Unity - Pure Onyx [v0.124.0] [Eromancer]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    September 15th 2021 - Day of the test

    A good "Cyberpunk" themed game, i never expected myself to say that but this is is good

    1. Insane smooth graphic, i never seen any 3d side scrolling game that are this smooth. I know some of the 3d games are good, but this is different. You can really see the difference between "Shitty 3D game that used Skyrim mods or Honey Select character with the goal of Free Sex" and this game.

    2. The smoothness is unreal for a normal 3d porn game. the switch between sex scenes, the fluid movement of body and the fluidity of fighting movement. A gem I've never expected to see

    1. Unlocking Gallery is a bit long. not to mention it's a drop style. I do like this kind of drops, but it's pretty annoying

    2. FPS Drops during several maps, but i do believe this will be fixed
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    May 31 test release

    Pros: out of all the adult games I've played this one seems to be the most promising in terms of gameplay (not comparing to sandbox/simulation games)
    Good looking graphics
    Smooth sex scene transition

    Cons: the gameplay is okay but I really wish the character would run on default so you don't have to tap twice to run each time.
    zoom in/out feature should also have the option to move the camera up/down and left/right since depending on where the sex scene starts the position of the character can be at the edge of the screen.

    What I personally think would make the game better:

    Have some character customization like hair/clothes that way at least it shouldn't be such a pain in the ass to add since it won't affect the animation much unlike body customization like height/boob size etc

    You should be able to watch all the scenes in the sandbox mode because some people don't want to take the extra work to unlock them

    having a variation of enemies would be nice for example: Same enemy but different clothes/skin color/mask would make them more unique (you won't have to add a completely different character but just change some of the appearance)

    After each sex scene the semen on the floor should stay there. it's weird to see the semen disappear out of nowhere but the character has stain on her body.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    29 april test release

    Looks and animation 5 stars
    Nothing to say apart how greats it's feel, and it's what let me play for an hours before having enough of the bad point, this so satisfying to see cleen smooth art and well animated frame!

    Gameplay 1 stars
    The bad point of this game, surely because they want an old school system or maybe they just don't have a game designer, don't know.
    What I know is the following: the command and movement, the combo and the enemy combine to make a frustrating game.
    It's not quick enough, it take time to get up with no reason, the movement pattern are weird you simply punch and the enemy is pushed so you can't reach it... Well...
    No dash, no follow up kick, bad aiming system, weird command with the down arrow and kick button (never found the use of it).
    Pretty but boring experience so far.

    Game leveling 3 stars
    So 2 level, one is a testing one, the other is . . . don't know a sewer quest? We don't know where and why we are fighting so for the moment no fucking way to know where are we going and if we are going somewhere!

    Potential 3 stars
    The potential is huge, just need to correct the gameplay, create a more fluid and responsive experience (lot of exemple on the internet...)

    The quality is what put the potential so high, just that.

    Then i look to the first post and see 2018 and now i'm sure that even the dev don't have a precise idea, red line of where Onyx is going and it's the most important things, doing a game without a goal is useless, cause it will suck the motivation little by little, and we feel it in this game!

    But with a precise Idea, is potential is limitless, just need to clarify it and hold on it and this game will be of the few i will buy without hesitating!

  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    A solid foundation but with no actual progress in a long time. The animations are great and the character models are good, but the lack of content as it is scares me and makes the game not really worth a download. It's truly just a small demo that has nothing worth paying for. If it's ever completed though, I'll be interested in seeing how far it progresses.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    For the [April 29th 2021 Test Release] version.
    (I do not rate games based on "Potential", I rate them for what they currently have = so no fake rating bullcrap just to 'bump' stars)
    I've never been one for fighting games simply because I always lose at them and they're very quickly repetitive.
    So what made me download this you may ask?... Because the Dev added the Command Console (which I love - love cheating.. makes games a whole lotta fun).

    Looks: Are awesome. Perfect. Although the 1980's hairstyle isn't really necessary.. imagine how many hours they spend every morning mousing and hair spraying to look ridiculous just for a street fight :D lol

    Gameplay: (when punching and kicking) Feels very much like the ol' Nintendo games where you have to wait for the animation(s) to stop before the next command registers.. so in the meantime, enemy gets a punch/kick in and you can't do anything about it, but, meh, such as life typical fighting games.

    Only 1 playing field.
    Only 8 H animations.

    I played for about an hour because that's where I had seen everything this gem has to offer in current build, then, game got repetitive.

    There's a lot more great little details I could mention but I won't bother because; for under 1GB, you can check them out for yourself after you download it :)

    Yes, highly recommended even if you're not into punch'n'kick games just for the H-scenes.
    Edit: Oh! And don't forget to use the Command Console while ingame - cheats are found on OP#1 in the Spoiler of 'Console Commands', located under 'Changelog'.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I dig it. Beat-em-up gameplay and animations are pretty smooth, could use a bit more work as there's still a bit of clunkiness, but pretty good so far. Only a few enemies and animations at this time, but the designs are cool, there are new enemies in the works, and the animations are top notch as you get to see Onyx's stomach bulging and deforming with every thrust from Wraxe's massive dong. All the characters are nicely rendered in 3D with a cool 2.5D cel-shaded style. I'm excited for more.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Nosorog Balrog

    Good game for release! I did not like that there is no transition through the levels, to different locations. There is also no auto-cleaning function for the main character. The control is also flawed, namely, switching to the running function. It would be much easier to make a separate key, like "key"+"↕ ️ ↔ ️".
    This is Google translate.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    1. We have the makings of a game (love when there are actual game mechanics)
    2. Character art is, so far, excellent and unique.
    3. Animations are both fluid and realistic

    I'm very interested to see where this project goes!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly promising start! It was always clear that Eromancer was talented, but it was unfortunate that he invested so much time into an abysmal platform like RPGMaker with Malise and the Machine. Unity has massive potential, and Eromancer is just the dev to make full use of it. The game is already fun...got an hour of entertainment from just the first level. The animations are TOP NOTCH, longer and more detailed than most, and unique. Keep up the amazing work!
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    At first glance you might think "wow, this is quite a nice example of how the game functions, its mechanics work etc" but then you'd realize that this game is getting close to 3 YEARS IN DEVELOPMENT ! Its not even close to being done and the current demo, or whatever you want to call it, is very bare bones. Also the purpose of Pure Onyx is to merely create funding for their main game and with the current dev pace that will probably mean it'll come out in the 2030s (to put the dev speed into perspective, we'll probably have people on Mars before the main project gets released).

    In short, it would be a stretch to call the current version a "game" and I don't see this changing any time soon with the current development speeds.

    P.S It is sad that this game is the way it is because it is clear that, If ever finished, this might be really good.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The actual rating I give is 4 stars, but due to the amount of hate this game has recieved I felt inclined to give it 5.

    The game itself is very lacking in terms of content, but the art, animations and gameplay is good. It even features some actual game mechanics, with health items and gear/weapon upgrades/shop.

    Will follow this hoping Eromancer actually finishes it.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice beat'm'up, good quality of animations, early stage of development, only one playable character.
    Not some cheap game.
    Will try it once more after new update.

    5 animations so far((
    No changing of gear( can not undress main character)
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Great art and nice gameplay...
    to short, to little and no hope that anything will be ever done future because this devs never finished any projekt even half way...
    no srsly if they would finish some projekts they would produce the best games but its never happening
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The only good part about this game is probably the few sex animations it has. Other than that, it's a terrible fighting game. It's completely frustrating to play and you can clearly tell that the dev has no idea how to make a fighting game. If you're going to make a sex fighting game, it needs to be a good fighting game first. I get that it's an early release, but the dev shouldn't be focusing at all on the sex part of the game until they have solid fighting mechanics.

    One of the most frustrating parts of this game is the repetitive knockdowns, because there's no get up invincibility that is so common in platformers. The player is knocked down MUCH too easily. The insects? Forget about killing them. You'll just be on your ass the hole time because the volleys seem almost intentionally timed with the knock down recovery time. The two biggest things this game needs right now to make it not a garbage experieince is a 2 second recovery invincibility and some kind of sprint charge attack.

    Oh, did I mention that you can't block ranged attacks? Yea. Fuck that.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, a lot of the 2 star rating is just due to the developer.

    I had seen this some time ago and didn't notice that it was from the Malaise in Machine developer at that time, but did see it was a beat um up game at release 1/2 at the time so i waited. on it.

    Downloading it now and looking at the changelog, and knowing the history of the developer's other game, there seems to be way to little progress for the development time on a patreon project. I get that they've got multiple games in "development" but still, between Oct 2019 (thread posted here) and the most recent update there have been 4 released versions (initial and 3 updates) in 16 months.

    For the development time the only thing really going for the game is that there are some really good character models and animations, and that's it.

    The game play is really quite bad. The combos are simple, and it's easy to kill the standard human enemies but the insect enemies are just annoying. You can't sprint into an attack, so I found that I was constantly overshooting the enemy group. The insects have a ranged attack, which you cannot block.

    The 2 bosses have attacks that are difficult to dodge, cannot be blocked, and (in the case of the charger) can easily stunlock you.

    There are 2 stages, which only affect the scenery and there's no story in the game at all yet (not really an issue since they seem to be getting mechanics implemented first).

    I was only able to find 2 animations, though the changelogs indicate there should be at least third one. Your options of scenes are standing into doggy by the standard human enemies, and spitroast between the standard and midget humans. Both initiated by the standard enemy grab attacks. The human boss supposedly has an animation, but he never triggered a grab attack in my 3 fights against him (probably because he got stuck partway through each fight).

    If the game was more developed, with more scenes and a story mode it'd honestly rate at a 4-5, but the current state of it isn't really worth it. Just look up the animations (someone posted a video of the spitroast in the thread)
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The Action part is really not that good, Some time will get gangbanged and can not recover from it, So i think a doge botton are needed. But the H Scene is Really good, Not much in there right now tho hope this will update more content.
  17. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 338613

    For a game that was created to be "Quick" in order to support the "older project" the progression keeps stalling and stalling.

    The only good thing this game has is style and art.
    It is still badly optimized, the new level has significantly lower FPS than the Test one.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Usually these types of games look like dogshit. This one has very a polished and sharp art style that looks good even zoomed in. Great character design and I didn't notice any problems with the combat.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Game looks really really amazing and that an understatement.5 stars for that.
    The real review:
    The game is actually 0/5, not kidding it doesn't even manage to get 1 point out of the 5. It has been developed for years and the content is like 2 minutes (only if you consider checking whats in the settings of the game content).

    Also the dev have this fetish to make games 2d first, then decide to change it to 3d wasting enormous amounts of time. Planned delay to milk the patrons?
    The previous game Malise and the machine had this fate, the game wasn't quite finished, was pretty short and definitely could have used more content, and then dev drops the 3d demo rework bomb.
    I am going to bet, that this game is going to have the same fate and the end product will be so shallow that the game will be forgotten completely despite its huge potential.
    Edit: its a beat em up game and now they decide to lign things up with patreons guidelines which drastically changes the content in my opinion
    Of course after years of milking fans... why am i not surprised, i guess they think that most people subscribed forgot about it and the sub still going on.
    the game still looks 5 star tho
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is too barebones .

    The positives is the gear system and that is about it, although the stamina system does have potential to allow for super attacks and escaping groups of enemies.

    Honestly, I'd say that it's better to wait for the game to have more content before testing it.