Ok, must have been a bug on my end. Sorry if I came off harsh about it, I really like her character. If she'd said, "Hey, by the way, I'm a demon, wanna have sex?" I'd have said, cool, let's do it, but she turned all evil. It kinda made me sad/angry.Hmmm weird, yeah you can stab her to get out of it.
Aren't those understandable (and intentional) reactions to her revealing herself as a demon though? As a plot device, it clearly communicates that she doesn't value you past what you can do for her (at least initially), which isn't an uncommon theme in this universe.Ok, must have been a bug on my end. Sorry if I came off harsh about it, I really like her character. If she'd said, "Hey, by the way, I'm a demon, wanna have sex?" I'd have said, cool, let's do it, but she turned all evil. It kinda made me sad/angry.
Other than that, the game looks great so far.
Except there are people who this kind of scene sprung on them out of nowhere would be extremely harmful. That's why we have tags, to let people know what they are getting into. I probably still wouldn't have liked it if the rape tag had been there, but I wouldn't have had the reaction I did. Imagine that for someone who had experienced it in real life?Aren't those understandable (and intentional) reactions to her revealing herself as a demon though? As a plot device, it clearly communicates that she doesn't value you past what you can do for her (at least initially), which isn't an uncommon theme in this universe.
Admittedly, it does have a distinctly different flavor than the rest of the other intimate scenes and might put some people off if they think that non-con will be predominant. Given the game's clear efforts toward story and lore depth up to that point though, I think it serves its purpose to intrigue the player long enough to meet the primary companions.
Its a pity people have a lack of either shame or patience.It's a pity there is no crack for version 29.1 of the game.
The thing to remember with tags is that they are more for advertisement than warning (though they can certainly be used as such). And as someone who likes non-con in any form in their porn games, that scene didn't even register as anything that would warrant that type of tag. A little forced, to be sure, but if I was looking for the rape tag specifically and this is all the game had, I would be extremely disappointed. On the flip side, if someone was trying to avoid the tag and it was applied to the game for that one scene, then a lot of people would miss this gem of a game because they'd think the game would have heavy themes of rape.Except there are people who this kind of scene sprung on them out of nowhere would be extremely harmful. That's why we have tags, to let people know what they are getting into. I probably still wouldn't have liked it if the rape tag had been there, but I wouldn't have had the reaction I did. Imagine that for someone who had experienced it in real life?
You make a fair point, though I also think a tagging system needs to have some flexibility to remain useful. Regarding the written rules (which do currently infer that a fetish needs to be predominant to be tagged), the current tags seem appropriate. I also think most people use tags to filter for games with certain themes, which would be misleading in this case.Except there are people who this kind of scene sprung on them out of nowhere would be extremely harmful. That's why we have tags, to let people know what they are getting into. I probably still wouldn't have liked it if the rape tag had been there, but I wouldn't have had the reaction I did. Imagine that for someone who had experienced it in real life?
That moment when someone responds to a post just before you, saying the exact same things but better worded, but just late enough that it doesn't load until you finish writing your own response.The thing to remember with tags is that they are more for advertisement than warning (though they can certainly be used as such). And as someone who likes non-con in any form in their porn games, that scene didn't even register as anything that would warrant that type of tag. A little forced, to be sure, but if I was looking for the rape tag specifically and this is all the game had, I would be extremely disappointed. On the flip side, if someone was trying to avoid the tag and it was applied to the game for that one scene, then a lot of people would miss this gem of a game because they'd think the game would have heavy themes of rape.
MrCrazy brought up a good point in the major/minor tag system, but I feel like that could bloat the tag system way out of proportion with all the changes to the tag UI. The only solution I can think of is requesting another tag like "light non-con" or something similar.
As always, when you're downloading porn games from a pirate site, you're kind of rolling the dice on what you get when you press download.
I do agree with this person despite my previous post on this specific issue. At that point it's not really about tags but about content warning that could potentially bother some people who have already had difficult lives.Yeah well I know some survivors of abuse, overall, I think it's... kind of a bad choice as first ( potential ) sex scene?
It's prolly partly due to the dev team being less experienced with entry and gameflow in video games, but.. I dunno, maybe it's time to change the beginning a bit, put that scene waaaaay back, or make it VERY CLEARLY avoidable ( Without stabbing ), anything, really.
Just think it's a very unlucky scene to be pretty much the first thing you see.
Or you could add mild tags in the actual game description in the OP, like "Beware, there may be some ( avoidable ) not entirely consensual scenes in this game".
I mean, I guess that means we're just a shittily written game then. I'm willing to accept that before censorship of what we can or cannot write, thematically, narrative elements, etc.Look, I'm sorry, I know this is a porn site... but if a story needs potential sexual abuse / rape to "get a point across", it's just bad writing. I know rape as part of "intricate stories" is all the rage ever since Game of Thrones, but come the fuck on, you can write a good story and get your points and atmosphere across without RAPE.
Yeah, I know this game CERTAINLY isn't the worst offender in this department, but really, "bUt wE nEeD pOtEnTiAl rApE tO dRiVe hOmE oUr pOiNt" as excuse NOT to possibly rework a, in comparison to pretty much all other scenes, questionable scene? Rape as plot twist? Yeahno.
Nope. I mean you can use that argument, sure, but I won't buy it, and I'd insist it's just shit writing ( Especially when comparing it to some of the well written wholesomeness ). Not that I need to. I can't force anyone do to anything anyway.
To be fair, you're not giving constructive criticism but requesting changes to or the removal of content that you don't like. I personally love the Lady Wolf scene as a narrative point and is what got me interested in the story (its the hook, so I hope so), and while the changes you want would improve the game for you, they would lessen the game for me (one man's trash and all that). The things that can be considered constructive, like the major/minor tag system, are out of the developer's control, and should be directed at F95 itself. so there's no point in getting angry at them for that.But honestly completely disregarding any constructive criticsm or suggestions in the last dozen posts in this thread as a developer and deciding to be butthurt about a specific part of it is kind of a weak move.
But be like that if it helps you cope, go ahead, knock yourself out.
Those game over are pretty much all in the prologue (except when you lose in combat of course). We plan to have an actual fight with LW if you reveal her identity to Sa'id, instead of a boring game over like now.Then afterwards if you reveal what she is to your friend it's game over as she kills you both. I've gotten to the town with her threatening me again, the only reason I'm considering continuing to play is because people are saying it's good.
Can anyone let me know if these arbitrary game-overs continue throughout the game?
You can tell which quest are patreon only in the "requirements" part of the walkthough. All companions first quests are free, and quite a few others.SO I am a bit confused, do I need the walkthrough if I don't have the full game? I was following quest in order but the 2nd quest after the prologue requires a quest that is patron only.
Yeah right, disregard -everything- I said and just focus on that one bit that hurt your feelings.
Completely deny even the slightest possibility that the first writing your team has done might NOT have been their best, and has since improved.
Deny even the slightest possibility that someone, at some point, wanted an extra edgy and dramatic intro for the attention, or had a lack of better ideas than rape.
I've mentioned that other content is well written in the same fucking post.
Violence, torture, mature content in general doesn't equal bad writing. But some things do. And the general trend of adding -some- kind of rape or at least suggested rape because otherwise your series, film or game isn't dark enough, is definitely.... questionable to say the least, and not a testament to quality writing.
But honestly completely disregarding any constructive criticsm or suggestions in the last dozen posts in this thread as a developer and deciding to be butthurt about a specific part of it is kind of a weak move.
But be like that if it helps you cope, go ahead, knock yourself out.
So first and foremost, the current narrative through is where it will remain. But to addend what Deck said, in the narrative department, the scene will not be changing further beyond grammatical and proofreading. There will be a complete NSFW-filtered version of the game, though, which will not depict the scene itself.It's the first dialogue choice and should be pretty obvious, but maybe we should add more options to stab her later if you change your mind? Like others have said, having any kind of warning would ruin this twist that establishes Lady Wolf's character, so we don't plan to change the prologue much at this point.