
Dec 26, 2019
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Greetings Ratsu Hanamura

The Mc got injected with something by the female ninja mask girl back at the Expo right after she said that he needed to be awakened. I'm pretty confident that's the reason for his fighting capabilities.

It's not supposed to be something that he's trained to do but rather a sign that he's changing. Which is why he says "it just came over me I don't know what happened".
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Jun 20, 2022
Absolutely awesome game, can't wait to see where it goes from here. Olivia and Clara are great and the other ladies are also intriguing. All the characters are likable and distinct. The one real criticism I have is that the blurring transitions during the H-scene are really obnoxious. If I had to nitpick something else it would be that there's no way to avoid the H-scene, it doesn't bother me personally since I don't find it to be an objectionable scene, but in a game about choice there should be an option.
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Jun 20, 2022
The Mc got injected with something by the female ninja mask girl back at the Expo right after she said that he needed to be awakened. I'm pretty confident that's the reason for his fighting capabilities.

It's not supposed to be something that he's trained to do but rather a sign that he's changing. Which is why he says "it just came over me I don't know what happened".
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Forum Fanatic
Oct 29, 2021


Good afternoon Mistics!

Sorry about the late post, I stayed up last night to enjoy quality time with my friends playing Goose Goose Duck for the first time. We had tons of fun, I laughed like a maniac all the time and it gave me some ideas to implement on the side story of omiSt.

That's enough about me! Let's talk about the current progress of the game!

Currently, it is slower than I expected due to a lot of finetuning for one of the LIs. Also after the mods and playtesters provide some feedback about the finished part. I have to add another small segment (roughly 50 renders) to bridge some gaps in the character's development.

Here is the sheet for the current progress:


The reasons why this is just an estimation of renders is because I tends to read back and forth my script during rendering and add in a few renders to make the character's subtle movement more vibrant and suitable for the scene. So a 100 renders estimation might go up to 120 or even 150 at one point.

The music, the coding, and the transition had already been decided, so just the renders slap in there, and voila! We can distribute the game!

As I mentioned before, 0.1 will introduce ALL of the LIs. However, I won't reveal all of them. Next week I will reveal one of the LIs for PATREON subscribers only. Also, I will do Sneak peeks the week after (Just to make sure I got all the key scenes rendered).

If you want to talk to me or give feedback, join my ! We are a friendly community and our mods are definitely not gonna bite you at all! (help me)

During my free time, I dusted my Wacom and decided to return to draw some of the characters as Chibi emotes for the Discord server.
So here is Lucia, and of course, always angry.


Currently, I don't take commissions for drawing. However in the future if everyone loves it. I will open some slots dedicated to my subscribers!

All of your love and support are always appreciated, I can't express how much I enjoy doing this project. And with all the positive feedback from various channels pushed me more than I had ever imagined!

Until the next update!

To the moon and back!



Dec 26, 2019
Welcome to f95, its great that you found your old login Information for your 5 year old obviously never used account.
What the fuck are you talking about? I've been using the account for 5 years. I just haven't been posting for 5 years.

In any event, how is the age of my account relevant to the conversation? Who gives a shit?

Maybe you should focus on the actual game being discussed.


Forum Fanatic
Oct 29, 2021


Hello, my Mistics!

How was your week? Mine was horrible. But at least I managed to finish a hugeeeeeeeee batch of renders! But I haven't implemented and tested it in the main game yet, so next week I will do a progress update to keep you guys in the loop.

As I promised, here is the next character that will 100% be in the LI list.
I know comparing to Olivia and Clara, she doesn't look as dashing. HOWEVER, don't judge a book by its cover!

She is indeed a book lover and hard to approach. But I think she is in good hands because you guys are not THAT degenerate and refuse her advance, right? RIGHT?

Here is a little info about our lovely Miss Roberts:

She is 1,55m in height, and her weight is [REDACTED] (Clara told me revealing a girl's age or weight is rude, so you guys have to talk to Clara about this.)

She LOVES books, reads them day and night, and looks like your typical bookworm shy girl. So treat her well will ya?

She will be an important character in our storyline. Her background and story are... dreadful to say the least. How dreadful? You have to wait until the game comes out to its appropriate version and understand her struggle!

That is more than I can share without spoiling the fun!

Next week I will release the first Sneak Peek without spoilers. So you guys can have a grasp about what I did for the past weeks.

Until then,

We are all a vessel of determination,

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2024
What the fuck are you talking about? I've been using the account for 5 years. I just haven't been posting for 5 years.

In any event, how is the age of my account relevant to the conversation? Who gives a shit?

Maybe you should focus on the actual game being discussed.
Obviously you weren't around the last 5 years or you would know that what a dev said earlier isn't worth the electricity it needs to be shown on your monitor, till the dev backs it up with actions.


Dec 26, 2019
Obviously you weren't around the last 5 years or you would know that what a dev said earlier isn't worth the electricity it needs to be shown on your monitor, till the dev backs it up with actions.
That's nonsense. All devs are not liars and nothing is wrong with accepting someone at their word until it's proven that they can't be trusted . If you want to be cynical that's your choice. I don't need to be.
Last edited:
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2024
That's nonsense. All devs are not liars and nothing is wrong with accepting someone at their word until it's proven that they can't be trusted . If you want to be cynical that's your choice. I don't need to be.
i will take the utmost pleasure in telling you "i told you so" once it happens.


Forum Fanatic
Oct 29, 2021

Hello Mistics!

Another week has passed and as I promised: Here is the Sneak peek (without too many spoilers and any context.)

I have been working towards a lot of fine-tuning for the script. That's why rendering is taking a bit of a slowdown. However, there won't be any delay! Hopefully, everything will be ready before the release date for August!

Tomorrow I will release another SFW and NSFW for July. So stay tuned!

Even though 0.0.5 was released over a month ago, I still receive feedback from a lot of players. And I appreciate every single one of them. That's why I have dedicated extra time to the project itself.

Hopefully, the changes I made will not be the scope creep that delays the release date.

Until then,

Blame Ans (he is one of my mods.)

With love,

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Forum Fanatic
Oct 29, 2021


Hi hi hi! Sorry for the delay of updates today!

Life has been hectic (as usual) but I managed to circumvented and reach home safely today.

I took today off and have some quality time with a few acquaintances and enjoy some boiled seafood.


You guys hungry? Too bad!

But that is enough of my personal life, let's get back to the main point: The update!

Yes, your eyes didn't decieve you. It is indeed 47.5%! However, the next half will be horribly difficult due to it's complexity. But don't fret my fellow degenerate, I will overcome the challenge and provide you guys with utmost perfect renders.

I DID promise about redoing the first 15 minutes of renders. However, I find the time to stretch out and redo those 200 ish renders will jeopardize the release date. So I might have to delay the revamp to 0.2 or a 0.1.1 update.

Here is the workflow and what has been done


Notice the question mark (?).
Yeah, that I have been stuck on for DAYS. I want that scene to be as impactful as possible. So a lot of revision, gnarling over the script and sleepless days. It is still under heavy revision and re-writing. But for the next progress update I WILL have the estimate render for that scene.

If you love my game and have any ideas, please feel free to join my and shower me with your ideas and love!

Until the next update,

Cold hands, warms heart.

With love and affection,



Forum Fanatic
Oct 29, 2021


wakes up IT'S SUNDAY! PANIC!

Just kidding, everything is on its path (and a bit faster than I think it would be).

Hello hello hello, it's Hana's weekly dose of updates and shenanigans for my Mistics.

Starting from tomorrow I will have to go on a small holiday trip with my family for the entire week.

BUT, I won't skip any time for the project.

Instead of rendering, I will focus on polishing up the story and ready for proofreading 0.2. (That's right, 0.2 has been done with the script.

Here is the new sheet update for the render status.


It was initially 57%, but I finished the script for a super duper secret label of the script. It added in at least another 118 renders for that scene.

I will try to finish all of the 'doing' renders either today or tomorrow before going for an 10-hour drive to the place we are going to stay for our trip. (Yes I will drive for 10 hours straight).

Today is just a simple heads up to let you guys know I will be off (partially) for next week.
But feel free to tag me in Discord and share your shenanigans! If I have time to check my phone I definitely will respond.

Expect a lot of food pics for the next development updates (and maybe some sneak peeks).

For love will conquer all,
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Jan 27, 2022
Wow what a disappointment.
First so many nice characters, choices everywhere, then we're forced to fuck this whore at the bar?
And why on earth are all these devs so fixated on implementing these annoying male "friends"?
It is rather early so maybe they come to their senses and reempliment actual player choices, but I doubt it.

And then stating that they listen to player feedback...


Forum Fanatic
Oct 29, 2021

Oh dear oh dear,

I seems to enjoyed myself a little bit too much for the past week.

My family decided to go to the sunny side of the country for this year's vacation.

Needless to say, I have to do 11 hours drive each way ...

Horrible, I know.

If you lurking around my Discord you will see my shenanigans and food pics ...



With that being said, I did manage to get 0.1 script finalized! (Woop woop!)

I will give you guys some heads up and some spoilers (oops, sorry Ans!)

  • Each LI will have a first.
  • Each character (even side characters) has their background, family name, and story to tell.
  • Every character (at least the main one) will have its purpose. (A piece of the puzzle, a piece on the chess board.)
The progress after the script was fixed has been reduced to 65% but don't fret. The release will be on time (hopefully!)

I will take some quality rest today and I will make up for you guys a free Wallpaper (mild NSFW) for our beloved Clara in a couple of days!

Until then,
Vacation is over, time to shift it into gear!

With love,



Forum Fanatic
Oct 29, 2021



Yes I know I know, hurr durr Hana said there wouldn't be any more character reveals.

First of all, I DO WHAT I WANT. (jk)

Seconds, after some consulting with my PM, some internal conflict and storyline-wise for 0.1

I have decided to do a second Character reveal which will definitely be on the Love Interest list.

So without further ado,

Please welcome the one and only:

Serah Fine

No, it is not her real name, it is only her stage name.

What is her real name you ask? That is a secret we need to unveil together (if you follow through with her storyline of course).

A little info about her (that is not in the LI bios):

  • She is American.
  • She has been dabbling in acting career at a very young age.
  • She will be the main focus for 0.1 romantic route.
That is more than enough to spoil the story without actually spoiling it.

Now here is some small development.

We are currently at the home stretch, next week Sunday I will make a summary (render and coding should be done around the 8th).

It leaves us around 3 days to test and choose music.

So grammar errors are - as Thanos said: Inevitable, so please give me all the feedback through the channel and I will try my best to fix them up.
I also promised to fix the first 15 minutes of renders, but the amount of render I dished out for the content is too time-consuming. So I'm sorry that I might not be able to deliver that promise. However, I will do my best to patch in during 0.1.x (maybe?) or at most 0.2.

I appreciate each and every one for your support and love towards the project.

Stay tuned for the end of the beginning for omiSt!

Until then,

The storm will calm, and everything will be alright.

Love you guys!



Dec 26, 2019

View attachment 3876021


Yes I know I know, hurr durr Hana said there wouldn't be any more character reveals.

First of all, I DO WHAT I WANT. (jk)

Seconds, after some consulting with my PM, some internal conflict and storyline-wise for 0.1

I have decided to do a second Character reveal which will definitely be on the Love Interest list.

So without further ado,

Please welcome the one and only:

Serah Fine

No, it is not her real name, it is only her stage name.

What is her real name you ask? That is a secret we need to unveil together (if you follow through with her storyline of course).

A little info about her (that is not in the LI bios):

  • She is American.
  • She has been dabbling in acting career at a very young age.
  • She will be the main focus for 0.1 romantic route.
That is more than enough to spoil the story without actually spoiling it.

Now here is some small development.

We are currently at the home stretch, next week Sunday I will make a summary (render and coding should be done around the 8th).

It leaves us around 3 days to test and choose music.

So grammar errors are - as Thanos said: Inevitable, so please give me all the feedback through the channel and I will try my best to fix them up.
I also promised to fix the first 15 minutes of renders, but the amount of render I dished out for the content is too time-consuming. So I'm sorry that I might not be able to deliver that promise. However, I will do my best to patch in during 0.1.x (maybe?) or at most 0.2.

I appreciate each and every one for your support and love towards the project.

Stay tuned for the end of the beginning for omiSt!

Until then,

The storm will calm, and everything will be alright.

Love you guys!

Interesting, but I hope we're not limited to just that new li in the next update. I'd like more interaction with Olivia and Clara.
2.90 star(s) 9 Votes