I really like the subtle imperfections in Sharon's character. On the surface, she seems like a great mentor and ally. However, she is not perfect by any means. She is way too giddy about her Archonship, and it's quite possible that it could get to her head. It may also mean that she may not be able to fully command the authority of the position due to her inexperience, mistakes, or young age (I think she is a bit young for a leadership role?).
Yep. The leadership role is more of a "gift" to the MC then to Sharon. Vampire politics is cutthroat and Sharon doesn't have a prayer of holding onto it without the MC's help. Nevertheless making a newborn vampire an archon would be tantamount to putting up a huge neon "Eat me for a power up" sign above the MC. Sharon getting it is a bit more plausible, if still a bit of a stretch. Now there is a neon sign above Sharon's head saying "I'm either far craftier then I pretend, or I'm somebody powerful's pet, maybe both." Vampire's are cautious predators. Her rivals won't overtly attack her until they get a good sense of the potential blowback and decide it's safe to do so. They will still send pawns to destabilize her territory and otherwise test her though.
Her "blindspot" that is Astrid is also quite clearly being discussed. And she is way too quick to dismiss what the MC is saying, which shows inflexibility and arrogance.
Yep, Astrid certainly is a big blind spot of Sharon's. I'm glad Andrew backed the MC up.
If we ever go against Sharon or try to usurp her (I think Calisto suggested something like this?), I will feel bad for Andrew more than anything.
Calisto assumed that the MC would find Sharon as irritating as she does, and urged the MC not to kill Sharon as she's still useful to him.
I want to dispel soul rot.
Vampires can not digest normal food.
Eggs are a high producer of Sulphur which is smelly. When combined with Hydroxide it is very smelly. The food in the stomach of a vampire is rotting merrily away, until they barf it up. So they Can consume food, it just doesn't go anywhere.
Hopefully this dispels the rumor that one of the most basic uses of vampire seduction powers would somehow lead to the rotting of his soul.
As much as I'd normally be inclined to agree with you here, I just can't, not given what occurs in the game. MC's who eat food but don't Whisper Miri into having sex are free of this issue. Only those who Whisper her into sex experience the bad breath problem.
The update was produced during a time of self admitted turmoil in LikesBlondes life, so I chalk up the mis-spelling and brevity to that.
It's not just a misspelling. Only MC's who have sex with Miri have the bad breath problem, as the variable checked by the code got set when the MC mind whammies her into having sex. Maybe it's a bug, that's certainly possible, but if you think it is then I strongly urge you as a patron to report it so it can be fixed.
The reveal of her installment, as well as Astrid having to come clean and or pay the price for the unforgivable sin should be quite juicy. I think that it will be a time when either I am vindicated that she was the critter in the woods, perhaps in a naughty bloodline's battle form, or some other explanation. Or I will be cast out as being full of vampire poo.

Just teasing.

Quite a bit of your theorizing is further out into speculation territory than I care to go, but even broken clocks are right twice a day. So it's not impossible.
Someone mentioned (again) Sharon's skeptical thoughts regarding what the MC has told her, and stated that her age might have jaded her. She is a teenager amongst vampires. Also she has zero experience with truly powerful bloodlines.
I'll second or third that, whatever the case may be.
A toreador does not treat her captive to the kinds of bruises Gregor exhibits. Tzimisce..... yeah and worse...Toreador Antitribu maybe...Astrid is not what she presents herself to be.... she is Darker.
Astrid is certainly something dark, but the Camarilla does have its share of Toreador elders who are as abusive as they are jaded. They don't need to join the Sabbat to turn torture into an art form. The Camarilla has its own version of Don't Ask Don't Tell for elders and ancilla with monstrous urges. As long as what happens in an elder's dungeon stays in the elder's dungeon the Camarilla tends to turn a blind eye. Torturing and murdering mortals isn't against the Traditions. Heck, torturing and murdering their own vampire children technically isn't against the Traditions as long as their children haven't been presented to the local prince yet. It's certainly an abuse of the spirit of the Tradition of Accounting, and potentially damaging politically, but not a violation. As the Sabbat are quick to point out, Camarilla rules favor decadent elders over their often more worthy childer.
Calisto is the head of a Pagan temple dedicated to the old gods, this pretty much firms up the opinion that she is Artemis' childe or grand childe and Artemis is the Vision Girl.
MC Vision of Sharon being on her throne of stone, being engulfed by Calisto is definitely foreshadowing. More to follow I am sure.
Feral Nos almost certainly related to Markus-likely sire.
Possibly. I don't think we have any evidence either way yet.
And Merrick is following Markus' orders to stay hidden in Nos secret lair.
You'd think Markus would be aware and unworried then.
MC is already thinking of thralling Carmen to protect her from Sharon. Read his stuff carefully.
If he's treated her well, then he's looking at her as a potential thrall. If he's treated her as merely food, then he's thinking of her as a potential blood doll. This is the one choice we've made in the game that has had an effect on the MC's behavior in update 8.
Laurie is moving up in the queue for an embrace, the tension is growing to the point that it might be her only salvation.
While it's certainly possible, I'm not really seeing or feeling the sort of tension you're referring to.
Investiture is also almost guaranteed to host at least one, if not more than one battle. Andrew and Southern Archon, MC vs Astrid, and possibly more. Markus and Marcius, Sharon and ????
Nah, the battles between the guests will be entirely verbal as they'll be on their best behavior for the Investiture. Too many very important vampires that matter will be there watching. If there is a battle it will be because the party got crashed by a bunch of rebels opposed to the power structure, ie. something like the Sabbat.
Frank possibly making a debut and bonding to MC????
If and when Frank shows up it will be a sign that Artemis's awakening is about to become a much more significant plot point.
This update was extremely important. Sharon is completely disarmed and distracted, so whatever benefit she brings to the table is going to have a hard time surfacing.
Sharon brings legitimacy to the table. Having an archon's backing in his pocket is highly useful to the MC, even if he has to prop her up.
I do not think she can defeat Astrid,
I doubt she could do it alone either. Her heart wouldn't be in the fight.
and I think MC is going to have to do it, but I think it will be the initial play in the reveal of an invasion of the city from a rival faction.
That's one of several possibilities.