RPGM - Completed - Princess Knight [v1.08] [happypink]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Time To Beat: 5 Hours

    This game obviously could've used more polish: the animations are noticeable janky at time and I'd said 1/3rd of the gallery is the same animation reused.

    However, the game is short, there's a good variety of scenes (of the main character at least) and non-boss fights are resolved by simply bumping into enemies, which makes what little grindy there is a breeze. I honestly wish it was a wee bit longer cause the story feels like it ends abruptly and I feel it deserved a "corruption" ending, but that's my only real gripe.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    So, i think this game is a 4 at best (even a 3 but lets say 3.5 ->4).

    In terms of a game, it barely can be considered a game... i guess it has its little bit of gameplay so... whatever.

    Why 4/5? Because female characters and their scenes are pretty hot, just because of that (battles are trash).
    Lore is almost non-existing, like just play the game and get the scenes.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I find the art in this game well done, but I personally feel as though the game suffers from lots of fluff and tedium.

    There's a lesbian tag in this game but it barely counts. There is only ONE singular scene I have found in the multiple hours I've played that I could find, and that's with a faceless NPC groping your breasts and nothing else. The succubus that accompanies your brother that gives them the means to corrupt the player character? You never get a scene with her, ever. You can get gang-banged by goblins but god forbid you have sex with a succubus in a game about mind-control and seduction.

    Oh yeah, the main antagonist is your incestuous brother who wants to fuck you. This is the core source of conflict for the entire game, why there isn't a tag for PLOT-CENTRAL INCEST is very strange to say the absolute least, ugh.

    More on the game play. You start off in a city where you can accumulate corruption by ridding hypnosis from other people but in the process accumulate it more in yourself. It's a good engine to kick start the plot but it slowly turns into a chore to complete after your first impressions. The people you unintentionally continue to fornicate with just get hypnotized again and you have to interact with them again with the same exact scene until your hypnosis level goes up.

    Interacting with people, then pressing skip and waiting for bars to fill up gets tiresome, thankfully there are places you can explore and find items to use. It's mainly a more passive experience as non-boss fights are resolved with you taking a flat amount of damage and removing the monster when you walk into them until the next screen, but it's a nice change of pace to look around and explore as item collection gets more and more convenient.

    More over, the sex appeal is very hit or miss, again, your brother is your main hypnotizer and I don't care for it. He could've have been your advisor and anything else but they made the villain your brother for the hell of it, not that that would change the really corny and unappealing horn dog lines he has when he's talking. I don't enjoy shota and this game has a scene all about it, great.

    The tried and true tentacle sex was pretty much the unambiguously great section of the game. You come across a tentacle boss as well as a closed off exploration section gated by hypnosis checks. By becoming more influenced by tentacles you can access previously locked sex scenes both in the fight and in the secret zone. This was a great moment, more content is revealed to the player as they go along with the games hypnosis mechanics. My PC falls victim to tentacle influence and I get to unlock the hot tentacle sex, neat.

    The game was a mixed bag with a strange collection of fetishes mixed in with the hypnosis , but there were good scenes to look at and the art and animation was done well.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    For me it is, as of writing, one of the best H-Games out there.

    Well made and different kind of scenarios, many very good animations and many voiced lines.

    I would have preferred a little bit more variety in body-types, but I still consider it very well done.

    Looking forward to future games from this dev.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Really solid Hypno game, honestly one of the best I can think of off-hand, in terms of that focus. If you're into the kink and can overlook some flaws (mostly unrelated), this is an absolute must-play.

    • Has the subtle progression of the FMC slowly getting more and more open to each form of pleasure she can receive, and her reactions changing accordingly.
    • Also has a whole list of more explicit hypnotic triggers placed on her as the game progresses, with pretty much every single one showing up at least once in free roam after the scene in which it was placed, to help reinforce that yeah, these are lasting.
    • Has a great 'rigged against the FMC' setup, since (very early game spoilers) it turns out removing the hypnosis on others just makes it more powerful on herself, and that hypnosis on others just gets easily replaced anyway. For those who care about that sort of thing, it means you can have her fall further all you want and it not be 'out of character'.
    • As others have pointed out, the game can be buggy. I personally don't think I actually ran into any, and I'm under the impression that some of the most egregious issues from earlier reviews may have been patched, but clearly some remain.
    • The gameplay can be a bit grindy. It's simple enough that it's not a big issue, but can be a pain point depending on your tolerance for that.
    • (Spoiler on general nature of ending(s)): there is only one ending, and it's a 'good' ending, where the hypnosis curse is removed. Given the setup of how inevitable 'defeat' was, it feels like a let-down to not at least have the option of a 'bad' ending.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    unique. The specified use

    A great game overall. More of 3.5/5 than 4/5, but it doesn't deserve to be put alongside other average games.

    Art is good. One of the few Anime style 3D Models that have a good range and looks pretty. Tho the expressions can't be compared to those like SolRui or Lolique, the characters are still pretty to look at.

    H Scenes are decent - altho it lacks variation, the amount is already hefty. You also won't notice the lacking amount if you play through the game normally since its quite easy to beat.

    Stoyr is nice. Its short, simple, but really provides a solid scenario for the world the girl is in.

    With just the ratings above I'd put it to 4/5.

    Bugs - the reason I'm putting it down to 3.5/5. There are tons of bugs; it doesn't make the game unplayable, but it seriously impacts the quality of the game. I.E. Bugs that allow you to walk through walls after viewing some specific scenes in the recollection room, audio bugs that wouldn't go away unless you enter an H scene and just returns afterwards, bugs that prevent you from moving, and many more inconvenient things.

    Again, they don't really make the game bad, but they turned my gameplay experience bad as I tried to determine how they came to be and how to avoid them; even having to restart multiple times from the top because the problem started from an older save file but didn't just trigger immediately but will keep happening after some time.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is very mediocre, and reuses a lot of scenes. The animations are jerky, and very oddly done. The arms and hands also look very strange. There are lots of scenes, but there are so many repeated ones it actually gets boring. It's also very inconsistent, you normally get a warning when a scene will happen. But in one place you go into a random door, and then you can't get out without screwing everyone in the room. The story is basically garbage. It does have some funny moments though. It didn't seem like there was a different ending, for being super brainwashed or not at all.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    seems good at first but samey scenes and enemies
    -tentacle scene looked good but no cumming inside and only counts as grope evn when the thing is inside also only 1 version for tentacle
    -lesbian scene is worthless just tit grope for hypno
    -missing incest tag whch is annoying as its cant skip them
    -succubus does not touch the mc so a pointless villain in a h game
    -also appears to have only 1 happy ending
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better H-games ive played. My main gripe with the game is that it doesnt have enough H-scenes at the endgame stage IMO. It was also a little too grindy with the devil fragment mechanic, but the Lavi and the other knight alleviate that a bit in the later part of the game. Other than that, its a really good game
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    An unfortunate case of "The game is very good and had a lot of effort put into it, but my annoyances with it drop review to 4 stars"

    The game is very comedic, with a pretty loose storyline, but while it works for most of it, the ending feels botched and abrupt.

    All sex scenes are animated, with some having voice acting. But the high quality is offset by "ugly gray man" syndrome (that's the issue only in full-body scenes, but still). The variety is also very uneven - you get a lot of generic curse removal scenes between anything original.

    Combat/exploration is okay? There are a bunch of mechanics that end up kinda inconsequential; there is no real way to tell what enemy drops are or their damage; but you also just run around and grind them without turning your brain on.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite the gold standard when it comes to RPGM corruptions games. Very well animated and drawn scenes, pretty good gameplay, not too grindy, but it's still there. Doesn't go in to the pitfall most of these corruption games have and only have H-scenes for one girl and has scenes for NPCs and named characters.

    The only flaw with the game was a bug I encountered where it just constantly repeated the plapping sex SFX over and over again non-stop. It almost drove me insane until I simply muted all SFXs. That maddening experience was enough for me to take off one star. Besides that, must play.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game so much that I spent my first 3 hours playing this on joiplay. Without patch (I missed the patch by accident). It runs at fucking 3 fps, and after patch, 5 fps fyi. And I 100% it.

    Gameplay 5/5
    You auto kill "small fry" with a portion of your hp and your in-game time. The combat is more of a management game than anything with bosses as exception. The maps are fun to explore and rewards you with worthwhile items and scenes. I did cheated for fragments because my phone is running like a fucking clogged up toilet and it's taking too much time to grind, but I would absolutely love to play this legitimately. W game. Very fun.

    Plot 420/69
    Oh boy... Oh my boy... This is what Socrates works looks like if he was a horny coomer weeb. This shit is absolute peak. I adore the writing so fucking much it basically carries my entire playthrough. I can't fucking stop playing this with such deliciously hot scenes given to me every single time I find one. Even the broken Jap dispelling chants are hot, like, how the fuck is that even possible?? (Meaning of the chants: Gina is a lewd perverted woman, Gina is a boob windowed suit wearing perverted woman) IT'S UNFAIR TO A HUMILIATION DEGEN LIKE ME!! I fucking can't dude I even started to chant it out loudwithmyownnamesomebodyfuckinghelpm-

    Art 5/5
    It's perfect. I don't even care what yall think about it. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is animated. The amount of work and love poured into this game is insane. Yes, some are anatomically catastrophic, and some are buggy, but I simply. Don't. Fucking. Care. It's hot asf. Do I respect the game enough to buy it legitimately? No, I respect my own stomach more. I'm a filthy pirate xd

    Mastapiss. Balls drained. 5/5.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game

    It has a good lv up system
    It may not have the best animation but still its worth a try
    It has quite a lot of content.
    It does include a bit of incest
    Totally based on hypnosis.

    Plot wise it's ok
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    oh boy it's golden, straight up peak

    It can be lanky, buggy, slightly underwhelming but golden

    the animations arenothing out of ordinary, but whatmakesthis game golden are the scenes characters and stuff. Nun fucking every man she could see because "she's supposed to"? Count me in, casual sex is the best.

    the bosses and farm isn't hard, you could speedrun the game in 2 hours or less if you want to.

    Personally? My fav thing is the fact that the town changes everytime you kill a boss making NPCs just brainless sex machines. Is it for degenerates? Yes, mostly. Do I love it? Hell yeah.

    English ain't my first language tho, easy 8.5/10
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best hypnosis themed games on the site. Not only in terms of adherence to the theme but in terms of gameplay loop. Most hypnosis corruption games either go from 0 to 60 in a moment or have the most tedious grind, this is about right without having to sink hours in raising meaningless stats.
    Good use of Live2D with good shading and lively animation and expressive voice acting. Proportions might be off-putting but I think it works as stylized.
    Occasional game-crashing bugs.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Alright so I've played this through and through, done everything, gotten the ending. all I have to say, is that this is really good. if you like common sense alteration and hypnosis, you're going to love this. However, you're also gonna wish it was longer, you can be done by the time you get to level 20 if you're going fast. you don't have to worry about getting a bad ending if you give in to the temptation of getting hypnotized, as there's not a massive punishment for it outside of the first boss where it skips turns now and then.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Peak game
    Juego pico
    Pico juego
    Game peak
    Why I need to put 200 letters? XD
    The animations are very good, the plot it doesnt matter at all
    Chris best character
    The final is kinda meh but the scenes are pure gold
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    As far as happypink games go, this game has probably the best character design and smoothest animations. But as good as the artwork is I think the gameplay holds Princess Knight back from being their best work.

    In essence, the game is divided into 2 phases: "purification" and monster hunting. You'll encounter cursed NPCs in towns and dungeons that need to be purified, and to do so you'll need curse stones. To get those stones you need to beat up monsters to gather materials to make those stones. Combat is simple enough, you run into a monster to kill it at a cost of some HP.

    In addition to the mobs are bosses that you'll need to beat to progress through the game. These fights take on a traditional turn-based system with some unique mechanics. As you fight a boss, you accumulate desire. Once desire reaches 100%, bosses can hypnotize the MC, unlocking a stage of sexual assault. While being sexually assaulted, you have temporary access to stronger attacks. Building up desire and using these stronger attacks make up the core strategy for beating each boss.

    The overall combat system is where I take issue with the game, as while it's not very difficult it is definitely grindy. You need a lot of materials to get enough curse stones to purify everyone, which means constantly running around the map killing monsters and healing up the damage. But monsters don't respawn until either A) you rest for the next day or B) you pay an NPC to respawn the monsters but the price continually goes up each time you do so.

    The boss fights are also very tedious and will require you to have lots of healing items on hand to beat. There's a lot of waiting around until the MC can finally get grappled and while the special techniques are your most damaging abilities they also take a hefty amount of MP to use. Combine that with bosses dealing a ton of damage per attack and you'll be spending lots of turns just healing up. One NPC even acknowledges that at some point just having a bunch of healing items on hand is the best strategy for beating one of the later bosses.

    If the grind were toned down, then this could have easily been one of the best happypink games out there. But even with the grindiness, it shouldn't take more than a few hours to beat the game after which you can unlock everything.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderfully sexy game! Similar sex scenes but varied enough to keep you entertained! Quick and simple mechanics, albeit challenging for the big boss fights and very rewarding! Fully voiced scenes with a bit too much exaggerated features on every woman, but even so the way it is animated is just amazing.

    Definitely worth the play, and the story lines up with the mechanics nicely, if you care about that. Highly recommend, play with headphones~
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is it: if you enjoy mind control, especially common sense alteration, play this.

    Great art, varied sex acts, animated too, decent sound effects that could be better but don't detract from the scenes. The main character is a crowd pleaser: slim body, busty, blonde princess. I would prefer if her chest was a tiny bit smaller, but shouldn't be seeing complaints from most players.

    The game has a fair bit of grind if you're doing a genuine playthrough, but otherwise one of the best experiences for a mind control game and a must-play for common sense alteration fans.