The pace in this game/story started out nice... a slow burn. Then as if the dev wanted to rush through the project it went flame on, like napalm the MC banging betty's left and right... it just seemed rushed.
Not a criticism just a preference others may want to rap the dog in the first seen and bang everything in sight... rambling rambling guy....
Yeah, this is not a slow burn type of a game. None of my games ever will be, because they are only intended to be about 12 updates are so.
SuperWriter i actualy think you live up to your name. i havent tried secret summer yet. but this game has some incredible good stuff in it..
I seriously appreciate that, Man. Thank you. I have so much more stuff coming.
Well, i think - the Bang all path

Paris Nailed, Sasha huge out in the nude and Sabrina - welcome to the family "fun time in the woods. And ended with bed time with Miracle

and her Fangs, i thought she was gonna Bite me

May 14 and 29 save. So i have no idea, loaded this up like i said and it was in the end already. Nothing new
I'm getting the same issue, should be on all the paths. I'll just reset when i have time to though, not that big a deal since i got confirmation it's a bug lol
I think you both need to start over because other people are not getting the issue. You may have an old save from chapter 7 when you needed to restart or you are using the mod.
Sasha has those abandonment issues perhaps being pregnant may be her way of dealing with her fears in the end. She is obviously hiding her true feelings and even seems to want to share in what Paris is having. Possibly why she tell Paris everything so nothing hidden or off the table. I'd love to see her open up to the MC and seek out a deep relationship with him and possible Paris too.
Pregnancy cures abandonment issues...? Hmm, perhaps.
Or perhaps you are a perv who wants to get her pregnant. I'm voting for the latter xD
im guessing the saves are from before the animations were added, you needed to restart after that update.
That is most likely the issue since most people aren't getting that, and are able to play the update.
I kinda lost track of my saves... MY auto-save started just before Paris and MC go outside at night. Anyways I replayed for a little while until I caught up (it was worth it!). SOOO... Really, really Hot! I like where this is going! Thanks
PS: How are you getting around the Patroen Notzees?
this is the game about a landlord and tenants so there is no rule breaking going on here =] Glad you're enjoying the game!
Another great update
Finally some sexy time with
it was a great scene and fitted the development between the mc and her perfectly, The story is progressing nicely and going by the process of elimination i'm guessing Sabrina could be next up for some sexy time, mc style

, In ch9?
Haha, glad you enjoyed the update so much, and definitely, Sabrina and Miracle are up next again!
I had the same issue, but I simply startet a new game ... enabled skip unseen text until my last save position - all went smooth and from there I was able to play ch.8 just fine.
Yep. Having old saves when you needed three start from chapter 7 is the issue all the other guys are having! Thanks for commenting
I did the same, after that i got like 8 or more pics and then it was end.
so the end isnt supposed to be after you
Restart the game and you will get chapter 8! You needed to restart last update because I messed around with the coding. So sorry about that.
I don't care, 20 thousand words for the next update, I told you.
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Games aside, excellent work on this update,
finally some action with Sasha, she's my favorite.
LOL I'm doing my best here! I'm happy you enjoyed the update, man. Plenty more coming. Trust me