
Game Developer
Apr 13, 2020
Hey there! Not the OP, but dev! Recently realized this was up, so going to try to check in on occasion to say hi!

Changelog for this update is all about Mason, greatly expanding his content into the intimate. You can trigger this by successfully prying the details of his backstory out of him after Lazren's return in Chapter 2. After you do that, pop by the R&D every day and you'll soon catch him playing with some things maybe he shouldn't...

Twine currently measures the word count at a whopping 583,000 words (I'm a little verbose, okay!). I expect that's a little inflated. It probably views coding fractions as their own words, but still, I would guess that half a million words is pretty close. 0.o

Currently, we're working on update 1.10, which is all about expanding the content for Selene, the naga character that functions as your vault!


Sep 17, 2020
To clarify for everyone asking: at the very start your are turned into a futa succubus, this is unavoidable and part of the game (well, I mean you could game over and live your life normally, but then you're not playing).

Every character who can be changed now (of which there are, I believe, 4 unless I missed someone in 1.2), has two possibilities of "transformation". These options, aside from the assistant, are based on where you talk to them and decide what path to pick for them. I haven't done half of them but the basics are as follows:

1. Assistant can either be a 'partner' (they will be a dominant type of futa succubus) or a sextoy bimbo (don't recall what happens to her here)

2. There is a boy who wants to bulk up and is insecure in his masculinity. You can either turn him into a bull-man (read as: he gets big and gets some horns, don't expect a minotaur or even an anthro), or I 'think' a sissy?

3. A pretty actress who either wants to be a better actress (turns her into a pornstar type) or you help ease her worries about her large breasts by turning her into a cow-girl (similar as the guy, this is mostly a hucow/"girl gets some horns and lactates", not anthro)

4. A reclusive nerd who you either turn into Cortana if she was freaky in bed, or into a goth who rebels against societal norms.

As of right now you do not change the genders of any other character aside from your assistant and yourself.

Along with all of this, you have an amulet that you can swap that will either make you a dominant or a submissive, which will also add a whole new set of scenes for every character when you lewd them (i.e. dominant and bullman causes you to tease him, submissive and bullman gets you pinned down, etc), along with just working in each location having a few different sexy scenes. This means that depending on the amulet settings, either you will dominate people or you will be dominated (so to answer your question Ravenleaf: Femdom is a thing)

That all said, I highly recommend playing the game if any of what's here sounds interesting. Each character has 3 talking points at each location they visit to find out what their concerns are (which leads to the options for them), it has potential for interesting resource management at some point, and it has a lot of nice scenes for what's already here. This is super early in development but there is definitely potential here. The latest update adds a few new scenes in the investment part with the bank and a few new lore bits, but where it can go from here can be great.

*I should also note that my preference was the bull-man/cow-girl and cortana transformation wise, hence why I don't know on some other things as well. Just adding that in because while each character visits two locations (guy visits gym/diner, actress visits diner/computer area, nerd visits gym/computer area), this means that it's possible to have two characters who are transformed together who are also working in the same spot. I haven't tested with the gym (sissy+goth) and I don't know how it works in the computer area (as the cortana transformation has them kinda be in the system rather than just the computer area), but this does mean that bull-man/cow-girl do have some scenes together.
Wait so why does this have a female protagonist tag?


Sep 17, 2020
Has changed since then. One of our earlier updates allowed for both male and fully female protagonists, as well the original futa option.
Thanks, would have searched for the answer myself but the search function is absolute garbage. Apparently searching by user on a thread is more important than searching for keywords.


Sep 3, 2020
Mh. I can't help but feel that this is a bit of an asshole-y thing to say, as there's really nothing to be done about how fast you are at writing/developing your game, but I've played this pretty much exactly a year ago, and for that the progress felt shockingly little; especially the fact that the main quest hasn't advanced at all (as far as I remember). I suspect this is exasperated by all the choices; I played through the game somewhat differently but mostly the same (turns out my preferences didn't change all that much during last year, so much for corona mutations; what a scam ^^), so of course for the most part I saw similar content, and if new content was added elsewhere, well. That being said that was within expectation; what really took me by surprise was getting that end which, as mentioned, I believe is still at exactly the same point in the story.

Not even sure what the point of the post is but I'm posting it anyway, just because ^^


Game Developer
Apr 13, 2020
Mh. I can't help but feel that this is a bit of an asshole-y thing to say, as there's really nothing to be done about how fast you are at writing/developing your game, but I've played this pretty much exactly a year ago, and for that the progress felt shockingly little; especially the fact that the main quest hasn't advanced at all (as far as I remember). I suspect this is exasperated by all the choices; I played through the game somewhat differently but mostly the same (turns out my preferences didn't change all that much during last year, so much for corona mutations; what a scam ^^), so of course for the most part I saw similar content, and if new content was added elsewhere, well. That being said that was within expectation; what really took me by surprise was getting that end which, as mentioned, I believe is still at exactly the same point in the story.

Not even sure what the point of the post is but I'm posting it anyway, just because ^^
I don't take it as an insult! It's the curse of these sorts of games. It always takes more time to make than it does to play through. I can tell you the chapter advance is coming up (the current patch is Selene content, then it's time for Avery to finally arrive).

I was curious, mostly for my own edification. what exactly we -had- done in a year. Looking at it, it looks like patch 1.4 was released August 2020, and was the gender patch (allowing male and female protagonists). Since then, we had full content expansions to add Petra (1.5), the Romance system with dates for all existing characters (1.6), Sara (1.7), The Mechanics update (adding Selene, Munokho, Kagar to the game and completely overhauling the underlying systems. You may or may not remember, but all the buildings did before was a base energy rate, so personal upgrades, building modes, and such is all new) (1.8), and a much expanded Mason with intimate path (1.9).

Individually, this is always going to be small. We work for 8 weeks on an update where most people are likely to see half of it (in the case of characters) or even less (Every character has two dates at the moment. In your average play through, you're probably going to see maybe two characters dates total?). We definitely feel its time to start a new chapter (1.11), but I'd be willing to put the rate of change up against pretty much any of these sorts of games.

Anyway, I appreciate you playing then and playing now. Hopefully, over time we can keep adding planks bit by bit until we've filled out nicely.


Sep 3, 2020
Yes, I had checked the changelog myself, because I'm quite familiar with how surprisingly awful human memory can be, even if you are 100% convinced that "x happened y". It's a quite interesting topic :D Overall I was surprised how much I remembered the game and my choices; obviously I liked it, but it also shows that the content is memorable (and not to dig too much at developers that have a different philosophy, but it does show that there's advantages to writing a game where it's not Generic McBlandguy with his harem of Random Haremgirls #1-7).

I did notice the buildings, but I wasn't sure what was there or not. To be honest (and maybe that's actually more useful feedback) I don't think I figured the system out. My expectation was that if you work there, you increase the management modifier (which has an upper and lower limit and decays over time), which then acts as a modifier to the energy you gain. But it seemed most of the time (bizarrely not always) it just stuck at 100% at the next day, so ... I'm not sure if the decay is too large, whether I misunderstood something, or what, but it felt like bothering with the system didn't really add much.

I will say that I found particularly the first part, where you need to get those 3 gems, to be quite well balanced. dunno if it's just Game Over if you fail, but it felt like you can't play around too much and that you actually need to play somewhat efficiently. Afterwards with the bank and such that was more than enough energy for the playthrough either way.

Didn't do much with the perks since none seemed to be too effective at getting the energy back you'd need to invest (obviously the longer the game is the better those small % increases will be, but it wasn't like I was expecting this version to be that super long).

Oh, I also didn't find anywhere where it actually says what your max energy is. I mean, the number turn red at some point, but you'd think it's spelled out somewhere (maybe it is and I just didn't find it).

And, yeah, for the content ... I did know when I told science-guy to figure himself out that I was ignoring a chunk of content, and was tempted to change my choice just to see it, but I decided to play "fairly" and don't just go through all options to see all content ;) ... which of course means missing out on the rest (e: speaking of the science-guy, when talking to him afterwards (not about foci) there must be a = instead of a == in an IF clause regarding his dialogue somewhere, as the talk didn't really work anymore and Twine complained about this error).
I guess I got reasonably lucky with the random tower sabotaging events as I think I got 4 of those dates. And I know that this is a bit contrary to my "the main story really should progress after a year", but I also do think that this sort of content is necessary; transforming characters is fun and all but (at least for me) it's just as important to interact with them afterwards to see how it influences their life and what the consequences of it are and so on ;)


Game Developer
Apr 13, 2020
Thank you for the bug report! I'll try to run that down!

So far as buildings go, yes, its difficult in chapter 1 to sustain them much higher (that's actually what a lot of the upgrades let you do. Either give you more of a modifier, slow the decay, ect. ect.). Hopefully you still enjoyed regardless. My goal is for those that HAVE to understand the system, they can find ways to milk 3 or 4 times the energy out of it...and for everyone else, they can still get to the good stuff without having to break out a spreadsheet.

I genuinely do appreciate the feedback. Hopefully we can do something a bit more big and flashy to transition to chapter 3, and it might feel a little less frozen in time.
Feb 11, 2021
Big fan of, shall I say, the theme of the game in terms of your boss being sloth etc.
There were more than a few minor spelling errors (might go through the game again to try and find them in some time). There was also some gender confusion stuff.
In the sub-female-mc futa-samantha invite to bedroom scene, there's the line " your hands and thighs and cheek and cock all pressed firmly against the glass " which I assume is unedited from the futa versions.
I'm certain there was a line about your cock and pussy squeezing something where it seemed like it should have been ass & pussy. It's not the naga doublepen scene, and I want to say it was a lazren scene but I'm not sure.

In regards to personal preferences/character content:
I'm really frustrated by the futa-samantha second date because she's doing her very best to not put hands on you when you're not working even though that's pretty clearly the point. If she's so hung up on appearances and this image of being on top/or not (and it does seem like that's part of her character from before the transformation and continuing now), she's never going to be satisfied about it during work at the tower because she isn't top dog and the PC isn't top dog because it's lazren. Samantha has all of the 9 to 24 hours I sleep a day to do what she likes, and maybe she needs that spelt out for her but hot damn if I felt like asking her why I've never woken up to a creampie long before I got up to her date scenes. I thought this was just content not-yet-written but apparently it's being set up as a big choice. She's my secretary, she knows when I need to be working and when I'm going to be passive and sluggish and everyone in the tower (including many of the customers, e.g. the dana-trap sub scene) knows the tower's manager gets manhandled all day long every day. She's an expert mental gymnast to complain about me calling the shots when she's never even looked at me when I'm not busy actively following someone else(that she also works for)'s commands.
Bitch literally writes my schedule, is it that hard for her to put down '6pm to 6am, tied up and getting railed by Samantha'? If I have to go out of my way to explicitly tell her to do that, I feel like her heart isn't really in it.

Main character seems like a dumbass but considering the intro I have to assume they actually are/were. A bit jarring but it is what it is.

It was the naga doublepen scene
Your pussy and cock squeezed across those twin shafts and you thrust your head down into the sheet, muffling your cries as bliss overwhelmed you
Last edited:


Jun 4, 2017
Hey this won't get hit by Copyright right? I mean, it an adult visual novel game where the MC is a manager of complex who can have romantic interlude with the tenants. It just adds a supernatural aspect to it. The name is even the same. Is Japan's copyright laws that different from the US, or is this that Parody Law that Japanese have coming into effect.


Game Developer
Apr 13, 2020
Hola everyone! For those have already spotted the update, we hope you're enjoying! Dropping some patch notes for you.

Patch Notes: 1.10.0

Selene's Big Adventure

Selene has been naga-napped! It's time to head down to Sisters, Oregon in a brand new mystery adventure.

-Match wits with the Hellsing Society, but pay attention! The future of your endeavor may depend on your keen eye for lies and inconsistencies!

-Selene's adventure will be automatically triggered a few days after upgrading the vault for the second time. This can occur in either chapter 1 or 2 (though 2 is more likely).

Selene Transformations

-Patch 1.10.0 also features some brand new options for your naga employee. This transformation will be triggered at the end of the adventure without need to expend energy.

Big Selene-There's a whole lot of her to love! Players who choose this path will enjoy the charms of a 10 foot tall naga who is more than happy to wrap you up for the evening. If you ever wanted to enjoy both an expanded chest and additional equipment, this is the option for you.

Twin Selene- If that's a bit too much of any one woman to handle, how about two women? This change induces a split in our dear naga employee and creates an (almost) identical copy. If it wasn't for the fact that they each seem to have been expanded in different ways, it would be impossible to tell them apart. But what will you do with two Selenes?

New Systems - Achievement Skips

-Have you ever been frustrated by the need to replace some old sections of content? Well, we're streamlining some of our older adventures. Beginning in patch 1.10.0, both the Selene Adventure and the hunt for Xavier will offer a shortcut if you already have the appropriate achievement for that storyline. You are a child of sloth, after all.

Also, in regard to the name, it was causing confusion. Before we launched, we did realize it was the name of an H-game from the 90s, but didn't really think much of it (neither of us had played or heard of it prior to googling things up). That proved to be...incorrect, as the old game has quite a following. So a lot of threads mentioned it somewhere along the line and in a few places we kept getting swept up as a repost before the game titles were the same. A mistake I'll blame on myself getting too attached to the first name that popped into my head during development.

So we changed to Paradise Inc to help avoid some confusion, but we haven't been able to change the thread title here, hence this'll usually come up again every so often. But that's the story behind that!


Feb 27, 2019
I have two questions. Firstly, when you have sex with dana specifically the first option it does not shift the time forward so you can simply farm energy by dominantly boning dana as soon as you have bot sundae n shakes as well as the gym, is this inteded? Second, I noticed that at the end of the countdown the game tells you to wait for the update, however the day counter continues to rise, so my question is what is the effect of continuing to play the game while the day countdown is frozen and the day counter continues?


Game Developer
Apr 13, 2020
I have two questions. Firstly, when you have sex with dana specifically the first option it does not shift the time forward so you can simply farm energy by dominantly boning dana as soon as you have bot sundae n shakes as well as the gym, is this inteded? Second, I noticed that at the end of the countdown the game tells you to wait for the update, however the day counter continues to rise, so my question is what is the effect of continuing to play the game while the day countdown is frozen and the day counter continues?
1 -Thanks for the heads up! No, looks like when we did the mechanical update we got overexcited and pruned out some of our old code, so there were some missing time advancements across the three starting characters. Will make sure that gets updated!

2 - The day counter doesn't feed into anything. The countdown to Avery pauses at 1, until the update comes, and then it will resume (so the next day should be day 0). Yes this does mean your current play through has a lot of extra time, but we consider that a reasonable trade in exchange for not breaking things for players once the update comes through. To experience with the deadlines fully in place, one would have to either save on the first day the counter stops, or just do another playthrough.


New Member
Jan 21, 2020
Is there any way to cheat, i mean the game is not hard but i want to speed things up, any way to do that?
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