There were a ton of complaints about Doreen, and all the other girls.I'm scrolling through the comments looking for any complains and, honestly, having a hard time finding any. No high praise either but no complaints. I think most people there just know that there might be girls that's not to their taste and that's okay. Not everything has to be for them.
You have been on F95 for a long time. You should realize that F95 mods come into threads and nuke whole pages of comments sometimes when things get heated or off topic. Not to mention this thread is 1877 pages long with lots of random conversation. Highly doubt you manage to read all the complaints other than a few surface level ones.
Also 70% of the conversation is always about which girl is next, which easily buries the conversations about the actual art quality, especially since Oni never rolls out all the poses in 1 update but breaks them up into 2-3 updates that are 6 months apart. Not to mention there isn't much discussion about the art quality after initial complaints because most of us realize there is nothing we can do about it. Oni is his own boss and isn't held accountable to anyone, so if he decides to turn out low quality stuff, there is no one there to tell him no. There are tons of games that are either abandoned, or just straight up milking it that have consistently high patreons like Pandorium.
Also the standing art is always generally always good (or at least fine) in my opinion even if I don't like the character design, and that is generally all people see and vote on. It is the sex poses that are the abominations cause of how low quality they are or how completely inconsistent the proportions are. For instance Jubilee had a ton of complaints about her feet literally covering up her pussy and ass during the sex poses. I remember Jubilee also had to have her pussy completely changed because of how it was drawn when first released. Can't remember who but one of the girls had a detached floating pussy when they were first released, I think it was Jean, which Oni had to completely redo like 3 updates later after the fact.
Oni also has the habit of randomly changing stuff without mentioning it in the change logs where he often retroactively changes the shading on certain body parts and makes it slowly worse and worse (Rogue, Kitty, Jubilee are all notable victims of this). Similar to how George Lucas kept randomly retroactively adding more CGI abominations to each release of Star Wars.
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