I just disagree with involving her with an ugly bastard like Larry,
But this is what Ellie wants to do to help her beloved mother, whose name is Nadia.
this is the story the developer wants to tell us
as I already told you ....you have to ask this to the developer and not me ... because I, unlike you, I find Ellie's choice very touching and moving,
in fact if Larry were a handsome man the sacrifice Ellie makes out of gratitude to her mom ... wouldn't be the same ... and this would describe Ellie as a selfish
Lerry is unavoidable because he is the landlord of the house were Nadia and Ellie live
Ellie is not selfish and wants to show gratitude to Nadia....
and helping mom pay the house rent shows Ellie's true selfless character!
In fact Nadia says: "
I am proud of Ellie who shows that she has grown up."
in my game Ellie faithfully follows all of Scarlet's orders like a good bitch in love and if Scarlet orders her to fuck a random guy for her she will do it like she did with her challenge to suck him off to the janitor and as long as none of that escalates that seems fine to me,
In YOUR Game???

This game is not your game!
are you the dev?

is this fine to you?
Are you the writer of this story?
Do you like PB1?
Ellie is not Scarlet's slave... the developer has deceived you and you complain I understand you....where you have seen the "slave" tag???
I think ..or better, I see that you are complaining but I repeat...the dev do not make story to please everyone. (I hope you agree with this statement)
This dev is focused on telling to us an amazing storyline with a realistic drama of the 3 protagonists!
Void Star thinks differently from you because he decided that Ellie being still a teenager let herself be guided and fascinated by Scarlet at first time and it seemed that you could play with Ellie as Scarlet slave without giving a damn about the story the author wants to write instead
Evidently Ellie as soon as she finds out that her dear mom has problems no longer follows Scarlet's orders.... VOID STAR is a super skilled writter!!! this is clearly the real intent by the writer of the story!
This makes Ellie an even more intense character...
Ellie cannot be a slave to a drugged lesbian ... in fact the smart Ellie quickly realizes that she doesn't have to always follow Scarlet.... that makes Ellie a grown up girl to be proud of...
Ellie is the protagonist!
Scarlet is just a secondary character!
The game/story is based on the 3 main characters who will eventually become a united family again that not even an adverse fate will be able to separate
I don't want Ellie to be blackmailed for something as insignificant as money,
Ellie was not blackmailed she decided to help her mom in her own! Have you seen a "BLACKMAIL" tag in this thread?
and you?--do you want her to be a slave to some random junkie like Scarlet?
So Scarlet can blackmail her?
You probably got carried away too soon because it is true that Ellie seems to want to follow Scarlet but this is only the beginning of Ellie's story...this happens right away in the first 2 or 3 episodes dedicated to Ellie and it is still too early to jump to believe that Ellie's game is reduced to being a schoolmate's slave... this story is much more complicated than you thought it would be
it seems to me that you have not understood anything about this family ... and above all you have not understood that Nadia is the most important character... not only for Ellie but also for Eugene even if he is still far away ... he went to prison clearing Nadia of all charges
in fact in PB1 it is well understood that Nadia would also be arrested ... and it is only because of Eugene that she was able to raise their daughter ...
this story is moving and unique...there are no "games" that describe the feelings of these 3 protagonists so well!
The game/story is based on the 3 main characters who will eventually become a united family again that not even an adverse fate will be able to separate
i rejected larry originally but still she later jumped on his dick.
This fact confirms that this is not a story where each character acts for his or her own selfish gain as was always clear even in the first Pandora's BoX episode.
Eugene avoided implicating Nadia and prevented her from being arrested with him by always exonerating her to all the investigators' questions.
This is a romantic story of loyalty. it is really well written.
the choices for the player are to hide the sex parts but even if you hide them the story must remain true to a single plot otherwise it would lose all meaning
The title explains this well in an essential way; once you open Pandora's box no one can choose to take what you like and discard what you don't like.
.... When Pandora's Box opens you will be overwhelmed by the whole package it contains and you will have no more choices!