Others - Completed - Princess Sacrifice: Adventure of Feena [Final] [Cat whiskers RADIO]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of best fantasy rpgs, art-wise and story-wise. It has clothing (including durability) system, many defeat scenes, actual stories which are not just about go there and bring the useless thing or defeat someone, it can be played a bit, just a bit like sandbox.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    This is one of the first really good games that i played on this website. I didnt write reviews back then so im just here to leave a quick review for posterity's sake.

    The corruption is amazing
    Story is engaging
    The art is feels old, but beautiful
    The gameplay is good
    The soundtrack is not extensive, but its well made
    The story is dark and quite tragic

    A great game by all accounts, i highly recommend this game even if you arent sure if you are interested.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a corruption fanatic, and yet, that's one of the very few non-corruption games I like.
    +Fun gameplay
    +Beautiful H CGs
    +Cute Protagonist (Love you Feena <3)
    +Good Writing
    +Incredible Plot
    -A bit hard
    -Not the best translation
    I probably like this more than I should for some reason, but yeah, that's a must play.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Kilo erger

    Really good porn game with a super fun and engaging story that keeps you hooked. The best part is that the combat is incredibly enjoyable, plus you can change your equipment, and your sprite changes accordingly too.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I Recently replayed it and I found out that I liked the game more than the first time I played it. The game is a complete package, it has higher difficulties for those who enjoy like scrolling through menus to do 2 damage (I do), the art still holds its ground even at such low resolution and the story is surprisingly good.

    The only bad thing I could say about the game is that the translation in some parts seem to have a dip in quality but it still is understandable.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This still stands out as being one of the best H games ever made. Like a lot of h games don't come close with how this game understands how to balance gameplay with story and how it ties into the virgin mechanic and also how much you want to make life hell for you. This circle never made a sequel, which is a shame, but it really is hard to top something as great as this.

    • The story is godlike. I don’t think I’ve actually shed a tear for any other h game.
    • Unique art style that only this game has and nowhere else.
    • Feena is such a good protagonist. You don’t want bad things to happen to her given how cruel the world is, but the fact she continues to never give up makes you want to support her and not put her in hentai scenarios if possible.
    • Your actions actually do affect how you will move throughout the game. If you play as a typical protagonist, the story will move along normally, but if you commit crimes or to adultery, you’ll find the dialogue changes and how people interact with you differently.
    • The gameplay is challenging and it matches the difficulty you put it on. Normal mode is still difficult because the game is about the struggles Feena has to face and the realistic nature of going in alone with a frail body.
    • You can customize how Feena looks and attacks in battle. Do you want to keep her well-balanced? Do you like to be full of offense? Do you prefer magic? Do you want to be a defense tank or a dodge tank? It’s all based on the classes you can unlock down the line and what you prefer. Some builds are better than others and depending on what class you equip determines the stats that go up after each level.
    • There are some really funny parts in this game. A specific scene that felt so out of place (but isn’t) is very memorable and why I would want to help this group of people.
    • Impossible to do a virgin run on the first play through.
    • The RNG in some fights can be unfair. I specifically had to reset on the orc general because he knocked the knight out in one hit and then proceeded to get multiple critical hits at once.
    • The dice option is not to get out of free jail. I personally think it should be given how you only get three and only when you rest up do you get them back. The game is so over reliant on the dice system that in scenarios where you shouldn’t fail in the first place (picking herbs, dodging a booby trap in a chest) that sometimes the difficulty is because of the ruthlessness of the dice.
    • I’m sad how even the best ending leaves on a cliffhanger. Without spoiling, I’m sad how the creator hasn’t made anything after this, because there is a way to make a brand new game where you can continue the story with Feena or go with a different protagonist in search of her.
    • The criminal system is just used to get hentai scenes and rarely affects the story. If your criminal record is high, the guards will randomly stop you when you’re walking in one of the three towns and demand you pay up. The moment you pay the toll, they leave you alone making it pointless in the story sense. If you can just buy your way out of trouble after committing crimes, then there’s no real reason for the guards to stop you, especially if it's a repeated offense.
    • The forced criminal record is cringe. I love when I save someone from being made a cum bucket and the reward is getting a criminal record because the rapist hurt himself. Like if doing the right thing just gets you accused of a crime you didn’t do, then there’s no point to the system.

    Everyone has to play this game at least once if their computer can run it. It's too good to pass up for an older game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    after months, probably a year of not playing. I finally managed to get the will to play without stopping due to irl fluids coming out of me (Ye i really like how Feena looks)

    i just finished my virgin playthrough (only oral from 'demea' on the first scene). And i really enjoyed my time(only on normal mode tho), there was a bit of a grind and save scumming for the grind but i managed to push through and became powerful enough to sort of steamroll the game, including the mtl dragon. i know it doesn't really matter if she's a virgin for the true end, but i just wanna do it coz it felt like i have sinned so much already.

    the story is a bit dark, but the characters are decently written, the villains really made me feel like beating them (i still feel bad for loli sister tho). Game brings out the degen and the not-so-degen out of me.

    really makes me sad that this circle only made one game :(
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR = really good game. Heroine is slowly getting corrupted. This game is quite dark and there is a lot of rape scenes.

    Story: 5/5
    + Heroine is supposed to be some sort of sacrifice. But she refuses to give up and she is trying to fight her destiny.
    + The rape is part of story, because the heroine is blessed by some goddess. When she is raped by monsters, she can extract their essence and she will turn more powerfull.
    + You also have a choice. Heroine can be fucked by almost every enemy, but you can also try really hard and win majority of fights. In that case there is minimum amount of rape. But it is really hard.
    + I really liked the story.

    Art and Sex stuff: 5/5
    + Heroine is cute.
    + Sex scenes are good.
    + There is really a lot of rape scenes.
    + The game has working clothing system. You can see heroine with different clothes and in various stages of undressing.
    + Town events take into account your clothes. There is quite variability in them. Nice.

    Gameplay: 4/5
    + This is similar to RPGM games. You go around the map, you level the heroine, you fight enemies.
    + The game has quite novel and inovative gameplay system. I enjoyed the change from the usual RPGM games.
    + English is decent.
    + Sountrack is okayish.

    To sum it up:
    I really liked this game. I will definitely recommend this.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    well there are some extremely good scenes despite this having no animation in H-scenes, but imo it's quite unique and quite dark. it's definitely a kinda trend setter. gameplay is nice too so this game cannot be worth less than 5 even if it doesn't feel perfect. it kinda made a new genre of dark world with lots of suffering as a female protagonist. at least i think this is the most well known in that genre. the graphics are nice too.

    lots of rape content.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Good, in some aspects very good, yet feels unbalanced due to heavy RNG and weak reward system.

    • Like unlocking classes based on stats,
    • a working clothing and layering system,
    • the art is pretty good,
    • the story is decent.

    • The game focuses on options, not upgrades, which is fine to encourage experimentation, but it leaves the really expensive equipment unreachable and most of unlocked classes are too weak/too specialized (even for non-combat) to consider and end up unused.
    • Almost everything is random, at some times it's fine since you can always leverage your odds with daily recharged dice, but that won't stop random enemy appearances, grab and H-moves that give most enemies the ability to destroy you in combat.
    • There's supposedly a level system, but I do not recall once being able to get a level that wasn't a story/stage progress reward, it requires so much, activities give tiny and varied amounts of EXP and level up stats are auto-distributed.
    • The clothing system is nice, but the amount of equipment is kind of small, not just the clothing that takes damage (chest slot large usually full body dress).
    • Weird corruption- you'd think a stat like 'depravity' would be fairly obvious, but it hardly reflects what you can and cannot do or enjoy. The protagonist has a few embarrassed, pained, surprised and for some reason 3 levels of drunken expressions, yet never saw enjoyment of depravity so it feels less of corruption and more like coercion.
    Not a bad game, just something that, for me, missed the mark and ended up tedious and sometimes unfair.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Above-average eroge but the bar is low.
    battlefuck is okay, not the best not the worst
    town events take into consideration clothing level
    not too porny, not too prude
    seems kinda rushed, recycles assets (every battlefuck scene use almost same graphics, not that many events.
    a bit too heavy on the min-max side of things, and insane difficulty spike.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    out of all the garbage h-rpg that came nowadays. Im glad to found a hidden game like this, simply fantastic

    30 minutes in and you can tell already the writing is so good, the world, gameplay, and characters are tied beautifully to each other.

    The corruption wasnt really linked to the story, and yet it is very good, also i really dig this kind of old artstyle.
    I wish this game was bigger and there were more content because i think it wont be tedious at all if there are more places cuz the dev know how to make a game
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A really enjoyable, well-made and immersive rape game.

    • Combat and gameplay are interesting
    • Exploration is fun and rewarding
    • Feels like a real old-fashioned RPG, but with porn
    • Sex scene are nice
    • Great art
    • The story is good enough to keep your attention.
    • A little slow and grindy at times, but that comes with the RPG genre.
    • Wish it was bigger!

    Verdict: If you are into RPG rape games with a lolish portag, give it a go.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best game here the use DND style of class/stat and luck (rolling dice), random encounter and even , great art and decent combat as well.
    Downside is this game quite short and no sequel , the balance on combat is kind of meh! , just use cheat item to play
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Final

    When i saw this games the very first thing that caught my attention was the old school art style, which i quite like, so because of that i would say the sex scenes art is beautiful. The gameplay is actually has its own style, not build on any engine except its own, and i will give kudos to the studio who made this for trying, even if the gameplay is simple, its well rounded. The main problem i have is the grind, would not be much of a problem if the grind was fun, but its not one of those.

    All around a real good game, even if the girl look a bit "sus".
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    A deeply flawed masterpiece. Checks a lot of boxes for transgressive content with a loli mc that is abused in all sorts of cruel ways. Illustrations are beautiful. Bulk of the translation is done thoughtfully, with plenty of attention to the detailed, weird backstory. RPG game elements look like a great idea -- especially the customizable paper doll avatar and sex-based combat and classes. But the rpg elements actually drag the rest of the content down. Once the initial amusement with the mc's helplessness in battle wears off, it continues to grind on through tons of irrelevant encounters that are either way too easy or way too hard. Class bonuses don't seem to do much, relative roi on weapons and armor is hard to assess. The outdated LiveMaker platform doesn't make the game easy to mod or edit, either. Overall definitely worth a playthrough for the story and design, but not worth the time to figure out how the game part was intended to work.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an old classic.

    Something about the art and the situations made me cum buckets when I first played through it.

    Gameplay is pretty different, it's pixel hunting to the extreme (you may want a walkthrough to get all the content), with interesting stats and builds.

    The only warning is that the game is 90% translated, so close to 100% yet not quite there. Would love to replay it once it hits 100%, but since it's a custom engine I heard the translation has been really difficult.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the reasons people ask for the game without rpg system is because the battles are boring.
    However, this could be THE GAME with the most enjoyable battle system. Three words:
    Auto-Attack, Auto-read and Skip. You don't need to push click or forward all the time, you can read it as a visual novel and appreciate more the story.
    You don't need to grind too much either(depending on how you wanna end this game), and when you battle, it's enjoyable.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this one long time ago and it's a Masterpiece, i'm definetly gonna do it again !

    The Art is really great, the story is good and i love game you can end staying virgin !
    If you love games you can have different clothes, with different event and choice, go for it, it's a great RPG overall !
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A slightly older game, but easily among the best. You play as Feena, the titular sacrificial princess, as she's about to offer her life to the spirit Demea to save the land from the Dark Lord. Unfortunately things don't go quite to plan....

    Story wise, it's pretty good for a H-Game. Defeat the Dark Lord, save the world, it's a reasonably standard rpg afair set apart by it's fairly dark setting and tone and a few neat twists from your standard adventure. It's not a game I'd just play for the story, but it keeps you engaged enough to get you from scene to scene.

    The gameplay is pretty neat. There are several jobs to unlock which provide different bonuses for different styles of play and there's a few ways of beating enemies in combat. Enemies can try to sexually assualt feena in battle and you can learn to bear out their attacks or even strike back, or beat them down normally with a variety of skills. However there's only one way to learn skills, Feena can only gain them from monsters in an exchange of mucous membranes. I think you can tell where that's going... Outside of combat there's a large set of maps to explore, with a fair few neat little secrets to find. There are also skills you can use outside of battle in certain locations, where you roll for success similar to ttrpgs. There's quite a lot of different systems at play and they all work pretty well.

    In terms of the porn, there's an awful lot there. I already mentioned the combat sex, but there's a huge number of events to find! There's also a decent range of different fetishes, however one that a large majority of the scenes share is that Feena is rarely an enthusiastic or even willing participent. Get beaten by monsters, get punished for crime, sleep in a shady inn, the list goes on. If that's not your thing I'd highly reccomend giving this a miss. Most of them focus on Feena, but most of the other characters you meet have a bad time of it too. The art is pretty unique, and in my opinion fantastic.

    All in all, easily one of the best h-games of all time, however if you get queasy about certain subjects then you might want to give it a miss. Take a look at the sample images and if none of them are a red flag for you then pick this shit up immediately!