Unity - Pure Onyx [v0.124.0] [Eromancer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow! This game is excellent, not just as an adult game but in general. It should be MUCH more well-known.
    The level of detail and how well everything works is evident (and I’m not talking about bugs, but how smooth and well the gameplay feels).

    I have no idea who is behind this game, but it really doesn’t seem like amateur work. It looks like they already have experience in major games, not just in gameplay but also in modeling, general art, animations, etc.

    I would play it even if it weren’t a porn game xd, and I don’t usually play platformers.

    The only thing that worries me is that, since they’re making everything so perfect, they might not progress as fast in development and end up abandoning it. Hopefully, that won’t happen.

    Wow! Este juego excelente, no solo a nivel de un juego porno, si no en general. Debería ser MUCHO mas conocido.
    Se nota el nivel de detalles y lo bien que funciona todo (no me refiero bugs, sino a lo fluido y bien que se siente el gameplay).

    No tengo idea quien esta detras de este juego, pero realmente no parece gente "amateur", parece que tengan experiencia en juegos importantes ya, no solo en gameplay, si no tambien en modelados y arte en general, animaciones, etc.
    Lo jugaria aunque no fuese un juego porno xd, y eso que no suelo jugar a estos juegos de plataforma.

    Lo unico que me preocupa es que al estar haciendo todo tan perfecto, tal vez no avancen tan rapido en el desarrollo y lo terminen abandonando. Esperemos que no pase.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It looks good and it feels good play. This game may not ever get finished, but I don't really care on that, as I was looking for quick gooning-session, and that is what I got, with flying marks. Not that I'm expert on the side-scrolling genre, but this one blew me away how good these can look, hence 5/5
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I see a lot of reviews talking about the development, so I'm gonna do something a little different and base mine around what's currently here. And what's here... Isn't looking too hot.

    Okay, so yes, the game has great graphics, pretty good scenes (limited, but they're there) and a solid concept, but that's sadly as far as it goes.

    It gets repetitive WAY too fast. Also every enemy doesn't even have a scene, it's just a select few. There's also a lot of placeholders and unfinished mechanics. Like charisma for example, it doesn't do shit in this game.

    It's fun for maybe one session, but the repetitiveness is overwhelming. Unless you enjoy doing the same things over and over, I don't recommend.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    It's been in development since January 2022. 3 years and all we have to show for it is a barebones fighting sim with some half decent animations.

    Honestly disappointing. I remember trying this out when they were still making malaise (that got abandoned after 7 years) and thinking 'oh, this might turn into something good'.

    Welp, guess that was wrong.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I give the current version of the game ( ver. November 2024) a great rating. There are many great things about it. For a side-scrolling, beat-em-up, lewd game, this is probably one of the best I've played. I guess there's a story somewhere. (No real story, just a map and dungeons) Models look nice in this style and the adult animations are nicely animated. The only issue I have is that there is really nothing left to do after you clear some dungeons and fight a couple bosses. It took me like around 1 hour to finish everything. I guess you could stare at the gallery for hours, but I didn't.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Not even my kind of thing but this is pretty fucking awesome. Regardless to anything of its development what is here shits on most garbage on steam and other such extremely few games. Of such beat em up games this is the best I know of and easily without a doubt the best I have ever seen in my life. Animations, fighting the scenes all of it is fluid and looks good. What is is and could be trumps a whole lot of other slop Ive seen.

    PS that there are no voices is a huge plus I say
    Likes: Bicba
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is a very lazy cash grab which only generates money for the lazy creator that are behind It.
    The animations and artstyle looks cool, until you find out that the creators didn't make a significant update in years.
    They are reusing animations, making some useless bug fixes and that's basically It, nothing new, nothing cool added or anything.
    This is a waste of time and money, you can come in the next year and there won't be anything added besides few reused animations.

    Not worth It, I don't believe that some suckers are paying money for It (MONTHLY!!!)
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    • Animations look very nice.
    • Very sparse on content despite being years into development.
    • Lags even on low settings, you would figure the game should be better optimized if neither the H nor gameplay was being worked on this whole time.
    • Shallow and repetitive gameplay loop, its fine to have a simple system, but essential things in a side scroller beat 'em up like input lag, fuzzy hitbox, perma-juggling should be a priority fix.
    • A lot of implemented placeholder for unfinished systems, clothing, environment, skills, physics, lighting, that are still half-baked but are already present in the core gameplay, which I suspect is adding to the lagging issue.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Seems to me this game raises a lot of arguments on authors willingness to complete the game and money milking tendencies and I can admit that the progress made in 8(?) years is far from satisfactory, but only encountering it a month ago closer to its' current state makes me prefer to advocate it. I'm not aficionado of this "genre" and what F95 has to offer, but from what I've experienced there are a few games on par with Pure Onyx (NoR, BITS, AlienQuest, a few more maybe). This game has the best music, graphics, H scenes and overall fluidity. Moreover perhaps it is the only game from my experience that has a genuine sense of style I personally enjoy a lot. Despite being incomplete story and gameplaywise the current state of this game is playable enough to be enjoyed. On issue with MC not getting a voice through all these years, I personally wouldn't call it a flaw and with slightly more ascetic point of view it could seem charming. In the sea of overcomplex(for me) RPGmaker games, tedious 3D soaps and abandoned crap this game is one helluva gem that should be cherished rather than hated.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has very good quality animations and graphics. The combat is decent but I would have liked some more combo attacks. The enemies have good variety and are challenging. There are a few different levels where you fight waves of enemies but at the moment there is no story yet. The gallery mode has a very good amount of animations. where each animation needs to be unlocked either by picking it up from random enemy drops or by buying it from a specific vendor.
    Overall I had fun playing the game and am looking forward to future updates of the game. Unfortunately however it seems the dev is not too keen on finishing the game anytime soon so it will be a long time before we get a finished product.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Game plays pretty good, looks great and has amazing potential. Its a bit easy but that depends on if you play with one hand.
    Too bad the dev is what he is. He gives the same updates valve gives to cs2 :KEK: . At most a visual fix and maybe a new animation that you can see in the gallery only.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great animations. Great gameplay. Not balanced yet but has a lot of potential. I wish all animations were unlocked from the start or if there were cheats but it's easy to turn on godmode and grind the game. I love the grind, easy to understand gameplay, and non-consent animations!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    You know you've nailed it when even a game like Parasite in City, a 2D game with a smaller budget, can't compete. Your game looks amazing and the story makes perfect sense. Unlike Parasite in City with its random pregnancy content, your game keeps it relevant and it’s better for it.

    Your side-scrolling mechanics are spot-on, letting players explore without feeling stuck in one spot. The optional uncensored patch is a nice touch, and the translations are clear and easy to read.

    For a 3D game with a higher budget, released around the same time as big hits like Avengers: Endgame and Infinity War, it stands out big time. All the hard work from your team over four years really shows.

    Great job! Keep using feedback like this to make your games even better.

    Edit: Might update the rating as time goes on. Keep it up!
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    if you told me that this game was in development for almost 6 years i would say, Wow looks good, then you see that through donations its about 20k a month....and the game is like this? i dont know how long the budget has been that good but 6 years and decent funding... how about make the game in a timely manner? I do understand that games are difficult and this level of quality is time inducive but really 6 years? also the website for the game has no adult warring 18+ pop-up so one bad report and thats gone. It just shows that the devs are not invested in realizing a product but milking a fanbase.

    i cannot get over that it is 6 years for "Pre-Alpha" V0.106, < Zero?! my hope is that they get the building blocks done then ramp up but it doesn't seem like it.

    also if you are a supporter that pays for the lowest amount $8 and have been near the start YOU HAVE PAID ~$480 for an complete PRE-alpha game with decent H-scenes.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Actually,it's not a bad game,smooth action,good H anime,and beautiful characters.
    But when it comes to update speed,it becomes really really bad.
    they are not making a game,they just milk supporters dry.
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    A middle-aged Femboy

    This is probably one of the few times I've come back to this game, and all I will say here is that its been 6 years since this was posted yet it still feels like there was barely any progress. Sure the H-factor is decent, but the gameplay has not changed at all aside from durability actually working and it still barely feels like a game so far.
    (I think it has been around 1 year since the last time I played, keep that in mind if I ever get anything wrong)

    [Pro-tip: if you are too lazy to import someone-else's save, strip off everything, sell it to the nearest grunt store, press tilde and input the console commands for godmode and onepunchmode, and grind the skyline until you can afford every scene from the merchant in the void slums. This game doesnt care about gameplay, and neither should you unless you like beat-em ups i guess.]

    -Update 1: I gave the benefit of the doubt and assumed Eromancer was just a solo dev with very little time and money, but I skimmed the forum and they really dont have a good excuse. There was an update announced on the dev's subscribestar so I might change my review again soon, but I doubt much is going to change aside from adding 1 to the gallery numbers-

    --Update 2: nothing substantial was really changed or added here--

    -1 star
    Its basically a side-scrolling beat-em up with some lite rpg mechanics via equipment and clothing. The basic gameplay loop is not exactly deep or interesting, its rather repetitive and stale, plus I dont think most of the stats even do anything. There isnt even any weapons for you to pick up, or are even brought with enemies aside from the bunny girls I think, but even then you still can't pick up their swords or bats for some reason unlike other beat-em ups.
    Course, if you count the fact this game has been around for at least 6 years too, it really does begin to sour knowing how little the gameplay has evolved or improved. Ofc this is not exactly the main draw for this type of game so I am willing to let it pass somewhat, but its still a bit disappointing personally.

    1 star
    Overall, the models and background look pretty good and is one of the saving graces for this game aside from the H-factor. If you tick most of the boxes, the lighting and shadows look pretty good imo and the animations feel snappy. Still, if you run a lower-mid tier pc like me, I'd scale down the resolution and even then you will probably feel a bit sweaty because of how warm your pc is runnning this.

    B+ rating
    The biggest saving grace for this game, yet its biggest drawback in context. The sex scenes are what you are here for, the game knows your here for it, and it makes it worth your time. Its animations are highly polished and some of the best I have seen from a 3d game (from what few I played). No noticeable clipping or jank, nice jiggle physics, sounds are decent, animation is great, if it had moans it would be golden. I would like to have a button somewhere so I can unlock the gallery instantly, but you have to find pods from a gauntlet or purchase them from a merchant (best addition to the game imo), but fair enough, I don't mind working for the lewd.

    Still, while the quality is there the gallery feels a bit scarce. In total, theres around 26 unique scenes (17 for MC) with 6 added (3 for MC) between the time I played ~last year and now, including the other girls while excluding the fem cop reskin, the futa Doll that roughly shares the same animation, and combining vanilla and rough since they're just the same animations. Idk if its because its because its 3d or just different personal standards, but its just disappointing when something like Syahata is about to release after 2 years and has a gallery 2x as large.
    [F = *disqusted look* "Euugh" || C = "Eh, good enough" || S = "Whoa! Where did my pants go?!" ]

    ==Suggestions and Improvements==
    First and fore-most, do something about the MC's hair, the side cut is driving me insane.

    2nd, if dev doesn't mind, I think he should switch from game dev to animation and set up a patreon (if he doesn't have one) since this game is hard-carried by the H-scenes and hasn't really left alpha in years, which would give him money and us more H-content
    -They had a patreon, it just got deleted a few months ago cause sex didn't look consensual-

    3rd, if the dev is committed (Idk, I haven't been keeping up) then hire someone, re-focus on the direction of the game then fine-tune the combat then do the H-scenes, Even if the dev doesn't have any time or money, just please finish the game already, I have had cousins who have already had children that can walk by now.
    -They had a whole team of 13 people and their patreon was doing gangbusters until it got deleted a few months ago cause the sex didn't look consensual, so that's where the vanilla "scenes" to the game i guess. Even now though, they are making over 22k a month, which translates to 264k usd per year. There is no reason for the game to take this long to develop with how much resources was thrown at their game. -

    I really hope the dev isn't scum trying to leach off patrons, the content here is promising but its not worth money nor keeping up with it imo.
    -Sure does look like it given where we are now and what I skimmed, fml-

    This game has some decent presentation and H-scenes, but its really difficult to even call it a game right now. Its been sitting in early access for over half a decade and it doesn't really seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Really hope there's some huge patch sometime puts egg on my face for this review and really makes it worth it to come back here cause I think the H-content is really good.
    -Really doubting that hypothetical now, hope it comes true before I turn 60 and get ED-

    Exploit this game to the max or get a 100% save from someone cause this is basically just a glorified gallery with some pretty good scenes. Regardless, don't be too invested in this game since its content is scarce, yet the early access period never-ending.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    this game has a lot of very nice animations. The fighting mechanics a very cool. Unforuntatly it is still very far from finished. It still feels like the first prototype of the game. Also it is still super unbalanced
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Kyba Blackwood

    One distinctive feature of Pure Onyx is its in-game, fully animated H content:love:. While not the primary focus of the gameplay, these scenes add a sensual element and are one of the reasons to play it.

    Pros: (y)
    Visually stunning 80s cyberpunk anime aesthetic
    Engaging beat 'em up gameplay with a small amount of RPG elements
    Unique and captivating story
    Fluid and well-animated combat

    May be too violent for some players :LOL:
    H content may not be to everyone's taste:unsure:

    Pure Onyx is a fantastic beat 'em up that combines the adrenaline-pumping action of classic arcade games with a small amount of RPG depth. Its cyberpunk aesthetic and fully animated H content make it an unforgettable experience for fans of the genre and those seeking something unique in their gaming library. (y)
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun game to throw an hour or so into. The combat might seem a bit difficult at first but quickly becomes trivialised by the forward + punch combo and dodging. The animations are smooth and the sex scenes are hot. There's not a great deal of content atm, but it'll be one to keep an eye on for sure.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Although this is no where near finish. (maybe 50% done)
    it has sex scene with good animation, the gameplay ground work IS there for a beat 'em up, and you can see the creator's vision of the game. even at slow speed development, It is impressive.

    the game does have level system and somewhat of a gear progression at the moment.
    no story at the moment

    stages & combat is currently undercook and still missing "skill" w/e that is, but the basic is there, dodge/block. basic combo(holding forward and punch/kick) and a place holder special attack,
    [showed mechanic of ground attack/ guard break/ no hit stun boss/ getup counter enemy. stun gauge]

    there are only 3 or 4 "story stage" and the rest is "infinite combat stages" you will most likely end up be playing the infinite survival rounds against enemy if you play longer than an hour.