
Active Member
Oct 4, 2017
has anyone else gotten an antivirus false-positive with this? I have never gotten a false-positive with a Ren'Py game before, but it deleted the file and is telling me to restart my computer to quarantine the game


Feb 14, 2018
Ok I’ll bite... what’s an SJW?
PS: I’m not a fan of rape scenes. Sleep sex maybe, but not violence against women. Some men need a good ass kicking.

You may have to spell it out to avoid deletion. Example: En-Tee-Are.
SJW is short for Social Justice Warrior, a phrase which has become something of a deragotory in America (and likely else where, but not in the habit of speaking of other nations), pointed at overly sensitive librial prone idealists. Includes negitive connetations towards Socialism and typically used by Conseritive party members (Read Republican party members) used against any pro-equality defender. Intended to imply that the person is overly reactionary against anything that might be deemed offensive towards another (typically a minority / women, etc).

Roughly equal to the older internet term "White Knighting".

On topic, man watching this blow up on gaming sites was amusing, though ultimately more destructive attention towards steam testing the waters for adult gaming. Keep that shit calm for 2-3 years, THEN start testing the water with harder themes. Also, do it with a game with real fucking renders (or like, an art aesthtic? Not some shit out of the box garbage?). I'm fine with heavy themes, but man these look bad, and what I can tell of the game play, its no pulling any weight either.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
Honestly, I think the dev knew that his game was pretty shit, and he figured that if he made a controversy on purpose, people would pay attention to it and some people would buy the game just to stick it to the SJW.

That's really the only reason why there was this whole shit storm, and why he named the game Rape Day. I mean, Steam already has quite a few games with rape in it, most of it Japanese eroge. And they are smart enough to have the name of the game be something generic and make sure the descriptions are all clean.
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New Member
Dec 29, 2018
I don't have a problem with the content as I've play Japanese games with far more rape with said rape being some of the tamer things in those games. The problem is this game is just not that good. I had trouble simply getting past the renders.


New Member
Jul 23, 2017
why cant i play i keep getting could not execute c:\users\appdata\local\temp\rar...... is it missing error


Jul 25, 2017
Man this complete trash of a game, if you can even call it that its more of a shitty slideshow where a fat fuck rapes everything
That's the whole point. The creator is just taking a stab at steam's new policies. Doesn't matter to them if it's good or not, as long as it gets past the checks and makes it onto the store.


Dec 31, 2016
That's the whole point. The creator is just taking a stab at steam's new policies. Doesn't matter to them if it's good or not, as long as it gets past the checks and makes it onto the store.
A couple of articles I read said the game had been in development for two years. If that's true, I'm guessing he started out with the intention of making a good game, realized it was hard, then decided to go the controversy route.
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Feb 11, 2019
Ignoring the title because plenty of games on here have rape in them.
The plot sucked.
It took 10 minutes to play through for me. Yes, I read fast.
I didn't spend much time looking at the sub par out date graphics with less than attractive characters which tend to make the game more nasty than anything.
I see he has the game up on their website for $15 hell at $0 I'm feeling like maybe I should be compensated for having read it.
Science fiction is one thing this is more fiction than someone who understand science.
Where are all the partial eaten zombies that should be going around.
The virus would needed to have gone airborn immediately otherwise it wouldn't have spread real far very short incubation period and then the creature eats you. No group of people would realized they could try and work on the base of the creatures sexual desires they simply would tried to kill them. Why is it every character other than the main seems to have an IQ less than 70.
The main isn't much better.

Yea, I'm done suffice to say this is one of the worst games I wasted time on. There are worse but this one is pretty far down the list I already deleted it don't plan on ever revisiting it. It would pretty much need to be rewritten from scratch.
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Reactions: Nottravis


Active Member
Oct 23, 2017
Not a good game that would have been buried under the heaps of other not so good games if not for the outrage culture of today which basically gave this game free advertising.
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Reactions: Fragmandk


Jan 24, 2019
A poor game (not bad, not good either) although a perfect case study on media and corporate manipulation.

I think the author wanted it banned from Steam (and really with the media uproar - as overblown as it was - Valve did not really have much of a choice) since "banned" seems to be his marketing method. Frankly, I think Valve should've rejected it on poor quality but, again, not much choice with the media whipped in a frenzy. Truly a masterclass in PR.


Active Member
May 31, 2018
Once the dev gets kicked off of Steam, though, what's his alternative platform for selling it? Maybe "too hot for Steam" is a selling point in the dev's mind, but how's he going to get it advertised? It's honestly too bad that we can't ever get trustworthy sales numbers out of the guy. I'd really love to see if this kind of "advertising" is actually effective. It'd be a sort of metric of how much the everyman wants to play this sort of game--people who'd go through the trouble of searching for it and buying it from some guy's personal website. It'd be more interesting than useful commercially, I think.

This game reminds me of a bit. The heroine of that game didn't seem to be a rapist and murderer, but then she up and randomly rapes a little kid, thinks to her self "oh no I did it again," and then murders him to cover it up presumably because dead bodies vanish in video games. I don't think that dev was trying to sell on controversy--it was just a crappy game.


Oct 30, 2017
The only selling point is how "hardcore" this game is, and considering where i'm posting this, i imagine all of us have visited much darker regions of the internet. Reminds me of a shooter game that came out a few years back that played up it's controversy to drum up interest and disguise that it was a shit game.
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