morality, so much the worse for Tom Jones. Fielding did not feel, as a melancholy modern would have done, that every sin of Tom Jones was in some way breaking the spell, or we may even say destroying the fiction of morality. Men spoke of the sinner breaking the law; but it was rather the law that broke him. And what modern people call the foulness and freedom of Fielding is generally the severity and moral stringency of Fielding. He would not have thought that he was serving morality at all if he had written a book all about nice people. Fielding would have considered Mr. Ian Maclaren extremely immoral; and there is something to be said for that view. Telling the truth about the terrible struggle of the human soul is surely a very elementary part of the ethics of honesty. If the characters are not wicked, the book is.
This older and firmer conception of right as existing outside human weakness and without reference to human error can be felt in the very lightest and loosest of the works of old English literature. It is commonly unmeaning enough to call Shakspere a great moralist; but in this particular way Shakspere is a very typical moralist. Whenever he alludes to right and wrong it is always with this old implication. Right is right, even if nobody does it. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong about it.



Jul 18, 2020

The longer I want the game, the more painful it is to wait.
And the author wrote that the game might be released in July.
5.00 star(s) 6 Votes