RPGM - Completed - Roundscape Adorevia [v6.8 Steam] [Arvus Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    abso har

    Best RPGM game I've played and one of the best games here in general. I've done nothing but play this game for like a week, exploring as much as I could. Love the futa and trap content, but as with greed there can always be more lol. Also a few bugs. AND WHY DOES KATELYN NOT SHOW UP IN THE FINAL FEAST
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Roundscape aderovia is the best rpg Hentai game.
    I played this game year after year and the upgredes continue to arrive!
    I tried different rpg, but a lot of them has problem to create e complete story like this game.
    Thank you for this creation
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It has a good story, good artwork and very good spelling and grammar.

    I really like the game mechanics, but its a tad bit grindy.

    This would've been an amazing game if not for the sex scenes.
    Dont get me wrong, the sex itself in the game is not the issue, the issue is that for a game that doesn't even have the "Voyeurism" tag, it features mostly just voyeurism stuff. I started a new game, the firs 3 sex scenes were voyeurism content.
    I'm not into sitting in a corner beating my meat like a loser while 2 or more people go at it.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Grindy and honestly it feels like I am playing an MMO at times.
    Typical RPGM walking simulator syndrome.
    Has choices but they are tied to a shallow morality system. Like a cartoony caricature of people. Often the choice is between the morality of clark kent or the joker, I would rather something more natural in between.

    Art is the best thing going for this game, but too much grinding between scenes. And the scenes are all over the place in terms of fetishes. So unless you have a very wide palette expect few scenes to actually appeal to you.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Chrollo Vosk

    Great story, great characters, great scenes. Love the base building and the theme customisation. Love the combat and different classes. Love the progression rate. Love the item & upgrades system. One of my favourite RPGs I've ever played, adult or not.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Lolicon Kami

    Has gamebreaking bug. Enough said. Dev doesn't want to fix it even after two months of release, expects the player to fix it. Unprofessional mindset.

    To fix bug, open the /www/js/plugins.js with a text editor and set the YEP_X_Autosave plugin to false. Otherwise, the game repeatedly keeps on deleting your save files. You must also procure your own tools to fix bug; for windows I used atom.

    That being said, aside from the bug, this RPG is everything one can wish for. hot characters, lots of options,
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This used to be one of my favourite projects. It's a shame to see it in the current state after so many years of development. Buggy, with AI generated CGs, and with some major downsides (like questlog) still not worked on.

    On the other hand, some of the most interesting worlds to explore, could give some SFW games a run for its money, fun quests, loveable characters, decent gameplay for a RpgMaker JRPG. The only JRPG I actually played from start to end without cheats.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    game was decent then the devs spiraled and replaced images with shitty ai when they could have easily paid for art being some of the more funded porn game projects on patreon. also rather buggy. it is a shame
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v6.1

    Overall a decent RPGM game that will keep you hostage with tens of hours. Roundscape got pretty good story with a large variety of characters and sexual scenes, it even went further then most and added both genders as a fully fleshed out option for both.
    Where this game does take a hit is the quests, put simply, its impossible to do questing without a walkthrough. The reason for that is the fact that the devs barely provide relevant info for how to find the quest, the requirements for it and when you can and cannot do it because the story progression stage, the fact that you have to rely on external third part resources to even get most out of this game is a major flaw.

    One other part of this game that chipped away a star from me was the fact that this game is bloated, there is so much here, but its all buggy and disorganized. The art is made by MANY different artists, which disoriented me because of the vast quality and artistic differences packed so tightly. When it comes to the bugs, better make sure you are saving often with a lot of different save slots, because you will get clapped and soft locked either now or later down the line.

    Overall, Roundscape is a good game that is slowly being killed with more content and poorer optimization, a lot like TiTS.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I would say this game is a 3.5/5 But to be fairer I've bumped it up to a 4 for simplicities sake. So, to start off, Roundscape was one of my favorite games when it first came out, offering a wide range of kinks that I still think is unmatched by most modern games. I can't think of many other games that offer monsters, futa, beasts, traps and everything inbetween. Not only does it offer that variety but in a rather fleshed out way. So, if it has all those, why isn't it a 5/5 game?

    Mainly because, the gameplay has somehow gotten worse with each update. To an almost shocking and frustrating degree. I'll give a list of pros and cons with some final thoughts after.

    The Pro's.

    As I said in the opening, the game is probably unmatched in variety. The only game I can think of with similar variety is Legend of Queen Opala and I would say the scenes in this hit better. (Art styles is up to preference on that one. Since both games use varied art.) It was always fun wondering what I would run into. Even if I had finished the game years ago, with all the updates I was usually running into something new. It also has a fleshed out female character story if you're into that. One with its own large variety of images and scenes. The large variety does mean that some people may be turned off by certain things but most scenes have a back out option anyway, so its not a huge deal.

    Story: The story is pretty interesting, having a colorful cast of characters with their own interests and objectives. I think the core team of side characters is a strong aspect as well, giving a lot of unique options.

    Number of scenes: This game has a ton of content, a lot that you will miss in your playthroughs. Some because you might not have met requirments and others because of bugs.....

    Mid Aspects.

    Ai art:
    This was something that surprised me. I get why they did it, but AI art is something I expect from smaller publishers with no funding, not from a bigger game developer. While I'm not a fan of AI art, I will admit "some scenes" did look better in that style. Although, the better look came at a cost of making it look rather plain in some moments. I found elves always looked a little off in the ai style, with big cartoony eyes.

    Still, it's not the worst way I've seen it implemented. It's just hit or miss. It will come down to preference on which scenes you think look better or worse being done that way. It is a little disappointing to see AI art used but given the age of the game, i get it, even if I don't entirely agree with it.

    The cons

    Quest log:
    This is the most painful aspect of the game. Want to do a quest later? Well, I hope you remember the specific location and character you need to meet cause the quest log sure as hell won't. I probably missed a few quests in this game just because the log didn't bother to record them. This is infuriating, especially when your half way through a quest and can't remember where you were in it. It basically forced me to have to do whatever quest I got as soon as I recieved it.

    From what I saw, the main quests always appear in the log, but with the large number of side quests, it becomes hard to keep track of the side content.

    Personally, I think it would be nice if they implemented a way of viewing what quests are in the area. A permenant quest log that the player can access. Yes, it might spoil the steps in a quest and spoil scenes, but it would be helpful in making sure the player doesn't miss things. Even if its just an optional thing that can be turned on for people that want it. I would have loved to be able to just go into the menu and see what quests are in an area before leaving. It would save time and it would solve the quest log not adding quests to it.

    Bugs: There were a few times in which I needed to use Mtool to activate certain quests. Quests that I only knew existed because I had played it previously. I can only imagine how hard it would be to play as a new player, with content and characters being easily missed if you don't check certain locations. For the most part the bugs don't affect the overall gameplay, just mainly locked me out of side content. Also had a weird glitch where the Yakotin crystal didn't work so I had to walk their everytime.

    Closing thoughts.

    While this game frustrates me, I still have a lot of fun playing it. I'm pretty certain I will probably come back to replay it at some point too. it just disappoints me that this game could easily be so much better if a few small things were fixed. The quest log alone would solve a lot of problems. Hopefully with enough bug fixes this game finds itself in a better state but even in its current form theres a lot to enjoy. Some people might say I'm being too easy on the game but I think it's rare to see this much variety in a game. That aspect alone I think is worth celebrating, even if it comes with painful bugs.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    It not only get patched into oblivion now presenting more bugs and problems than ever, it's also a game with a dev making way above 20K a month and yet they still go and put ugly AI art into their game.

    Honestly one of worst turns a Hgame i liked took. Revoked my patreon, deleted it from my drive and unfollowed this thread. If you dont care that a dev gives a shit about their community aand their opinion give it a go it's basically the nsfw version of Blizzard at this point.

    The Game itself was great andcould get good again but because I don't see that happening it get's a 1 Star from me since for me personally it's dead.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I wasn’t about to rate this game, but recent activity here kinda forced me to do so. If it was on me, I’d give this game 4*. But I feel like we need to balance things out.

    Seems like many people are blinded by hating on devs and so they hate on this game much more than deserved. Recent ratings are so many 1* and 2* are you serious?

    This game is loaded with content and is completed. Many quests, many kinks, there is some fun everywhere you look. About kinks there are plenty I don’t like, doesn’t mean I’m gonna hate on them, especially when all of them are avoidable. Don’t like bestiality? You don’t have to watch those scenes. Don’t like futa? You don’t have to recruit futa companions. Don’t like FMM? You don’t have to rectuit male companions etc. Feeling like missing out on content? Don’t worry there is shitload of content even without things you don’t like.

    Too much hate on AI art.. it is true, that it only shows how lazy and cheap devs are and you know what? Fuck them. There are few scenes which were crippled by AI art, that’s true. But there was also shitload of ugly ass art which got massively improved by AI. For example Clawyns’ scene in tent, I had nightmares for months from that original shitty art, now it looks very good.

    Since we talk about devs, I have no clue how they can get so much support on patreon, since they are clearly dissapointing their fanbase over and over again. Lowest tier 10 bucks? ROFL. If those suckers don’t mind paying them monthly 10 bucks dispite being displeased with their work, good for them. I dropped 10 bucks once there just to say thanks for this game. Saying that there is no real work or effort put into this game... you have no clue how difficult is to create something like this, there was tons of work put into this game, even tho their proper effort seem to dissapeared few years back.

    Combat system is actually done fairly good, despite many people complaining about it. If you are here for story and/or scenes you can make one-shot machine to make combat encounters a breeze easily without cheats. If you like challenging combat you can challenge yourself by using less overpowered classes or not using gems or by whatever you want...
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Game gets worse with each update rather than better.
    Some of the most arrogant and petty developers in existence that detest any feedback from the community that doesn’t fit their view of things.

    Their view of things the majority of people dislike.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Somehow funny, that one of my first beloved h-games will be also one of my first one star reviews. Most of the stuff has been already coverd by man others. Story is alright, charakters are medicroe etc. It's an h-game after all, don't ecpect to much.

    What killed me was the newly released "gold" edition. Let's not talk about the bugs, the blackscreens, the autosafe, that litterlay overwrites your last saves instead of having an own slot. No.

    Let's talk about AI. For a game, that makes cloese to 20k Dollar a month using soulless AI to "improve" the artstyle of the game is somehow ridiculous funny. They literally killed their own heart with this shit. Not to mention, that the AI prompts are sooo freaking bad, every ten year old could do it better. The penis of the prota looks like some bad dragon dildo, the faces looks like someone sucked their sould out etc. I'm not general against AI, but here the person who used it had absolutly no clue how to do a prompt.

    So do yourselfs a favour and skip this shit.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Roundscape Adorevia 6.1 is an excellent game in terms of content. In terms of fetishes, it explores many of them in a funny way. Basically, you can find a bit of everything and choose to be part of everything and everyone. I really have no complaints about the ecchi aspect of the game, it's excellent. I think the content is very polished, and I don't mind that the art is sometimes inconsistent. In fact, I prefer it that way to avoid getting bored of the same type of art. However, now there's AI-generated art that doesn't fit well.

    However, in terms of gameplay, the game has many problems. Most of the team's abilities are useless. It's only necessary for the protagonist to hit quickly, hard, twice, and hit all the enemies, while the team members just need to resist hits. The dungeons are difficult to navigate due to unnecessary dark fog, the maps don't make sense either in terms of navigation or aesthetics. The morality and corruption systems are wasted, getting new weapons with mediocre enhancements or no special abilities to differentiate them, all this undermine everything that the exploration of fetishes achieved through art. Not to mention certain bugs.

    In summary, it's a very good game deserving of 5 stars, but it has a combat and navigation system that doesn't function as it should. It would benefit from a redesign, as simply adding more content doesn't make it more enjoyable, especially drift away from AI-generated art. Also needs a new game+ option to play as male/female once you have finished the game.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Wow, This used to be one of my fav H-games, the game i would point to to say "If you want a quality example of a indie game, there it is", but now... I can't even bring myself to play this garbage. They made the early game combat worse by a larg margin, having to run back to bas to heal after every fight is NOT good game design. For some obscure reason they decided to replace random cgs... GOOD cgs, with AI generated, soul-less garbage. And yes, instead of fixing bugs, just added more to the pile. MIght be even worse than I think though, don't know, stopped re-playing it when I saw my favourite scene was assimilated by the borg.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I came back to this game after a long absence, hoping it would be new again. The reason I left is because I felt the main story was already complete, but was becoming bloated with patreon-pleasing DLC addons while neglecting areas already present yet clearly incomplete. When developers go off their roadmap like this is when I stop following them.

    Since my old saves were no longer valid, I started with a reproduction of my first character. But the early game grind is like nothing I remember, it wasn't this difficult to achieve enough survivability to get the plot rolling! This game padding is more excusable when content is still lean, but now that there's a wealth of content and little reason to morsel it out, it's pretty despicable.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Ruined a classic. 2 stars, not 1, because I would have given it a 4 last year, and I'm a sap like that.

    Game used to be one of the biggest, most innovative lewd games on RPGMaker. Sure it had inconsistent art, and was generally not 100% polished, but it was pretty damn good. They should have just left it alone like they said they would.

    Consistent plotlines, creative party members and interactions. For it's time, it really stepped up and delivered where most games this expansive and lofty would have given up a third of the way through. For a generic fantasy game, it was fucking dope man.

    Had a pretty fun combat mechanic, with lots of classes that were easy to find, and a couple that were pretty rp/quest specific that felt really cool to uncover and learn to use! Plus, it had potential for breaking wide open if you abused cores/glyphs to make some insane builds, for those who wanted to just nuke combat and get right to fuckin'. A *wide* swathe of kinks and possible scenes for a variety of playstyles and preferences. You could really have a great time no matter what you were into.

    This last update really kicked the dead horse into a paste. They somehow multiplied the bugs ad infinitum, smeared a learning algorithm over the more questionable art and made it bland shit, and made the whole thing an effort in futility to even care about. I truly cannot quantify just how disappointed I am. It's so bad, I regret ever caring or supporting this game on Patreon.

    Rest in piss, Kal. Hope your next project bombs.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Roundscape Adorevia has been a completed game for quite some time. It's a huge game, and despite being completed, it always had more updates pumped out. It didn't really matter because what previously existed was still there, and the game was and is quite fun, with several different ways to play (that are really not that different further down the line but that make for an interesting attempt and will at least get you to play the beginning a couple times).

    The complaints Adorevia always has had for me were two: the art was noticeably inconsistent, and with several differing art styles, to the point that it was very hit or miss whether you'd like the art in a scene you were waiting for which could ruin the experience - which is tolerable and easily understood on such a massive game that is also several years old; and the combat being a bit too weird or grindy at times.

    I don't hate AI and I frankly don't give a shit whether or not you use it or not in your games, development, or whatever else you want. However, it is undeniable that AI art is consistently not of the same quality as an actual artist, particularly on details.

    Swapping existing, good art for AI art is simply making a conscious effort to make your game worse. Roundscape Adorevia has suffered with massive art discrepancies since forever, and the AI art change doesn't even fix all of them either way, so now not only is the art still in discrepancy, but you've also turned some of it into worse versions; or, even if the same or marginally better in the opinion of some, you still got rid of the old one forever for little to no reason while fixing absolutely none of the other issues in the game.

    As such, there is no other way to treat this update (6.1) than as a step backwards.
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    Uncle Iroh

    The game was great, had a whole lot of soul. Then they release the final "final" version replacing original art with AI art.

    Sure it comes down to preference, but why would you have a completed game, with all that drawn original art, then spit in the face of those artists by recreating it with ai, and not even provide the option to allow people to play with the original art. It's just stealing all the soul from the game.