Completely worthless game. It's like intern was told to make a game out of pre-existing templates to get a barely passing grade.
You spend 1/3rd of your time doing mind numbing combat. Enter dungeon *a portrait appeared* press z times a hundred. Then you buy new gear to beat the next set of portraits in extremely linear and artificial fashion. Repeat.
The sex scenes are the japan standard, censored, the same poses and tropes as every other game with text you shouldn't bother to read because the author didnt bother to ground anything to reality, the world is extremely artificial. You cant masturbate to this game.
Talk to npc, get sex scene and all the while you're making no choices whatsoever. It's practically a really bad movie and at the end you get to think "you could've spend your time doing anything else and it'd been better."
Probably a bit late, but I think you're criticizing it to harshly, I mean the game is pretty generic and the ending is lack luster and the combat is a slog but its definitely not a 0/10.
The art is still pretty good if you ignore the censoring and the translation is ok even if its got a generic story line. Also in regards to the slog, its only a slog for the first two levels, as soon as you reach the tower area and get that desperation strike you've pretty much got through most of the game. I mean all you have to do is crit the bosses with a diamond sword, so sell all the shitty gear you have as well as that trash you get from monsters, get that diamond sword and and just flee from every monster fight until you reach the bosses.
Then save it, attack the boss and if you can't crit them with the very first attack, which should be a desperation attack, flee and load. It only takes a few seconds for every attempt and generally it takes me less than 10 times so you end up spending a few minutes killing each boss at most. I mean my virgin level 29 diamond sword princess with the royal ring can oneshot the endboss via a crit desperation attack, so its not that difficult. Honestly the worst part is grinding until you get to the tower.
Also its pointless not to go "prostitute ending with all scenes unlocked", all of them unlock the same ending (I tried them all) and its just the same dialogue before screen cut to black and 'Fin'. However the prostitute princess ending gets you some more dialogue, making it the actual true ending of the game imo. On another note, that area near the end where the gate is locked is untouchable and there are other things in the game that feel super rushed. So I'm guessing the game was rushed or axed or something because theirs no way they were have put this out without it being rushed. I mean its impossible to beat the final enemy without having to grind ridiculously to get that godslayer blade (or just buy it by completing all the scenes and getting all that money) or rely on crits to finish it.
Theres also some dialogue near the end that the boss says that makes me think there was going to be more to the story or that its actually relating to a previous game. Anyone have any ideas?
All in all I'm going to say this game is a 7/10 just because I didn't encounter any game breaking bugs, the translation was great and the art, while censored and generic, was still pretty good. It loses points for being rushed, censored and the combat being boring.