Visually this game is gorgeous, animations are great as wel. Story wise it is okay. The character writing could be better. The choices in the way you play with your 'wards' is good and interesting. But then you can't with the Russian chick, that's a miss imo.
MC is the self-centered, entitled, 'good guy' in a what looks to become a (incest) Harem game. Now look, I enjoy harem games: plenty of sex and silly wish fulfillment: but they are stupid fantasy by default. If you want believable characters in a harem game, you just can't mix that with complex personalities. If all the girls/women end up being 'love interests' (read that as 'fuckholes') standing inline sharing MC cock, whatever intricate backstory characters have becomes annoying exposition, like porn that comes with a obligated bedside story. It'll end up trash like WVM. (although I doubt it will become that bad) Personally I would have liked it better if the devs stuck with the total 5 girls from the previous update instead of adding another 3 into the mix with the last update....
The quality is good but 7 Months wait for this is just not worth keeping an active eye on it.