Lets start with the basics:
The game is a survival horror game that is dead space with more sex.
The basic premise is pretty neat, I really do appreciate games that develop at least a little lore to why things are horny and this game does a decent job of having a legitimate reason everybody is horny all the time, though there is a moment where our main character fingers a corpse's vagina rather sensually in a situation akin to any horror film where you're screaming at the screen "BAD IDEA"
First off, I didn't see an AI tag for this game, but the art has the distinct feel of being AI generated (there's 2D art cards you collect as well as some loading screen with that "AI Generated" art style and accompanying artifacts). If it's actually hand drawn I'd be impressed at mimicing the style of the overdetailed AI generations we usually get. I don't mind AI art at all, I just don't appreciate developers that aren't up front about it.
The character designs are a big L for me, it gets tiring that every character has to have H cups and this game is no exception. I don't mean to kink shame anybody for liking the balloon breasts, it's just that the prevalence of them is almost a parody of itself. And that's what we get here, breasts larger than her head... which really sucks to have a game with a rather serious tone to have comedically sized pair of breasts bouncing around in front of it.
The voice "acting" is actually really good, for what seems to be AI generated voices, there's a lot of inflection and effort (at least at the start of the game) that makes it almost stand out. It's probably some of the best porn "acting" I've seen in a while, it's a shame that a couple lines later really fall apart. Again, I don't mind AI being used, in fact I think for most porn games with English voices, you're probably going to get a better performance out of AI than you will getting actual VAs... unless you lie to the VAs about it being for a porn game and actually hire experienced actors.
The ship is... interesting, it's a bit windy and a couple architectural choices are just blatantly wrong (two parallel hallways going to the same place for example) the "path" is a little branching and there's a couple points of no return where going back requires going around and potentially getting a new key or tool. Overall I would have appreciated a smaller ship area that looped back on itself more often so when I found the level 2 key, going back and exploring the level 1 areas with level 2 doors was less of a trek.
The puzzles are mostly, "go through a vent and hit the button" or "shoot the glowing fuse on the wall and it pops open a door" a couple require you to connect wires on a panel but it's not really much of a puzzle. Mercifully whenever you're given keypad codes they mostly put the pass code under the keypad when you open it so you don't have to spend too many brain cells on them.
Combat is... frustrating? Typical to survival horror you're limited on ammo, thanks to some puzzles needing it you don't ever want to spend all your bullets. I had a couple instances of enemies seeming to respawn which is a bit of a no-no for the survival horror genre, the enemy takes two shots to hit and most engagement distances leave the target dying in melee range... which doesn't really do much. Dying leads to sex scenes, and you just have to find your way back to where you were from the check point it respawns you at, so there's no real penalty for dying it seems. I found that in most cases it was easier to just let death come and go through the area now that the enemy was gone having done what it wanted with me.
Cutscenes are another mark off for this game, not because they're particularly bad but because they seem to drag on sometimes. There's a UI with two buttons that I don't really know what they actually were supposed to do but it was kind of dumb to have them hanging out there during the cutscene. If I don't have control during a cutscene I prefer it to move on.
As far as I saw there didn't seem to be any paywalling, not obviously at least, but I did come across at least a keypad or two that I didn't have the passcode for. That would be another mark against the game if it is in fact a patreon reward. I was looking all over trying to find that code and never found it in game.
So far it's a mediocre sci-fi survival horror, with bad character design, good "acting" and a neat plot. There's barely any optional sex scenes (I mean she enjoyed fingering the first corpse she came across, why not let her play with some of the others?) The sex parts of the game don't feel that out of place, apart from the ridiculous character design, when the plot presented context to the sex scenes I actually said "man, there should be a horniness meter you have to manage" and was surprised in how little sex in the game there is. And there's a good amount in there all ready.
I probably WON'T be giving this a second try until it gains the "character creation" tag and adds some body sliders or tones down the tone deaf character proportions.
The game is a survival horror game that is dead space with more sex.
The basic premise is pretty neat, I really do appreciate games that develop at least a little lore to why things are horny and this game does a decent job of having a legitimate reason everybody is horny all the time, though there is a moment where our main character fingers a corpse's vagina rather sensually in a situation akin to any horror film where you're screaming at the screen "BAD IDEA"
First off, I didn't see an AI tag for this game, but the art has the distinct feel of being AI generated (there's 2D art cards you collect as well as some loading screen with that "AI Generated" art style and accompanying artifacts). If it's actually hand drawn I'd be impressed at mimicing the style of the overdetailed AI generations we usually get. I don't mind AI art at all, I just don't appreciate developers that aren't up front about it.
The character designs are a big L for me, it gets tiring that every character has to have H cups and this game is no exception. I don't mean to kink shame anybody for liking the balloon breasts, it's just that the prevalence of them is almost a parody of itself. And that's what we get here, breasts larger than her head... which really sucks to have a game with a rather serious tone to have comedically sized pair of breasts bouncing around in front of it.
The voice "acting" is actually really good, for what seems to be AI generated voices, there's a lot of inflection and effort (at least at the start of the game) that makes it almost stand out. It's probably some of the best porn "acting" I've seen in a while, it's a shame that a couple lines later really fall apart. Again, I don't mind AI being used, in fact I think for most porn games with English voices, you're probably going to get a better performance out of AI than you will getting actual VAs... unless you lie to the VAs about it being for a porn game and actually hire experienced actors.
The ship is... interesting, it's a bit windy and a couple architectural choices are just blatantly wrong (two parallel hallways going to the same place for example) the "path" is a little branching and there's a couple points of no return where going back requires going around and potentially getting a new key or tool. Overall I would have appreciated a smaller ship area that looped back on itself more often so when I found the level 2 key, going back and exploring the level 1 areas with level 2 doors was less of a trek.
The puzzles are mostly, "go through a vent and hit the button" or "shoot the glowing fuse on the wall and it pops open a door" a couple require you to connect wires on a panel but it's not really much of a puzzle. Mercifully whenever you're given keypad codes they mostly put the pass code under the keypad when you open it so you don't have to spend too many brain cells on them.
Combat is... frustrating? Typical to survival horror you're limited on ammo, thanks to some puzzles needing it you don't ever want to spend all your bullets. I had a couple instances of enemies seeming to respawn which is a bit of a no-no for the survival horror genre, the enemy takes two shots to hit and most engagement distances leave the target dying in melee range... which doesn't really do much. Dying leads to sex scenes, and you just have to find your way back to where you were from the check point it respawns you at, so there's no real penalty for dying it seems. I found that in most cases it was easier to just let death come and go through the area now that the enemy was gone having done what it wanted with me.
Cutscenes are another mark off for this game, not because they're particularly bad but because they seem to drag on sometimes. There's a UI with two buttons that I don't really know what they actually were supposed to do but it was kind of dumb to have them hanging out there during the cutscene. If I don't have control during a cutscene I prefer it to move on.
As far as I saw there didn't seem to be any paywalling, not obviously at least, but I did come across at least a keypad or two that I didn't have the passcode for. That would be another mark against the game if it is in fact a patreon reward. I was looking all over trying to find that code and never found it in game.
So far it's a mediocre sci-fi survival horror, with bad character design, good "acting" and a neat plot. There's barely any optional sex scenes (I mean she enjoyed fingering the first corpse she came across, why not let her play with some of the others?) The sex parts of the game don't feel that out of place, apart from the ridiculous character design, when the plot presented context to the sex scenes I actually said "man, there should be a horniness meter you have to manage" and was surprised in how little sex in the game there is. And there's a good amount in there all ready.
I probably WON'T be giving this a second try until it gains the "character creation" tag and adds some body sliders or tones down the tone deaf character proportions.