The protagonist, even in the second part of the game, is a pathetic snot. Even if you go through the game without submissiveness, he still strives to go home to his whore wife. I understand sex with prostitutes, but giving them cunulingus and kissing is just fucked up. I understand that the developer is leading the game towards the fact, that the protagonist's wife will become a whore, and after that their family will be reunited and they will live happily. Only I specifically skipped sex with prostitutes in both parts of the game, I personally not happy with the happy ending for his wife, this whore should get what she deserves. I feel sorry for the character’s daughter, I tried to lead her along the path of the lisbian branch, they are trying to turn such an angel into an insignificant whore like her mother. In general, the game is not bad, but there are games with a more flexible plot for a male pratoranist.