What a shitty update. I'm going to put aside the fact of how weird a colab this is or that this new character is based on an actual real person... Just what the fuck but okay.
The first two chapters were pretty good, slow but the build up was nice. The new group chat mechanic is nicely done and doesn't have the same glichty hacky feeling the the Cathryn/Alice chapters did. Chapter three is okay for the most part but the ending just...comes out of fucking nowhere? Like, literally, we were talking about how weird and not cool Stacy's guy friends were then just a few hours later, "jk I'm fucking cheating on you haha! And, actually, you being mad about me doing the one single thing you told me not to do is fucked up." Again just so weird after the bf tells Anna not to cheat and break up with her bf first, only for Polly to now do the exact same thing. I'm also left hoping that this women didn't/doesn't treat her actual boyfriend this way. As the mc felt sorry for Anna's bf I feel bad for Polly's real life bf, what a shitty thing to do to a person.
It's also disappointing that this new character has only the two endings and at the very last second too, almost as if they were an after thought. The first of which seems like it might not even carry over to chapter 4?
Polly feels like another Rachel to me, a girl who lies and cheats on the MC without caring about their feelings, ask for forgiveness not for permission and fuck them if they don't like it. I guess that's a good way to go though considering how massively popular Rachel is but I'm here for characters like Cathryn, Lilith, and Mabel. Characters who involve the MC and care for them and/or for Lilith, ones with a huge variety of choices. Polly is my second least favorite character after Rachel but I guess we'll see how she develops in her next update, whenever the heck that's going to me as we add more and more characters and old ones get left behind. I'm still bitter about the tiny updates that Mabel and Amber got last year.