Give it a easy way to find out what 9 Quests are missing?
170/179 and no Quest open.
The max you can get (as of v3.62) is 177. You can only get one of "Acorns" or "Security," not both. And #100 "Mass For The Pious" at the Temple does not show up in the questlog. It's required to advance the Temple questline anyway so it's not worth fiddling with stuff to make it show up.
A few quests can be skipped with no, or no significant, affect on gameplay. "Check Point" can be skipped entirely by getting the pass to see the Witch before you speak with the guards posted to keep people away from her. And I
think if you see Vixenatrix after she lays her eggs, but *before* you you go to Weirdwood, then "Hot Gossip" never happens. There's no way to retroactively get these once the decision point is past.
Some are locked out depending on your choices without being a fail. If you choose No Cucking during "Get Past Granny" then "Werewolf Hunt" is locked out. I think I recall something about "Quality Time With Maghda" getting locked out if you don't see her before she gives birth. There might be others but that's all I can think of.
There are four fetch quests for Harald, "Capture A Wolf/Bear/Gatorbeast/Werewolf." Those are randomized, he might not have given you all four yet.
Some quests are entirely optional, not really needed for any questline (but nearly everyone does them anyway). The ones I can think of given how close you are to 100%:
Bandits; A Spyglass; Festival Lights; My First Pet; Man Cave; Domestic Issues; A Special Crop; Ancient Treasure; The Rod Of Duplication; Seductive Fragrance; Imposter; Horse Breeding Apparatus.
Check your questlog for the ones I mentioned. I assume you didn't fail any since you didn't mention that.