It's a solid game; however, any rating above average seems an injustice to truly superior titles. If you're interested in the overall story, try the "let's see all the h-scenes" playthrough, and you'll be satisfied.
The story and characters are well-rounded and enjoyable. Unfortunately, as many RPG Maker games struggle with being little more than walking simulators, splitting the map into X-by-Y rectangles only adds to the dullness. This is further underscored by a map that leaves you with a "where the fuck am I exactly, and where should I go?" mindset.
I would say that the possibility to roleplay through various dialogue options is nice; however, it would be helpful to know which options advance the dialogue and which do not, as this is not always apparent. Secondly—this might be a personal issue—how can one attempt a religious playthrough when there's no clear implication of what the religion is about, even if you start as a templar? When visiting the church in Oakshire, the only impression you get is that it essentially means being a dick, as one preacher complains about having no time for you, an injured templar speaks of some purity, and on the other side there's a nun "helping" three guys with her tits.
The story and characters are well-rounded and enjoyable. Unfortunately, as many RPG Maker games struggle with being little more than walking simulators, splitting the map into X-by-Y rectangles only adds to the dullness. This is further underscored by a map that leaves you with a "where the fuck am I exactly, and where should I go?" mindset.
I would say that the possibility to roleplay through various dialogue options is nice; however, it would be helpful to know which options advance the dialogue and which do not, as this is not always apparent. Secondly—this might be a personal issue—how can one attempt a religious playthrough when there's no clear implication of what the religion is about, even if you start as a templar? When visiting the church in Oakshire, the only impression you get is that it essentially means being a dick, as one preacher complains about having no time for you, an injured templar speaks of some purity, and on the other side there's a nun "helping" three guys with her tits.