Others - Completed - Princess Sacrifice: Adventure of Feena [Final] [Cat whiskers RADIO]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Yeah so this was a great game. Lots of content and also fun without being too challenging. It's an older game, but better quality than 90% of what comes out these days. One thing that could be better would be a little more variance in the scenes + more obvious corruption but that game wasn't really made for that I think.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Legit game! Allows you to complete the entire game as a pure girl while also being able to watch all H scenes. Also allows you to complete missions without getting specific quests. Just kill the big baddy and walk into town a hero.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the older classics.

    It is strange, and quite sad, how little improvement we've seen in the past 7 years since this one came out. This game is not perfect by any means, but it is still quite exceptional in my opinion.

    As I recall this is one of the very few games where your path can change quite dramatically depending on your decisions. Gameplay is fun and the art is good. Very much worth the try!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Played this game before (less translated, about 20% translated at that time)
    I love everything about the game. Story, graphic, gameplay, h scene, you name it.

    I thought the game would never get its full TL, but alas, here we are (10% MTL tho, not bad). This game totally deserve it, and for those who haven't played it yet you better do, or else you'll miss a masterpiece.

    10 / 10 would play again
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played this game a LONG time ago, a ton of ''optional'' stuff toward the end of the game was untranslated before wich was really annoying at the time i played and now someone machine translated it and i don't know how good the translation is but...

    This game IS GREAT(i will 100% replay this again)! i really liked it when i played it before aside from some technical issues and the lack of a good galery room the only problem i had with this game when i played it was that there's is no equipment progression in this game at all aside from the weapon, i was doing all kind of exploration/loking at shop's in this game but there was simply no new acessories/armor wich is relevant because this game can be really hard some times and not getting better gear was REALLY annoying so you are forced to stick with the stuff you get in like 20 min of the game at the first shop... aside that everything in this game was REALLY GOOD!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the first H kamige. The art is great. There's absolutely shitloads of scenes around every corner. The gameplay has just the right amount of depth and challenge to bring you into the scenarios. There are a good number of costumes with different damage levels. You have a number of different, viable playstyles. You have genuinely difficult, rewarding optional bosses.
    If the tags don't have you terrified, this is a must-play.