Unreal Engine - Parasite Inside [v0.3.1] [Kodman]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I think it has a lot of potential, it would be cool to see more animation with different bad endings and more enemies, maybe even some choices. I hope it continues to improve in the next update and i hope in a release on Steam
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best game in its league! Since its still under developement - there will be more awesome scenes and plot twists to come!
    Love the voice and emotion behind it.
    Personally would love for developers to add an entity that would hunt, grabb and fuck you directly!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Played v0.3.0. Almost a complete game already. If I had to guess, I would say it's 80-90% of the way towards completion in terms of being able to play it start to finish. I am sure many refinements are to come beyond that though, if it keeps being developed.

    Overall it's 5/5 for effort. A great amount of effort was made to make this an actual game. It runs well, plays well enough for what it is, and looks good. The weakest point of this game is probably that the H scenes are few, a bit rigid looking, and not very compelling or satisfying. However, the actual game more than makes up for it.

    This feels like it's heavily inspired by Haydee and Dead Space, so if you like those games, then manage your expectations because this is definitely not as good as those (right now), but it might still scratch that itch, and it has enough going for it to be worth your time.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely phenomenal. The graphics and animations are really clean, the gameplay and setting is just excellent as well. Great use of environmental storytelling by the dev as well. the first two scenes where you find the girls are more disturbing than arousing, which I was not expecting at all, but it was so different that I became genuinely interested in this fucked up story, not every day a porn game really leans into the horror element and I appreciate different. This is an amazing start and if this game manages to keep improving from it it would be excellent.

    A few things Id love to see if god forbid the dev ever reads these ratings; The horror element was great in the first half, and that's what I was really digging abought this game so it was a shame when it sort of petered out in the second half. I think the last scream you hear is in section 6, which is a shame because they were atmospheric as hell and made you genuinely worried abought what tf the monsters were doing to people and what would happen to you if you got got. with that said, more screams and more fucked up shit happening to people you find would be great to KEEP you worried abought getting caught.

    Speaking of getting caught... Once you know what happens when the monsters get you and that you can fix it with a shower.... well the monsters aren't as worrying anymore, you just aren't scared of them anymore. So it would be Interesting to see some permanent effects of getting caught. I like the infection detail after you are taken, so why not make it permanent to some extent. Taking a shower could still reset infection level for the knockdown gameplay mechanic but you could have the markings left on her remain even after the shower, and perhaps even increase the more you get caught as the corruption on her body gets worse. If you wanted a way to still reduce them you could have a rare item that takes you back one level of corruption that you need to find in the map in some of the more hidden rooms that already exist, and going along with that you could even have the girl get to a certain level of corruption that is a game over where her whole body is completely corrupted (this could occur after getting caught 10 times or something with the physical mark left slowly getting worse each time).

    In the same vein of getting caught, our girl seems oddly unbothered by what is happening to her. Clearly this has fucked up the other girls this has happened to, so why not have her kick and scream a little more, make it clearly traumatic to an extent, dev diiiiiiiid include a mental health stat, so I'm just saying why not use it. I mean the shit happening to people in this game would be horrifying to anyone in this situation.

    Anyways I just really got hooked on the horror elements of this game so that's where I'm coming from. Great work though, please keep it up.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    V 0.3
    It shows good promise. The setting is different and enjoyable, but hoping it embraces the darker path next to other games that play it too safe and miss out on a good niche.

    Platforming is a nightmare.
    Barely made it through much of the game without constantly looking at the map.
    The AI art collectables are both OK in quality, and yet lazy in terms of creation.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I can not really appreciate this project. the use of AI for the collectibles because apparently making some renders with your 3D character is too hard :ROFLMAO: , to the poor sex animations. But that is not the worse. The worse is the themes of the game. I thought I was going to start getting assaulted by some horny aliens or something but no. The story is depressing as hell. Cannibalism and rapey characters that become aroused at the act of killing and eating people. Nah dude, I am out. The gameplay was not bad up until that point and I was willing to give it a chance in case there was some GOOD sex scene at some point, but that really turned me off real quick. I am glad I read that e-mail/log in-game :ROFLMAO:(n)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm giving this game a solid 5/5 because I was pleasantly surprised by how well-made it is. Let me start off by saying: there isn't that much sexual content in the game as of v0.3.0. If you're looking for a quick fap, this may not be it.

    However if you keep playing, it's evident that the dev has made up for it in every other aspect. There's an incredible amount of polish that has clearly gone in to the game - animations are well-made, there's no clipping, no bugs (that I know of at least), no janky combat, no getting stuck or falling through the floor due to shitty collision hitboxes - you get the point.

    On top of that, the pacing is great, and despite having a fairly simple story, the way the story is gradually revealed to you rather than being spoonfed (except for that one time the scientist lady dumps exposition on you).

    The map design is also very well-crafted, with decent puzzles and minigames (such as the repair minigame), and while not all doors are initially available to you, they always eventually tie back in through shortcuts that you unlock later.

    Sound design is simple but great too, with appropriate ambience and enough environmental noises (lights flickering, doors slamming, damaged wires sparking etc).

    If I had to suggest some improvements, there would be just two:
    1. Proofreading for some minor spelling errors, but that's just me nitpicking. (e.g. "Discription" instead of "description", "complited" instead of "completed".)
    2. More variety in the sexual scenes, even for existing enemies. Currently the only way to see the tentacle scenes is to let yourself get infected by the enemies. This takes up time because you have to go out of your way to get infected, then after the scene is done you need to find a shower to wash it off and continue. I think it would give players more incentive to go through that process if there were different variations of the same scenes to see.

    All in all, it's a really solid game and it's impressive that it was made by a single dev, so kudos to Kodman on that. I can't recommend it enough, and hopefully more people give it a try, as well as support the dev!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I mean its a proper developed game with high class graphics and a thought through story that is slowly building up. Its not fast and exiting gameplay but taht would also not fit a horrorgame. Its slow and storytelling discovery game with some puzzles and so far its rly good at this version. The lewed is limited so far but has a lot of potential for the future.
    Not a fast fap - dont expect it
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This is really good development work. While it is using the Unreal(unreal how much resources it needs) engine, the game's foundation is solid. The environment and setting is polished. The controls are smooth (if you have powerful enough computer). For a Work In Progress this is very well done.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Early development but the game has great potential. At current stage it features impregnation and breeding by alien agents. Oni state will determine the outcome of the events which may or may not play additional scenes.
    I really hope the game gets finished and more features like detailed stats.
    The animations are top quality and NPCs are voiced.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating: Parasite Inside

    ---{ Graphics }---

    ☐ Each frame was painted by Da Vinci
    ☐ The Witcher 3
    ☑ They are really good
    ☐ Made with love
    ☐ Outdated graphics but still acceptable
    ☐ Looks like a PS2 game
    ☐ Paint.exe
    ☐ Looks like Atari game graphics

    ---{ Animation }---
    ☐ This is a movie you control
    ☑ There are many animated scenes and they are very good and fluid
    ☐ There are very few animated scenes, but they are decent
    ☐ The animation isn't good, but it's still an animation
    ☐ Animation is literally two frames
    ☐ There is no animation

    ---{ H-Content }---
    ☐ Almost too much
    ☐ A lot
    ☑ 50/50
    ☐ Could be more
    ☐ Not enough
    ☐ Is this really a game porn?

    ---{ Clothing customization }---
    ☐ Barbie's wardrobe
    ☐ There are some costume changes throughout the game.
    ☑ There are some clothing options.
    ☐ There is no clothing customization.
    (☐ Does the clothing wear out when taking damage?)

    ---{ Story }---
    ☐ It'll replace your life
    ☐ Masterpiece
    ☐ Could make a book at Harry Potter level
    ☐ It can make you shed a tear or two
    ☑ A story worthy of attention
    ☐ You can like the story if you try hard
    ☐ Story makes no sense
    ☐ No Story

    ---{ Game Time }---
    ☐ Long enough to sing "Faroeste Caboclo"
    ☐ Enough time for a Game of Thrones episode
    ☑ You're going to lose a few hours
    ☐ Equivalent to the entire "Lord of the Rings" series
    ☐ Exceeds 20 hours if you want to do almost everything
    ☐ It will take a few sleepless nights
    ☐ You are really a pervert
    ☐ One Piece ends, and you still haven't done everything
    ☐ After the ending, there's an infinite mode

    ---{ Gameplay }---
    ☐ More addictive than cocaine
    ☑ Very good
    ☐ Good
    ☐ It's just gameplay
    ☐ Watch paint dry instead
    ☐ It would have been better to see Pelé's movie

    ---{ Difficulty }---
    ☐ It's just watching the game
    ☐ You have to use less than 1% of your brain
    ☑ Nothing to worry about, unless you have dyslexia
    ☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
    ☐ Significant brain usage
    ☐ It's one of those games that people study
    ☐ Dark Souls
    (☐ Can be Changed)

    ---{ Bugs }---
    ☐ Never heard of
    ☑ Didnt see some
    ☐ Minor bugs
    ☐ Can get annoying
    ☐ Can ruin the gameplay
    ☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
    ☐ Ubisoft

    ---{ Requirements }---
    ☐ Forget it, current technology can't handle it
    ☐ PC with very good CPU and GPU
    ☑ A decent PC, with a GTX 1030
    ☐ Gaming PC from 2012
    ☐ A PC with a video card from grandma's time
    ☐ Check if you can run Paint

    ---{ I recommend that you play it? }---
    ☑ Yes
    ☐ No

    Last words:
    The game really surprised me a lot. I genuinely enjoyed the developer’s theme—it has an interesting story, a combat system that’s still in its early stages but shows potential, a puzzle system, great graphics, and really good animations for a 3D game. Even though there’s only one type of enemy, you still have fun trying to collect all the stickers in the ship and choosing your outfit.

    The story is about a spaceship that gets hit by an alien infection, and you have to find a way to reunite with your crew (if they’re alive) and repair the ship. I was very impressed by the quality of the game and the fact that I didn’t encounter any bugs during my two hours of gameplay. Truly remarkable for a solo developer. I give this game 5 stars with pleasure
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    So far I love the game, even if the controls are a bit finicky, especially the handgun's aiming.
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    Keep up the good work
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7324360

    Version 2.1

    Great setting and visuals, dig the plot so far, rather not speak further on any of this lest I spoil anything. Gameplay's decent enough, though the lighting on the broken down ship may be a bit too dim, and crouch speed is way too slow. Despite what you may have read, there are definitely 18+ scenes, many of which are found along the critical path.

    This is a game to keep your eyes on. Looking forward to the corrupted alternate storyline!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent space horror scifi with some beautifully animated, high quality scenes. Controls are janky but passable, certainly have played games from here with worse.

    A decent amount of work has gone into building the world and the space horror. Looking foward to seeing where this goes.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The good:

    Clearly a lot of effort put in the development.

    Decent technical execution. The game runs like a hog for the limited "boxes in a hall with flat textures" rendering complexity, but the environments are worked on, credible and consistent in style. The main character is looking OK, if generic. And other interactive assets (textures, text content, voice) are pretty good for this stage of dev.

    The bad:

    Art and creative direction are non-existent. The story is barely coherent, the level design and how they relate to the story progression feel like they have been randomly generated.

    Everything in the game is a crate or a corridor. Even when some random plants, a bit of lighting, some color would seem story- and design-appropriate, they are absent. To the point of harming navigation: every corridor looks the same, and it's nearly impossible to orientate oneself on this endless succession of gray boxes.

    The ugly:

    Game and systems design are junk. This is a corridor walking simulation, broken up by some minor, and extremely infuriating in their jankiness, segments of jumping between boxes, crates or gantries.

    There is no porn. In the 3h I have tried to play this, I have not encountered a single porn sequence. A complete waste of time on something that would barely qualify as a demo and no one would bother trying if it didn't have the promise of some porn scenes.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    this is the game I've been looking for all this time. a game with exploration like a normal game like usual that is added with porn nuances and takes place in space (alien rape, finally). it still needs improvement to be developed, but so far it's going well. hopefully it will be released on Steam soon, of course I will buy it. 8/10.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Well designed, rather long game play, good level design, there is just enough hand holding from the developers, and it's possible to get all the hints if you know where to look. A lot of material in the journal and email entries, so it's actually good world building.

    I think if there are more enemy variety, and being infected should have a more permanent consequence, that would be great. More adult content would be great too...
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    this is definitely a video game! it has content, you do things, you talk to people!

    in all seriousness, this game taps into a fetish i wish there were more games covering - that sense of corruption, the infection that leads to horny outcomes instead of tragic or outright disgusting outcomes. different paths based on whether the heroine is clothed or nude, infected or not, pure or corrupt, all of which mingle with one another to make each playthrough and story feel unique. whether the heroine remain clean and pure, or corrupt and debaucherous - that's the shit i live for.

    i wish there was more of that. mechanically speaking, the game is fine; it's definitely a work in progress, and it serves as a vessel for the player to see erotic content, which is all we care about here. it would be nice if it had a tighter focus on the gameplay, atmosphere, and interaction with the world. the shooting gameplay feels a bit plain, and on Normal difficulty, the little creatures harassing Oni barely pose a threat (once you know where they are). the ship you play on doesn't feel lived in or authentic, it feels like a puzzle game dungeon.

    there's tiny bits of atmosphere, clutter, and signs of life here and there, but it really does feel like a samey series of hallways with some signs that roughly indicate direction. most of them look the same, with no landmarks or decor that make the areas stand out. it half commits to the idea of a clean, sterile colony ship, and half commits to the idea of a rampant infestation. there's no real seamless blending between the two, like a game such as System Shock would have - rather, there's a few gross blobs juxtaposed on otherwise normal areas.

    i kept anticipating, since there was a relatively minimum level of effort put into the gameplay loop and meat of the experience, that at least there would be sufficient erotic content. the player can... walk around naked, be intimate with two people, get raped once, and have two infection cutscenes. that seems like an okay amount of content on the surface, but as of now, there's really no variety to it. hopefully this gets significant expansion; more enemy encounters, different cutscene variations based on how dire the player's situation is (infection, some kind of corruption level, prior sexual encounters with humans and/or xenos, etc.).

    new mid-gameplay content would be welcome, that allows the deviant player to put the heroine swiftly into a sexual encounter when greeted by an enemy, allowing some horny gameplay without hard cutting to a new scene and taking control from the player. as it is, the infection builds up a bit too fast for a player that is only going to see one cutscene a single time, and another cutscene for every single time they get re-infected afterwards. this could be smoothed over with a more gradual buildup, and of course, more content to expose the player to, and possibly punish them with - being set back between two to five minutes is more of an annoyance than anything.

    if the actual sexual content of the game is going to be relegated to cutscenes and story moments, some improvement to the actual gameplay loop would be excellent. make the combat feel more engaging, liven up the interior, add some atmosphere, set the tone, introduce weapon variety, something to that effect. in a perfect world, it would look good, play well, and tick all the erotic game boxes, but beggars can't be choosers, and no game is perfect.

    TL;DR - good concept, mixed feelings about the execution. needs better gameplay and environment, as well as more varied sexual content. implementing diverging paths based on player choice would be cool, but not a necessity - just some stuff to consider going forward. best of luck to the dev, i hope this turns out to be something special.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Grate game with somewhat interesting gameplay and eye-catching style.
    Personally I really liked costume system and form of parasite infection. For this version there are few scenes but they pretty long and with decent quality.
    4/5, hope it'll become 5/5 in the future.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best and most promising games on this site that runs on the unreal engine, most of the game that run on this engine have like 30 mins of game play before it is abandoned and forgotten this game has a good about of game play and looks promising hopefully if keeps getting updates.