Short Version: Enjoyed the update VERY much.
bit longer way too long Version:
I really enjoy the character development (on that note: cute Sasha is best Sasha

). Miracle for example. Her development into a little sexfiend seems, to me at least, believable the way it happend despite her being so timit in all other aspects of her life. I love how shy and cute she is. I know it's better for her in the long run to be pushed out of her comfort zone but if it were up to me she could stay cooped up forever at home if that's what she wants. What can I say, I still love the cute ones the most. So when the more "aggressive/adult" version of Miracle came to be I was afraid her personality would alter drastically from there on out but I'm happy to see that's not the case (though I fear it's only a matter of time

Where was I going with this before I started rambling? Right, Sasha. I'd love nothing more than her becoming just as cute as Miracle, since Sasha is just smoking hot, but it wouldn't fit just happening. But the way it is done here really works for me. It feels organic and not pushed while still being significant.
In regards of render not much to say. They all look gorgeous. Loving them all.
The scenes are great, especially the Sasha ones (not just this update but overall). Just so much passion behind them. [Hm .. kinda feel like I start to convert to the Sasha camp while writing all this]
The Story development I'm not sure about. Right now it feels good. Struggling start for the
family unit but slowly they're all have a direction/goal in front of them. At the same time it worries me.
This is now 100% guesswork on my side. It feels like they will go from nothing to everything in like 1 second. Like Sasha is becoming a well paid major actor within a month, Paris can barely fight off endorsement deals, pulitzer for Miracle and Sabrina in the next six month ... you see where I'm going with this. I've seen to many rushed endings for good games lately to not be scared of that. But as I said, 100% fear based guessing right now.
Well ... this turned out much longer than I intended. Talk about verbal incontinence. Sorry about that.