Love how the first post is the "translater" makin excuses as to why it's fine that it's MTL cos he knows people will complain. What I want to know is where is the MTL tag we were apparently promised some time ago so that people who don't want this stuff can filter it out? And yes if I wanted pictures then there's plenty of picture sets better than these games. Honestly I just think there's no point posting this MTL stuff. I would literally rather unpack the games archives and fap to the prictures than play through an MTL game and I'm pretty sure nearly everyone is the same. I don't know why they are even allowed on the website. People be like oh they wouldn't get a translation otherwise! ... good. Then I wouldn't get my hopes up every time a game with non 3d uggo's comes up on the releases stream only to see that dreaded English(MTL).
The problem about talking for someone else is that your mileage may vary (I know its hypocritical from me given my opinions about NTR

There are plenty of people fine with an MTL that gives them a better understanding of how to play a game, not to mention the ammount of ESLs around.
I use textractor (Rip VNR) and I get pretty good translations, sure a translation from a human is better but considering i have been able to talk with people about stories then that means that my MTLs are acceptable but there is no shortage of people mocking or telling me to learn japanese regardless.
I dont believe that an MTL kills a game's real translations as we have seen recently games fan translated have gotten an official release/fan translated (There is already an user doing it) so im fine with MTLs existing as it gives those willing to bear with it a chance.
As for the tags I believe they are pulled of vndb so I guess you wont see one until they have one there.
Why in the fuck would someone decided to use BLACK FONT on a black text box.....
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At least I see world wrap was attempted. Kudos for that but please tell me this is the developer's doing and not a creative choice.....
Its the translator fault.
Played the japanese one a little and the font was fine.